There are many sites that offer a wide variety of help for both amature and expert 3D modelers.
Many sites can help you gain a BASIC understanding of a program's special features. Especially a program like Gmax [which is slowly gaining popularity among those who use MSFS].
Go to:
www.onnovanbraam.comThis website has a HUGE-@55 LOAD of 3-view [even 4 and 5-view] images of almost anything.
The images range from Weapons to Car, from WW1 planes to Modern planes, from ships all the way to even human figures.
The website also has a excellent set of tutorials that can help you utilize most of GMAX's special features.
However, the tutorials always refer to 3D Studio Max. But since Gmax has the same tools and principles as 3D Studio Max, it's no problem for Gmax users.
There is also another site that offers even better tutorials. site doesn't offer 3-view images, but it offers a excellent set of tutorials for those who are interest in making good human figures or anything in relation to that.
It also uses 3D Studio Max for its tutorials.
Trust me. Until I found these two sites, I was a low-level 3D modeler.
However, these sites do not offer any help in regards to export errors or other error messages that pop up.
For technical help in regards to exporting and such, go the links page of simviation. is a good place to start.