My tips on how improve European sceneries.
I installed McClelland UK sceneries.
1. I added Ian Elliot London upgrade and Mathias CFS1 airbases o my European Theater.
2. Then I added the European Coast line to my install.
3. I also install the BOB selfinstall scenery by Gary Bums.
4. I also went downloaded Simouthouse Europe Mesh at their backup site.
5. You can either install Sim-outhouse or Netwings sceneries Mesh. They both are of very good quality. Its up to you.
6. part two: Last but not least I recommend you down load McClelland European Scenery for CFS2. Its a must if you really want to improve this program sceneries up to grade. With his sceneries you will not only have Cities and forest but also roads.
7. You must install this European Texure upgrade. Its the best one in my humble opinion.
8. You get a cities upgrade right here in this Web. It will not make the cities look more real from 1000 feet and below but it make them look better from 1000Ft and above.
I hate CFS2 clouds. Thanks to our members there are some new clouds available as well.You can get the one from Sim-outhouse call Stiz Clouds or LW clouds. Its you choice. I have install them both in different install that I have. You also download a new Sun.
I forgot Stiz European Water. This is also a must.
9. mp;FileType=cfs2-scenery&page=downloads&ammm=15&pap=2
Europe has neve looked so good in this program
You can also add Seasonal Texutures at Avsim.
They are call cfs2hw.cfs2sp,cfs2su,scfswi,and cfs2fa.Look for them through the search engine at AvSim.Warning you will have to do it Manualy, but its real easy and lots of fun once you figure it out.
10 This are Genenral upgrades. There are more specific area upgrades that are also available for you pleasure.
I want to Thank this Website and the others like Netwings and Sim-ouhouse and all the Sceneries Developers and smaller Websites for Helping us enjoy this program with your talent. Without out your help this program would not have been the joy it is today.
PS my next post on this subject will be on the Pacific Theater.
On to the Pacific Theater.