You didn't mention which sim your using...I'll guess FSX.
The sim (FS2004 and FSX) uses a complex scoring process the determine the clear weather active runway. There is no 'simple' way to change the clear weather active. If you're interested, Jim Vile (jvile01) discusses it in this
external forum.For FSX, Jim Vile created an excellnt airport update for KMSP. 17/35 is in use (it's under construction in the FSX default.) Clear weather active runways now are the parellel 12/30's and 17/35. They are used simultaneously when conditions allow. 4/20 is only used when conditions dictate.
Additionally: new taxiways, updated parking with ai parking codes, improved taxi routes for smoother flow, GPS PROCedural approaches for 17/35, and nice scenery enhancements.
I could not find the download here at SimV. It can be found at Avsim, search for file by Jim Vile.
Note: When you tune ATIS you may hear several runways listed that don't exist at the airport. This is fallout from the 'crosswind runway technique' Jim uses as part of the process to change the clear weather active. It can't be avoided and is only a minor distraction.
At that time [1909] the chief engineer was almost always the chief test pilot as well. That had the fortunate result of eliminating poor engineering early in aviation. Igor Sikorsky
I intend to live far, so good. Steven Wright
You can just rip up a to-do list.