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absolutely nothing (Read 229 times)
Sep 26th, 2008 at 3:57pm

Mass   Offline
Midlands, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 135
Hey all

I am having MAJOR trouble with my main PC at the moment.

It was all working fine, might have needed a large scale de-frag, but none the less was working fine... Until i downloaded the latest version of i-tunes after i was prompted to when opening the itunes i already had. That all downloaded and installed and i had to re-boot the computer.
i shut the computer down for the night a few minutes later and when i came to boot it the day after and start itunes so that it would complete the install it got about 90% of the way through the completion of the install and then froze.

Since then i have not been able to start the thing. I get to the screen which tells me there was an error, would you like to start in safe mode or normally etc. And if i say normally it does it for a few seconds then i get a blue error screen.  If i choose safe, it goes part way through its boot procedure, and then stops dead. While still on the black screen as it runs through procedures, and freezes basically there.

So at the moment i cannot think of anything i can do at all, im completely stumped!

Any ideas?

And how do you open in DOS? i might trying opening the computer in DOS and seeing if that would work or whether i have a serious computer based problem or if it is a major OS problem...

Thanks guys
« Last Edit: Sep 28th, 2008 at 9:01am by Mass »  

"when the rich wage war its the poor who die"
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Reply #1 - Sep 26th, 2008 at 4:09pm

Rich H   Offline
Sweden Jamboree 2011!
Solihull, U.K.

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Posts: 2082
You should do a system restore, but I'm guessing you don't have the option to do that.


"Politics" is made up of two words, "Poli", which is Greek for "many", and "tics", which are blood sucking insects. - Gore Vidal
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Reply #2 - Sep 26th, 2008 at 4:14pm

Mass   Offline
Midlands, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 135
does that involve formatting the HDD?

which is something i want to avoid at all costs.  Just because of the amount of stuff i have on there, a lot of which i dont have the codes for anymore so willl have to buy again or best case scenario have to go through a number of emails to try and get it again without paying again.... (my fault though, stored all my keys on my hdd!)

and i dont think i get that option.

Although on the very first screen i get there is an option for "system recovery" or something along those lines which i tried once but to no avail, same thing happened i think.

« Last Edit: Sep 28th, 2008 at 9:01am by Mass »  

"when the rich wage war its the poor who die"
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Reply #3 - Sep 26th, 2008 at 5:16pm

Groundbound1   Offline
No, I don't work for Mythbusters...
Michigan, USA

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Posts: 1745
System recovery usually WILL reformat you HD, system restore won't.
Be warned though, system restore (in my experience anyway) can screw things up pretty bad. (I have it disabled per Nick's tweaks list  anyway)
However, the fix for this might be easier than you think. On the screen that asks you to choose safe mode or this or that, there should be an option that says "Last know good configuration". Try that option first. If it works,  you should be able to reboot and remove the I-tunes software. And do just that, REMOVE IT! Then find, download, and install it again. Be sure of the version you're trying to install!

My neighbor had this EXACT same problem, and this is the method I used to get his machine back on track.

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
AMD Athlon X2 6400+ w/ZeroTherm BTF90, 
4GB G.Skill PI Series DDR2-800,
Sapphire HD4870 512MB,
PC P&C 750 Quad, in a CoolerMaster HAF932

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Reply #4 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 9:00am

Mass   Offline
Midlands, UK

Gender: male
Posts: 135
I hav tried that option at the boot menu, and it didnt get me any further, i just got the blue scren error page again.

I had one of my mates, who by my standards is a technical genious, and he went into the bios settings and some other stuff and did a few test of the hard drive, all of which were passed. we were actually hoping that we coud find the problem within the hard drive, maybe just a simple cash of software or something within the hard drive. But all the tests were passed, no problems found at all.

All of that makes me think that ive got an OS problem, which would eventually mean wiping my hard drive and that would really really annoy m. Simply because i was stupid enough not to make a hard copy of all my stuff, sincce XMAS!!! which would mean losing a large amount of stuff, which adds up to a lot of time and money spent by me. a lot of it non-recoverable...

Im going to get the spare pc from my dad's work today and plug my HD into it and see if i can get into it from there (if there is a clash with my computer) and delete i-tunes that way. which may work... other than that, myself and my mate are fresh out of ideas other than to reinstall windows

thanks guys

"when the rich wage war its the poor who die"
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