Goodly evening folks...
Thanks of the best comments I have ever had. I try to post some shots to the best of my recollection from real life experiences.
Where I run into a problem is with this electronic gizmo, it really does not replicate flying. Have been told that this is a high end machine but it still does not do justice to real flying.
When I filled in to do some bush flying from our regular routine it was always fun. We had a great airline that posted our flying schedule sixty to ninety days in advance and could be altered by the crew. No unions back then either. Not knocking unions mind you but we had a lot more fun back then.
As always I am getting a little off topic...okay a whole bunch off topic.
I can remember starting to fly at 05:30 or thereabouts and loading passengers on the old stoneboat "Otter" or Consolidated Canso "pigboat" and doing one or two trips with fishermen or hunters until the fog rolled in.
We then all went for breakfast.
There were times we had to overnight at a camp and that was great...Most of the time they were Americans and with the Vietnam War going on some of them had more time in the air than I did. I drank with a good many American Military Aviators until the wee hours of the morning.
Met a lot of folks and some great friendships still exist today.
Ramp Rats and Dockies were the backbone of the operation. Without them nothing would move and with our outfit everyone one started off in that position and it did not matter if you had an Air Transport Rating or not. You learned the basics and sometimes had to eat a little crow.
Been there, done that and got the dam pention and watch for it.
I do not knock flying however I do try to point out to all the young folks and some others that aviation is not all money in the bank. Never was and never will be and I hope some of the other aviators on here like Brett and a few others will post what flying is really like.
It is not what hollywood portrays...believe me.
Flying is all about education, learning something new every day, tolerance, patience and so much more that folks like Brett and "C" can tell you better than what I can.
Thanks Bob for the comment and sorry to get so far off topic and ramble on.
Hi Mathewdev...
Your shots are fantastic and you are the type that helps everyone out. That I can personally vouch for.
Cheers...Happy Landings...Doug
P.S. American Beer...humbug...we used to drink those American Marines and Army Engineers under the table all the competition...however...the American United State Air Force Aviator was a challenge...