Well as I have talked (bragged) about, the big day has come and gone with many fond memories I'll keep with me forever.
Saturday was our "Salute to Service" remembering the Invasion of Normandy so without getting long winded he are some photos:
First there were prayer services and then a speech given by Stan Brock (founder of Remote Area Medical, and Wild Kingdom fame) pictured here at the podium
While Stan was speaking the familar sound of my favorite aircraft was heard in the distance so I had to step outside to see!
That was one of two C47's gracing the skies, after presentation of colors and National Anthems of the Allied Forces I walked out to see some of the "stars of the show"
A couple of classics
The re-enactment started, the C47's departed
then came the men too clear the way for the safe arrival of the C47s to unoad thier cargo which would have been paratroopers
After the Thunderbolts made sure the coast was clear the C47 made its way to drop the paratroopers to what awaited them on ground
Sorry there were no "jumpers" couldn't get clearance to do so, do to the fact there is a large airport near by
but you could imagine it!