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Boeing 797? (Read 1575 times)
Aug 28th, 2010 at 9:57pm

flipside   Offline
Minneapolis, MN

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Why is it that some Boeing 797's have two engines when the Boeing prototype has four as well as the Air Canada and Varig models? The American Airlines and Southwest Airlines 797's have just two engines. Which one is the accurate model?
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Reply #1 - Aug 28th, 2010 at 10:02pm

Boikat   Offline
NW Loueezianner

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flipside wrote on Aug 28th, 2010 at 9:57pm:
Why is it that some Boeing 797's have two engines when the Boeing prototype has four as well as the Air Canada and Varig models? The American Airlines and Southwest Airlines 797's have just two engines. Which one is the accurate model?

If you mean the blended body/wing, all of them.  The 797 is a concept aircraft, so there is no set "how it looks", since it's been subject to revisions.  The Boeing concept test model, a RC scale model, currently has three engines.

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own" Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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Reply #2 - Aug 28th, 2010 at 10:04pm

BrandonF   Offline
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flipside wrote on Aug 28th, 2010 at 9:57pm:
Why is it that some Boeing 797's have two engines when the Boeing prototype has four as well as the Air Canada and Varig models? The American Airlines and Southwest Airlines 797's have just two engines. Which one is the accurate model?

What are you talking about Southwest for? They don't operate the 797. No airline does, yet.

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Reply #3 - Aug 28th, 2010 at 10:45pm

Webb   Ex Member
I Like Flight Simulation!

Nope, that's definitely two engines.


« Last Edit: Sep 5th, 2010 at 12:05am by WebbPA »  
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Reply #4 - Aug 28th, 2010 at 11:25pm

Boikat   Offline
NW Loueezianner

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Count the engines again.  I see three.  You can barely see the nacelle for engine #1 right above the logo on the aircraft in the foreground, and all three on the one in the background.

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own" Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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Reply #5 - Aug 28th, 2010 at 11:27pm

BrandonF   Offline
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WebbPA wrote on Aug 28th, 2010 at 10:45pm:
Nope, that's definitely two engines.



I don't even think that photo is real. Also, that image and your avatar should be uploaded to SimV.  Wink
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Reply #6 - Aug 29th, 2010 at 12:08am

XxRazgrizxX   Offline
747? No, Concorde Will
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The 797 doesnt exist yet. But this is how far Boeing is so far.
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Reply #7 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 9:14pm

cx826   Offline
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Boeing 797 does not exist as of August 31st, 2010... If it is a concept model, definitly, all the aircraft you see in any website can be an accurate one since after Boeing finish desiging it, the finished product will always be a lot different to make things work and improve aerodynamic...etc

In my opinion, two engines would be the way to go in this generation, 4 engines are far more costly for airlines unless its a jumbo jet like B747/A380
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Reply #8 - Sep 4th, 2010 at 8:58pm

XxRazgrizxX   Offline
747? No, Concorde Will
always be Queen of the
KPTK --- Clarkston, MI

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Boeing confirmed a while back that they are trying to figure out if theres a possibility that a Blended Wing Body passenger plane is feasible.

If produced, this is a general description of the BWB (797)

Boeing is preparing a 1000 passenger jet that could reshape the Air travel industry for the next 100 years...The mammoth plane will have a wing span of 265 feet compared to the 747’s 211 feet, and is designed to fit within the newly created terminals used for the 555 seat Airbus A380, which is 262 feet wide.

There are several big advantages to the blended wing design, the most important being the lift to drag ratio which is expected to increase by an amazing 50%, with overall weight reduced by 25%, making it an estimated 33% more efficient than the A380, and making Airbus’s $13 billion dollar investment look pretty shaky. High body rigidity is another key factor in blended wing aircraft, it reduces turbulence and creates less stress on the air frame which adds to efficiency, giving the 797 a tremendous 8800 nautical mile range with its 1000 passengers flying comfortably at mach .88 or 654 mph cruising speed (another advantage over the Airbus tube-and-wing designed A380’s 570 mph)
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Reply #9 - Sep 5th, 2010 at 12:08am

Webb   Ex Member
I Like Flight Simulation!

Boikat wrote on Aug 28th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
Count the engines again.  I see three.  You can barely see the nacelle for engine #1 right above the logo on the aircraft in the foreground, and all three on the one in the background.

You're right.  Three engines.
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Reply #10 - Sep 5th, 2010 at 12:46pm

Fr. Bill   Offline
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How many people here know that Bill "Lionheart Creations" Ortis released an FS9 freeware 797 model just a few weeks ago?

... Gauge Programming - 3d Modeling Eaglesoft Development Group Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600-4GB DDR2 Crucial PC6400-800 GB SATA-ATI Radeon HD2400 Pro 256MB DX10 NOTE: Unless explicitly stated in the post, everything written by my hand is MY opinion. I do NOT speak for any company, real or imagined...
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Reply #11 - Sep 5th, 2010 at 12:57pm

Groundbound1   Offline
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Fr. Bill wrote on Sep 5th, 2010 at 12:46pm:
How many people here know that Bill "Lionheart Creations" Ortis released an FS9 freeware 797 model just a few weeks ago?

I nabbed my copy! Love it.

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
AMD Athlon X2 6400+ w/ZeroTherm BTF90, 
4GB G.Skill PI Series DDR2-800,
Sapphire HD4870 512MB,
PC P&C 750 Quad, in a CoolerMaster HAF932

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Reply #12 - Sep 5th, 2010 at 5:15pm

AirForcePi1o7   Offline
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Is there any truth to the emails showing a blended wing 1,000-passenger concept that is dubbed a Boeing 797? Makes sense that the airline industry would head this direction some day, but it just sounds too good to be true!

Yes, too good to be true, indeed, Walter. Someone was having a bit of fun with PhotoShop perhaps. Boeing is not planning to build a 1,000 passenger commercial airplane dubbed the "797," based on the blended wing body (BWB) concept or any other futuristic concept. It's certainly not in our commercial market forecast, which goes out for 20 years. We think the commercial airplane market favors point-to-point routes, and we're developing the 787 as the perfect match to help meet that demand. - From

To learn about the NON-COMMERCIAL X-48B BWB Plane go here:

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Senior Airman.
"I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program, that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly, and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service of my community, state, and nation." - Cadet Oath

"Semper Vigilans - Always Vigilant" - Civil Air Patrol Motto
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