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› Autopilot problem
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Autopilot problem (Read 791 times)
Feb 9
, 2010 at 3:59am
Blistering Barnacles!
South Africa
Posts: 1866
I did a few tests last night, and discover the following problems:
I am using the default 747 autopilot on the JBizz, and found that
when the A/P is switched on, I can select the NAV Hold and the HDG Hold simultaneously, which is not correct.
When I select altitude hold, it does not work, but the moment i switch it off, the nose pick up or drop, which tells me it does have an effect, but not working correctly
When I switch on the HDG Hold or NAV Hold, the Flight director switch also switch to ON
If someone have an idea why, help would be much appreciated!
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Reply #1 -
Feb 16
, 2010 at 7:47pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
is your Jbizz up for download? if it is, then I might be able to throw an Autopilot in it and get it to work correctly ... with my FSPanel Studio. That is if you would like me to take a look at it.
also, is your JBizz for 2009, or for X.
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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #2 -
Feb 17
, 2010 at 6:16am
Blistering Barnacles!
South Africa
Posts: 1866
I will quickly upload for you! Thank you!
Will PM you with the info! That will be GREAT!
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Reply #3 -
Feb 24
, 2010 at 10:29pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
is the BizzJet uploaded yet? or would you still like help with it?
The thoughts and expressions contained in the post above are solely my own, and not necessarily those of, its Moderators, its Staff, its Members, or other guests. They can not, are not, and will not be held liable for any thoughts, or expressions, or posts that I have made, or will make in the future.
Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #4 -
Feb 25
, 2010 at 3:15am
Blistering Barnacles!
South Africa
Posts: 1866
Capt.Propwash wrote
on Feb 24
, 2010 at 10:29pm:
is the BizzJet uploaded yet? or would you still like help with it?
Hi Captain, had a PC problem, and needed to fix it before I could retrieve my bacups. I will try to upload it today still. will send a PM when done. Sorry for keeping you waiting! Oh I must mention, it is in the VC. the 2d panel is not done yet!?
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Reply #5 -
Mar 6
, 2010 at 1:26pm
Let's get a little mud
on the tires!
KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA
Posts: 1958
Just to make sure that I am actually working in the right sim, is the Jbizz FS9, or X ?? I think its FS9 being that everything is showing correctly except for some exterior Textures like the wings and wheels, which you mentioned you are still working on.
at any route, I thought that I would release a Teaser of the 2d panel to the public to get some feedback. --- NOTE!!! there are still a few switches that I am working on down in the bottom left corner, so please over look the switches problems. Other than that, I believe the rest of the panel is fairly explanatory and finished. When released, I will be releasing the Key for the F16.gau to allow it to see AI craft, and you can click on it for AI details.
Please let me know what you think.
The thoughts and expressions contained in the post above are solely my own, and not necessarily those of, its Moderators, its Staff, its Members, or other guests. They can not, are not, and will not be held liable for any thoughts, or expressions, or posts that I have made, or will make in the future.
Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #6 -
Mar 17
, 2010 at 2:25pm
Rescue 902 ,The deck is
clear for your second
British Columbia Canada
Posts: 158
Hey Capt>
Did you design the panal above with FS Panal Studio?
I was thinking of getting this add on but was unsure if it was possible to create glass cockpit components.
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Reply #7 -
Mar 23
, 2010 at 2:48pm
Fr. Bill
I used to have a life;
now I have GMax!
Hammond, IN
Posts: 962
One does not "create" gauges with FS Panel Studio. It is a visual placement program for panel development.
There is a rudimentary "editor" that will allow one to make minor modifications and/or adjustments to XML scripts, but I've found Visual Studio to be far superior and easier to use.
There is also a sometimes useful ability in FS PS to "edit/replace" bitmaps used by compiled gauges (.gau files), but you can only replace like with like (i.e. if the original bitmap is 8bit, you can only replace with another 8bit of the same size.
Gauge Programming - 3d Modeling Eaglesoft Development Group
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600-4GB DDR2 Crucial PC6400-800 GB SATA-ATI Radeon HD2400 Pro 256MB DX10
NOTE: Unless explicitly stated in the post, everything written by my hand is
opinion. I do
speak for any company, real or imagined...
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