Not a straight forward task, particularly since the FP B-17's bombardier station is the "view=9", the offending bit if you will.
First of all, backup the entire aircraft folder
Open the xdp in notepad or any other text editor,
scroll down until you see the last of the gunner station entries and remove it:
<Seat Name="Tail Gunner">
<Station Name="TAIL GUN" Type="gunner_station" View="8" FovUp="25" FovDown="30">
<View Event="HeadStop"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-134" Elevation="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="134" Elevation="0"/>
<GunStation ID="6"/>
Scroll up again to the pilot station, locate the bombardier string:
<Station Name="Bombardier" Type="bomber_station" View="9" MaxFOV="40"/>
Replace the "view=9" with "view=8
Save, close and open the xdp in internet explorer to verify that there are no syntax errors. If you screwed the format it will show you an error message in IE.
Locate the file "B_17G_Cockpit6.M3D" and open it with Notepad.
Search for "eyepoint9" and replace it with "eyepoint8".
Save and make sure that notepad doesn't add a ".txt" extension to your model file :-9
If the above fails to work just reload your backup, LOL.