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wind direction (Read 518 times)
Dec 7th, 2010 at 9:27pm

727 driver   Offline
727 200 rules

Gender: male
Posts: 85
using fs9 no weather addons just default weather. setting a wind directions as follows ..surface to 5000 feet..080 @5 5000 to 10000 feet 010 @15 10000 to 15000 feet 355@35 15000 to 20000 290 @ 45 the problem here is after the 5000 foot mark the wind stays at 080 @ 5 through 10000 feet 10000 feet instead of the direction changing to 355 degrees it goes to 095 and increases up from instead of 355degrees it goes 095 096 097 all the way up to 135 degrees ..then starts going back down and is not as it is set until it hits and passes the 20000 foot level..i stumbled on this by accident and dont know if its a glitch in the sim a bad file or if im doing something wrong...the flight starts at kord rw 9 and goes to kmht...i would like to hear from someone who knows what might be going stumped..if any of you folks have time could you try this flight with the given parameters and monitor the the wind direction? id love to hear your findings..thank you all in advance
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Reply #1 - Dec 8th, 2010 at 2:11am

WPadgett   Offline

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Posts: 27
Don't know what might be going on but with your settings I had nearly the same results - but wind never did shift to 290�. My suspicion re the strange behavior is that your changes in wind direction and speed are too close together for FS9 to cope. Looks like the wind module needs space to adjust for a gradual more natural wind shift.

So - I played with the settings. Set surface wind 080� @ 5 knots to 3000 feet with only one more setting of 291� @ 45 knots at FL200.

737, auto pilot all the way to FL200 - observed following winds during climb:

Take off to 3,800 feet wind steady from 080� @ 5 knots - then began shifting steadily as follows;
At 11,300 feet wind 010� @ 23 knots
At 15,000 feet wind 336� @ 33 knots
At FL200 wind 291� @ 45 knots - the wind direction came out 291� because I couldn't mouse exactly to 290�.

These wind directions and speeds are close to what you're looking for with those 2 settings, surface to 3000 feet and the second setting at FL200.

I saved the flite with the settings and can send it to you if you like.
« Last Edit: Dec 8th, 2010 at 8:10pm by WPadgett »  

CP - ASMEL, instruments
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Reply #2 - Dec 9th, 2010 at 7:22pm

727 driver   Offline
727 200 rules

Gender: male
Posts: 85
YES please send your files ill try it on my sim...i never thought about the wind change may need more space to be correct ..good call.. i will try your files if you still have them and will also try what you are does make sence..ill let you know..
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Reply #3 - Dec 9th, 2010 at 8:15pm

727 driver   Offline
727 200 rules

Gender: male
Posts: 85
OK JUST TRIED  a flight and settings were surface to 6000 feet 080 @5 then @ 20000 feet 360 at 45 once i cleared fl200 wind was set at 275 at 55 but showed 077 at 55..and i could not under any circumstance get the wind direction to 275 so matter what numbers i put it almost sounds like a curupt file..what do you think...WPadgett wrote on Dec 8th, 2010 at 2:11am:
Don't know what might be going on but with your settings I had nearly the same results - but wind never did shift to 290�. My suspicion re the strange behavior is that your changes in wind direction and speed are too close together for FS9 to cope. Looks like the wind module needs space to adjust for a gradual more natural wind shift.

So - I played with the settings. Set surface wind 080� @ 5 knots to 3000 feet with only one more setting of 291� @ 45 knots at FL200.

737, auto pilot all the way to FL200 - observed following winds during climb:

Take off to 3,800 feet wind steady from 080� @ 5 knots - then began shifting steadily as follows;
At 11,300 feet wind 010� @ 23 knots
At 15,000 feet wind 336� @ 33 knots
At FL200 wind 291� @ 45 knots - the wind direction came out 291� because I couldn't mouse exactly to 290�.

These wind directions and speeds are close to what you're looking for with those 2 settings, surface to 3000 feet and the second setting at FL200.

I saved the flite with the settings and can send it to you if you like.

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Reply #4 - Dec 11th, 2010 at 12:49am

WPadgett   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 27
>>settings were surface to 6000 feet 080 @5 then @ 20000 feet 360 at 45 once i cleared fl200 wind was set at 275 at 55 but showed 077 at 55..and i could not under any circumstance get the wind direction to 275 so matter what numbers i put it almost sounds like a curupt file<<

I tried those settings, guessing at where you made the change to 275� @ 55 knots and placed it at FL210 1,000 feet above your second wind setting.

Flying those settings, wind direction and speed began changing about 6,500 feet, both direction and speed increasing to FL200 where I observed wind from 160� @ 45 knots. Between FL200 and FL210 the wind and speed changed abruptly to 275� @ 55 knots - a 115� shift!

Added Sat 12/11 - experimented some more and found that adding a third wind change - at any altitude - almost always causes the wind to shift southward causing unexpected changes. With two wind levels set the wind change is always northerly when using your surface wind of 80� and FL200 wind of 275�.

Give this a try:
1. Set surface wind as before: 080� @ 5 knots to 6,000 feet
2. Set the second wind line at FL200 wind 275� @ 55 knots & do not add any more wind level settings!
3. Then, with just the two wind settings, exit weather and save the file.
4. Fly it to observe wind direction & speed.

Here's what I got with the above settings:
Takeoff to 6,675 feet - wind 080� @ 5 knots
Then gradual, steady changes in wind direction [decreasing] and speed increasing reaching 0�/360� at 29 knots at 13,160 feet.
At FL200 - wind 277� @ 55 knots
At FL 220 - wind 278� @ 55 knots and remained there to FL250 where I leveled off. Adjustment of the FL200 wind should produce the 275� you want.

« Last Edit: Dec 11th, 2010 at 3:17pm by WPadgett »  

CP - ASMEL, instruments
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Reply #5 - Dec 11th, 2010 at 6:44pm

727 driver   Offline
727 200 rules

Gender: male
Posts: 85
well..i did do what you posted to do..and that did work..i got what you got ...however i am in a dc10 and do need to get to FL 320 OR 350 or more if weight allows.. at FL220 the wind stayed correct..but then reset the flight and added 1 more layer to FL330..and right after i passes 220 wind direction went crazy again..SO what i did is really start digging.. i got the ole e6b flight computer out and did the computation...and guess what..even though the wind showed 160 @40ish  at passing FL220 it really was within 2 to 4 degrees of what i put into the direction i.e 275 at 40 ..then the last thing i checked was at level flight at FL 230 and level ..was this.. with a tail wind that i programed assuming it really was blowing that speed and direction(230 @40) N1 was at 85 % i paused the flight and reset wind to 090 deg in the weather..same throttle setting the N1 jumped to this tells me the shift z display is not correct for some reason..between the e6b and the N1 jump i feel safe in saying it a bad reading...and the wind is blowing correct as programed. so wayne thank you for your got me thinking there was  something else going on..and atleast resolved the issue to some extent..
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Reply #6 - Dec 11th, 2010 at 11:51pm

WPadgett   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 27
>>and atleast resolved the issue to some extent.<< Hang in there! I'm sure you'll get things blowing the right way. Grin

CP - ASMEL, instruments
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