I am about to upgrade / build a new system so will not pay for FS-GS yet but... I did go to the website and download the free tweak. I could average 20 maybe 23 on a nice day but would drop to 3 - 4 fps when hitting with FRAPS. After using this tweak and omega drivers I was seeing 40fps, I actually got 20 at one point with FRAPS recording
. and for the first time ever was able to have graphics maxed , go into spot mode and just spin around the plane with out freezing and with smoth lines.
Also the ground scenery has vastly improved as has the clouds.
For me I am sold, can't wait to get mine tweaked by Michael.
Bit confused, I just read that aparently FS doesn't support sli??? was going to build new system around FS using sli
Can anyone explain why this cannot be done?
Trying to find the link for omega drivers as they do Nvidia aswell as ATI but have lost it, will post when I find it.
Can't find the link here on FS, as I read about them here, but here is the website...
http://www.omegadrivers.net/ FSautostart is a well known program. Although I did use it during my FS-GS service, I do not use it now. (in my opinion) It is designed for older systems that do not run 2GB+ of memory and are not considered high end systems. It is NOT designed to shut down services 100% correctly but it will release memory and CPU cycles on systems that cannot handle all the background activity and the 3D application at the same time. The only thing I use FSautostart for now is a diagnostic tool if I think someting in the background is causing trouble.
If omega drivers work for you, use them... I do not use them and when I have tested them in the past I found my image quality was reduced in order to increase frames, which I do not like. I also found no true performance gain over the factory drivers.