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Alph Sim B-24 Questions (Read 316 times)
May 26th, 2009 at 7:44pm

B-24Kid   Offline
1st Lieutenant
Fly FS

Posts: 2
Hello all

I am new to this forum and hope you indulge me with these questions.

I found out that Alpha Sim has a add on to FS2004 with 5 B-24 Liberators to fly. 

One of the planes is my father's "The Stork".  Dad is still alive and I purchased FS2004 and the Alpha Sim program to learn to fly and surprise him next month with the simulator. 

I am very new to FS games and would like to know if anyone has any tips for flying the B-24. 

I can take off and fly OK landing is a challenge.  I do everything visual and fly in areas I know.

I would like to get my dad to try to fly and need to more know "tricks" or tips to the controls.

Also, his missions started in Castelluccio, Italy.  Is there any chance of finding a version of that airport?

If you can help, please respond with tips or web sites that may help.

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Reply #1 - May 26th, 2009 at 7:52pm

MiltonShupe   Offline
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Posts: 55
Did you check for a checklist and reference?  Most aircraft come with them.  They should give you an indication of takeoff flaps, any necessary nose trim, etc.

NOTE: I do not have this aircraft:

For approach, you can usually estimate  a speed to be in the 130-135 MPH range and keep power on 21-24 MAP, give it a notch of flaps (F7) and allow speed and altitude to deteriorate to 120-125MPH dropping at 750 fpm.  Then go to next flaps (F7) and continue to descend at 750 fpm and lose speed to 110, add more flaps if necessary.  Hold 110 and continue approach.  Add flaps and power as necessary to maintain 110 and descent.  Once across the fence, pull power off slightly as you begin to rotate for landing.  At touchdown, pull off power.

That's a procedure that will get you started.  You may have to adjust speeds down a little depending on its characteristics.  For example if its stall speeds are in the 70's, you may be able to start this procedure at 120-125, if so just use the procedure with speeds 10mph less.

Also check the Notes for helpful hints.

At the major sites, simply do a search for the airport name or ICAO code for that scenery.
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Reply #2 - May 26th, 2009 at 9:09pm

Opa   Offline
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Plano, Texas

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Posts: 634

What many of us consider the best source of scenery (airport enhancements) is the link below:

If it has been released, it will be indexed here with a link to the site where it can be downloaded.

David "Opa" Marshall
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Reply #3 - May 27th, 2009 at 12:56pm

B-24Kid   Offline
1st Lieutenant
Fly FS

Posts: 2
Thank you Milton

I can land the craft, my problem is lining it up with the runway.  My gluide slope and speed are OK.  As I approach closer to the runway I find I am a touch out of line and a little correction over corrects.  Would I be using to much or little stick or pedal?  If I miss the runway on the side I can land and stop along side of it no problem.


Thank you for the link, but the Castelluccio airport was not on the list.  Are there any other places I could look?

Another question

Is it possible to load a flight path of a bombing run to one of the locations in Europe dad bombed?  If we can not take off from Castelluccio we can take off from the nearest airport in Italy.  I believe it would be Foggia.

Thank You
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