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Default scenery on disk ? (Read 363 times)
Jul 6th, 2009 at 12:04am

Capt.Propwash   Offline
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KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA

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Posts: 1958
I have a slight problem.  I have tried a global scenery upgrade, and while things do look better for the most part, my frame have taken a HUGE hit for the worse, and I want to reverse what I did. 

Howards Mix The FSX Experience Revised

I installed it to a temporary folder so that I could pick and choose what files i wanted to install.... so, UNINSTALL will not work in this case.

I need to know ... on what disk are the DEFAULT SCENERY files located on? or.... am I just looking at a uninstall / reinstall????  If you say uninstall... im gonna slap someones post back to their firewall. lol

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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #1 - Jul 6th, 2009 at 4:45am

Travis   Offline
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Delete the install that you made to a temp folder.  Reinstall to that folder once again.  Go through and find each file that was copied and/or modified.  That is the only way to get things back to normal.  If you can't, you only have yourself to blame.

Any time I come across an installer, I install to a different folder.  Then, any time I run into a file that needs to be replaced, I make a note of it and zip it before I replace it.  That way, I can replace individual files to retain a good sim.

Otherwise, you ARE stuck with reinstalling.  No one's fault but your own . . . Wink

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Reply #2 - Jul 6th, 2009 at 8:31am

dave3cu   Offline
Procrastinate now, don't
put it off.
3CU, Northern Wisconsin, USA

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You can find the cd contents listed in the Flight Simulator 2004 FAQ's at the top of this forum.

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I intend to live far, so good.� �� �� �Steven Wright

You can just rip up a to-do list.
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Reply #3 - Jul 7th, 2009 at 4:39pm

Capt.Propwash   Offline
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KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA

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Posts: 1958
Thank god for WINRAR being FREE!!!  Roll Eyes

i am almost done un-CABing Disk 3 and 4, and putting those cabs in a folder on the desktop, to which i will have to move to the FS9 main folder to re-write everything...... AGAIN.

Hopefully my 4 hours of doing this will give me back my 25-50 fps even with the Real Environment Pro weather on "real world" and flying in a hell storm.

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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #4 - Jul 7th, 2009 at 5:29pm

Hagar   Offline
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Costa Geriatrica

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For future reference, the easiest way to back anything up is to take a copy of it. For example; if you want to back up the FS9\Scenery folder, right-click on it & select Copy. Then Right-click in a clear space & select Paste. After a couple of minutes you will have a duplicate of the folder named 'Copy of Scenery' sitting alongside it.

You can now safely modify the Scenery folder as much as you like. To revert to the back-up if anything goes wrong simply delete the Scenery folder & rename the 'Copy of Scenery' folder to Scenery.


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Reply #5 - Jul 7th, 2009 at 8:16pm

Capt.Propwash   Offline
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KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA

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Posts: 1958
yeah...... in hind sight, i should have selected COPY.... renamed Scenery .... to Scenery.BAK (BAcKup), then pasted the Scenery folder back in just in case i didnt like how things were...

BUT.. at the time I wasnt thinking of actually going back.  I wanted to have my sim look better than what it did, cause my default scenery looks like $#!T.    well. in the name of FrameRates, it looks/Looked a 1,000 times better.  But i can NOT fly in a major thunderstorm, blowing 50-75, 1/4 mile visibility  IF THAT!!, and have 3-7 FPS.   When i only had default scenery (other than specific addon areas -- KDVI  Cool) same situation, i was running 17-30 FPS.  ... I want THAT back.

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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #6 - Jul 7th, 2009 at 8:43pm

Opa   Offline
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Remember that the HW package made other changes other than just textures.

The following were changed and/or added to:

the Effects folder
The Flights folder
The Uries folder
The Weather folder
The main texture folder
The texture folders for all of the subfolders under Scenery

and the stars.dat file, the suneffect.cfg file and the terrain.cfg file.

The bottom line is that restoring your system to what is was is a bit more complicated than just restoring some of the texture folders.

David "Opa" Marshall
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Reply #7 - Jul 7th, 2009 at 10:05pm

Capt.Propwash   Offline
Let's get a little mud
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KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA

Gender: male
Posts: 1958
i never ran the self installer directly to the FS9 MAIN. i ran it to a temp folder and then moved what i wanted where i wanted.

i needed to know where the scenery files were on the disks, so that i could replace just the scenery and now that is done.

i never messed with the Weather, due to i like Real Environment Pro's Clouds and sky textures....

did not mess with the Uries cause I like what i already had.

Effects... mostly water spay and contrails (I will be fixing the contrails shortly)

I dont do "select a flight" ..... I fly my own flights through MP or "Create a flight". � If i could, I would just UN-CODE the "Select-a-Flight" because TO ME it is a waste of disk space due to code. I never use it, probably never will.

as for the Main Textures.... still using Real Environment Pro textures

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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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Reply #8 - Jul 14th, 2009 at 7:53pm

Capt.Propwash   Offline
Let's get a little mud
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KCHS, Charleston, SC, USA

Gender: male
Posts: 1958
well..... the last 3 days have been HELL on me thanks to FS9.  Angry Roll Eyes UGH!

right now is the 3rd time that i am having to RE-install it. 

What its doing. :: well, i tried to get all the scenery files from the disks - no joy.  missing 1/2 the files which made the sim not want to load up. 


starting putting my craft and 'modules' back in...... CTD (Crash to Desktop) wont even let me get to the Select a Flight....... Started going through the craft and Modules deleting things 1 thing at a time... no go. still CTD.

have done this 2 times already.  This time, I see that I am going to have to take the next 2 weeks and install EACH AND EVERY CRAFT / Program / Scenery and try to run the sim to see if it will boot up with the new addition.  If not, then I know where the problem is. 

Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes UGH.... WHERE'S MY BASEBALL BAT!!!????   Angry Angry

Cry Cry Cry no FlightSim tonight  Cry Cry Cry

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Computer Specs:: Acer Aspire Laptop..Win7 Home Premium 64-bit (sp1), AMD Athlon II X2 P340 (Dual Core) [2.2 Ghz], ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 (256mb), 4GB DDR3......FS9.1(sp3) / FSX (sp2)..... Ultimate Terrain X, Ground Environment X, REX, FTX ORBX PNW-PFJ-NRM-CRM, OZx, Tongass Fjords, Misty Moorings
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