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I Don't Like My Prison Cell - this is Inhumane! (Read 289 times)
Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:24pm

Webb   Offline
Go 'Noles!
Morningwood Golf Resort

Posts: 1068
Norwegian mass killer gripes about prison conditions

Anders Breivik, the right-wing Norwegian who massacred 77 people in bomb and gun attacks last year, is unhappy with his new prison home, complaining his cell and coffee are cold, he has no view and he's not allowed skin moisturizer, the BBC reports.

In a 27-page complaint to prison authorities, Breivik declared the conditions "inhumane."

Some other short-comings, according the letter, obtained by the Norwegian paper VG, include: not enough butter for his bread; having to rush his morning shave; handcuffs that are "too sharp," and having to live in a cell that is decorated badly.

Breivik's cell has three sections, each 86 square feet -- one for sleeping, one for study and one for exercising. That makes it bigger than apartments being considered in San Francisco.

"I highly doubt that there are worse detention facilities in Norway," he wrote.


A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work.


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Reply #1 - Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:57pm

BLAZE   Offline
Spring City Pa. United States

Gender: male
Posts: 212
Un.. Real!

I hear the "Injection" room is nice and toasty. And it has a nice big window with
a view.

Why  Is  That  Still  ALIVE?!

"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars"  Cheers George!
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Reply #2 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 1:33am

andy190   Offline
This is the voice of the
Havelock North, NZ

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BLAZE wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:57pm:
Why Is That Still ALIVE?!

Because the death penalty is illegal in most European Countries. And rightly so.


Intel Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450, Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
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Reply #3 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 2:24am

Webb   Offline
Go 'Noles!
Morningwood Golf Resort

Posts: 1068
Why rightly so?

I have my own reasons.  I'd just like to hear yours first.

A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work.


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Reply #4 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 3:08am

andy190   Offline
This is the voice of the
Havelock North, NZ

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Posts: 1368
Webb wrote on Nov 10th, 2012 at 2:24am:
Why rightly so?

I have my own reasons.  I'd just like to hear yours first.

Well I believe that no matter how many people someone kills, the government has no right to kill a human being.

There is no point killing someone just for revenge.

Of course you are entitled your opinions.


Intel Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450, Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
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Reply #5 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 5:03am

expat   Offline
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andy190 wrote on Nov 10th, 2012 at 1:33am:
BLAZE wrote on Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:57pm:
Why Is That Still ALIVE?!

Because the death penalty is illegal in most European Countries. And rightly so.

The death penalty is very much legal in all EU states and can be used at any time. It can be found deep in the pages of the Lisbon treaty. You can be put to death in any EU country for the following acts;
During time of crisis, riotous behaviour linked to the act of bringing down a legitimate government of an EU nation
During crisis being an actively involved in trying to overthrow an EU government.
And the best part, it is not under the control of civil courts, but will be under the direct control of the military and requires no court proceeding to find you guilty. Google (or whatever you use) Lisbon Treaty and the death penalty.......


PETA ... People Eating Tasty Animals.

B1 Boeing 737-800 and Dash8 Q-400
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Reply #6 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 6:16am

Fozzer   Offline
An elderly FS 2004 addict!
Hereford. England. EGBS.

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I think the general consensus is, that some villains should be toasted...

....preferably on both sides...

...and covered with super-heated, melted cheese...

....especially the low-life, R-Sole(s), who stole my precious 1992, Honda CBR 600FM, red and black motor-bike, out of my front garden, in 1997.

Some Folks deserve to be seriously toasted*....

Paul... Wink...!

* My trusty Gas Cooker is always at the ready... Wink... Wink...!


Dell Dimension 5000 BTX Tower. Win7 Home Edition, 32 Bit. Intel Pentium 4, dual 2.8 GHz. 2.5GB RAM, nVidia GF 9500GT 1GB. SATA 500GB + 80GB. Philips 17" LCD Monitor. Micronet ADSL Modem only. Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. FS 2004 + FSX. Briggs and Stratton Petrol Lawn Mower...Motor Bikes. Gas Cooker... and lots of musical instruments!.... ...!
Yamaha MO6,MM6,DX7,DX11,DX21,DX100,MK100,EMT10,PSR400,PSS780,Roland GW-8L v2,TR505,Casio MT-205,Korg CX3v2 dual manual,+ Leslie 760,M-Audio Prokeys88,KeyRig,Cubase,Keyfax4,Guitars,Orchestral,Baroque,Renaissance,Medieval Instruments.
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Reply #7 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 8:05am

alrot   Offline
Freeware Designers Above

Posts: 10231

Angry they should hang him ,put in electrical chair ,let him die of thirsty and hungry or something even worse than everything together.....send him to live in Venezuela  Tongue Cry


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Reply #8 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 9:15am

Bass   Offline
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His residence is made just for him, and now they've given him a "rubberpencil", so he can earn money by writing his memory!
Well that flat sure needs some decorations Cool
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Reply #9 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 11:54am

Webb   Offline
Go 'Noles!
Morningwood Golf Resort

Posts: 1068
andy190 wrote on Nov 10th, 2012 at 3:08am:
Webb wrote on Nov 10th, 2012 at 2:24am:
Why rightly so?

I have my own reasons.  I'd just like to hear yours first.

Well I believe that no matter how many people someone kills, the government has no right to kill a human being.

There is no point killing someone just for revenge.

Of course you are entitled your opinions.

I just don't trust the government to get it right and I trust my federal government even less.

Since everyone convicted of a crime has been convicted beyond a reasonable doubt should we have a higher standard of proof for death penalty cases?  Is there a higher standard of proof?

Then we have Charles Manson and Ted Bundy and this guy and I realize that, as we say in the South, some people just need killing.

A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work.


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Reply #10 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 1:13pm

ozzy72   Offline
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Pretty scary huh?

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Posts: 37122
Someone get FedEx to deliver him to me... I'll get the marmalade on Smiley Smiley Smiley

There are two types of aeroplane, Spitfires and everything else that wishes it was a Spitfire!
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Reply #11 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 5:06pm

BLAZE   Offline
Spring City Pa. United States

Gender: male
Posts: 212
I can't understand for the life of me WHY there are people out there who defend
these scumbags.

What ever rights this monster had before that tragic day, He LOST when he chose
to brutally and cowardly murder those people.

« Last Edit: Nov 10th, 2012 at 11:02pm by BLAZE »  

"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars"  Cheers George!
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Reply #12 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 9:49pm

Webb   Offline
Go 'Noles!
Morningwood Golf Resort

Posts: 1068
I didn't see anyone here defending him.  He needs killin'.

A bad day at golf is better than a good day at work.


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Reply #13 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 11:01pm

BLAZE   Offline
Spring City Pa. United States

Gender: male
Posts: 212
No, I meant defending him by saying he shouldn't die. People against the death
penalty and what not.

I guess if givin the chance, those kind of people wouldn't have put hitler to death


"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars"  Cheers George!
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Reply #14 - Nov 10th, 2012 at 11:44pm

andy190   Offline
This is the voice of the
Havelock North, NZ

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Posts: 1368
BLAZE wrote on Nov 10th, 2012 at 11:01pm:
No, I meant defending him by saying he shouldn't die. People against the death
penalty and what not.

I don't believe in Heaven & Hell & whatnot so to me being locked up for life is a larger punishment than dying peacefully & without pain.


Intel Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450, Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
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