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CFS2 and CH rudder pedals (Read 375 times)
Apr 20th, 2006 at 9:07pm

Gringo6   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 288
I've asked this question before but haven't received any answers so I'll try again.

Is anybody out there using CH rudder pedals in CFS2 ?

My pedals work just fine in F/S 2k4 and 2k2 but will not work in CFS2.

Is it just me  or is there some basic incompatability between CFS2 and CH rudder pedals ?

Looking for your answer.

BillA (aka Gringo6)
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Reply #1 - Apr 21st, 2006 at 7:10am

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241

I used to use CH Pro Pedals (USB) with CFS2 for both rudder and differential left and right braking to great effect.

No idea why they shouldn't be working for you... have never heard of an issue.

Best of luck solving your problem - the chaps at the forums might be able to help.

All the best,


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Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2006 at 10:20am

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241
Have just had a thought re this issue. Are your pedals part of a CH virtual combined 'single 8-axis, 32 button' stick (as created using the CH Control Manager Wizard)?

If this is the case, then you may no longer have working brakes. I found it better to use the three 'sticks' - fighterstick, throttle, and pedals separately - no problems then.

All the best,

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Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2006 at 10:26am

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241
Have just had a thought - re this issue. Are your pedals part of a CH virtual combined 'single 8-axis, 32 button' stick (as created using the CH Control Manager Wizard)?

If this is the case, then you may no longer have working brakes. I found it better to use the three 'sticks' - fighterstick, throttle, and pedals separately - no problems then, just a bit more fiddly during set up and control assignment,

All the best,

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Reply #4 - Jun 15th, 2006 at 3:37am

IndioBlack   Offline

Posts: 266
Hey Gringo!

I use a combination of CH YoKe, CH Pedals, CH Pro Throttle and Two CH Quad Throttles in CFS2. If I'm flying a fighter, I swap out the Yoke and use the CH Combatstick.

I use the CH Control Manager, and designate them as five separate controllers, rather than combining them.
CFS2 will recognise five separate controllers, so I can make use of all the buttons.

Fortunately, I have had no problems with this set-up, and you really shouldn't with yours.

Padser's advice about visiting the CH Hangar is solid - they are extremely helpful out there.
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