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Is anybody using the bloom (like in FSX) in FS9 ? (Read 39530 times)
May 16th, 2008 at 10:27am

Daube   Offline
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Hi all,

I've seen this new feature in the flightsimworld forum, and it seems to work pretty well, transforming completely the visual impression in FS9. So far I've never seen FS9 screenshots here that use this bloom, so I was wondering if anybody knew about it ? �Huh

Here's the download page, you have to retrieve the GTA San Andreas beta v0.074h test 6:

Then drop the dll and the ini file directly in the FS9 root folder. The effect is activated by pressing SHIFT+F12

Here are some screenshots to show you what it does.
WARNING: the effect is exagerated on those screens, it's just to show better the effect, but it can be tweaked as you wish by editing the ini file
For example here, the author of the screenshots said that he used 10 for the bloom in those shots, but usually he sets it to 5 only Smiley





Of course, by editing the ini file, you can get easily something much prettier.
« Last Edit: Jan 17th, 2010 at 4:09pm by Daube »  
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Reply #1 - May 16th, 2008 at 10:34am

Daube   Offline
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Here is an example of ini content that you can use. The guy who did the screenshots told that some of those parameter have a big impact on the FPS, and some can create some visual glitches with clouds for example.

« Last Edit: May 16th, 2008 at 5:26pm by Daube »  
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Reply #2 - May 16th, 2008 at 10:36am

Daube   Offline
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In this INI file, the [INPUT] section is the list of keys (ASCII codes ?) for each action. Everything is listed in the documentation.


KeyUseEffect=(1..255) decimal key number for activation/deactivation of modification, by default F12.

KeyBloom=(1..255) decimal key number for bloom activation/deactivation, by default F9.

KeyOcclusion=(1..255) decimal key number for ssao activation/deactivation, by default F10.

KeyReflection=(1..255) decimal key number for reflection activation/deactivation, by default F11.

KeyCombination=(1..255) decimal number of additional key for combining this key with others, by default SHIFT.

KeyShadow=(1..255) decimal key number for shadow activation/deactivation, by default F8.

KeyWater=(1..255) decimal key number for water activation/deactivation, by default F7.
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Reply #3 - May 16th, 2008 at 10:54am

garryrussell   Offline

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To be honest I think it looks better without Huh
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Reply #4 - May 16th, 2008 at 10:57am

Daube   Offline
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garryrussell wrote on May 16th, 2008 at 10:54am:
To be honest I think it looks better without Huh

Please read the comments carefully: the settings are exagerated in those shots, just to show better the difference. You can adjust it to a much more subtle and realistic level. Wink

EDIT: here is a better example of what you can get, when tweaked correctly:
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Reply #5 - May 16th, 2008 at 1:24pm

Allen_Z   Ex Member

some of those parameter have a big impact on the FPS

Went from 20 to 1.4

I don't think BIG is a �
enough word


the examples didn't impress me enough to fool around with all the various perameters...

it gets the big
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Reply #6 - May 16th, 2008 at 1:27pm

Daube   Offline
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Yep, I warned you. And of course, you can modify the settings to decrease the FPS impact.
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Reply #7 - May 16th, 2008 at 2:05pm

Harold   Offline
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Yeah ... I've seen that package and I find it most impressive, though I'll fiddle with it when I get my new Raptor Wink


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Reply #8 - May 16th, 2008 at 3:06pm

Daube   Offline
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Here are some additionnal comparison shots. It's from FSX, where the dll works perfectly as well. Test made from Geneva airport with the famous freeware Trident 3.
First shot with bloom off, second shot with bloom ON.


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Reply #9 - May 16th, 2008 at 4:06pm

Daube   Offline
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Performance Tip:
Since we are, for the moment, only interested in the Bloom itself, set your EFFECT section as follows:

This will enable ONLY the bloom system, which has the smallest impact on the FPS Smiley
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Reply #10 - May 16th, 2008 at 5:51pm

Daube   Offline
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Just a bunch a new comparison shots:

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Reply #11 - May 18th, 2008 at 2:35pm

Harold   Offline
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What do you think about the comparison between razorsharp images and the 'romantic' fuzzy images the HDR package creates?

I think the images by Tim Fuchs' are razorsharp (which is what I like) but still have that romantic glow ... Do you think it might be Photoshopped or is that still do-able?


Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #12 - May 18th, 2008 at 2:48pm

Daube   Offline
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You mean Timest from the flightsimworld forum ?
His screenshots are fantastic. There are many possible reasons in my opinion that leads to such a quality:
- he pushes the video card settings to the extreme, max everything, forgetting the FPS
- he uses textures which are already much clearer and sharper than the default FS ones
- he certainely altered the ambient light, like what you could do in FS9 with FS SKyWorld
- his shots always have a "limited" visibility distance, leading to some very light "haze" which makes everything more "atmospheric".
I do not think that he modifies the shots (colors, contrast, light etc...) with photoshop.
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Reply #13 - May 18th, 2008 at 2:50pm

Harold   Offline
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Right ... but that still leaves the first question Wink Grin


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Reply #14 - May 18th, 2008 at 3:10pm

Daube   Offline
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Harold wrote on May 18th, 2008 at 2:50pm:
Right ... but that still leaves the first question Wink Grin

Oh right !  Shocked Sorry.
I think both look good, depending on the circumstances.
The fact is that for external shots, full daytime and with such textures, the environment is already quite impressive by itself. In such cases, the bloom really isn't needed.

However, you will not fly in external view all the time right ? And in that case, the effect that you can see in my 737-cockpit shot gives something more. I didn't post any pictures about it yet, but you get also an interesting effect when you fly by night and trigger you cockpit lights. The full cockpit starts glowing, just like if your eyes were used to the darkness, and you feel the need to switch the lights OFF as soon as possible. I suppose this effect (I mean, constraint) exists in real life as well, and this is not something you get with the default FSX bloom or with REX either.

REX will bring you, among many other goodies, very nice clouds. Being often in a plane myself (I do skydive), I can tell that looking at those big white clouds really hurts the eyes, and that's why the pilots wear sunglasses. In FS (9 or X), even with the beautifull clouds provided by REX, you will not get this "glowing" that damage your vision of the external world, and this little mod will bring that quite nicely.
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Reply #15 - May 18th, 2008 at 4:09pm

Daube   Offline
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Here's what I was trying to desribe for the clouds seen from the interior of the plane.
First, the normal view: a valley, seen from the cockpit, and a bunch of clouds in the background.


Notice how the colors are not vibrant. You're inside a cockpit, the external world is supposed to be much brighter.

Now if I trigger the bloom, I get something much closer to what I would get on a camera:


See the clouds ? They really look more impressive. Take a look back to the previous screen, it shows it all. Imagine that with REX clouds !!
Other thing is that the clouds will not be always that shiny ! Actually, on this shot they shine because I'm inside the dark cockpit. BUT if I move my eyepoint closer to the window (so that I see more of the outside, and less of the cockpit on the screen), then the colors will change and get like the previous shots. Same if I switch to outside view. If you're in a dark room, the TV will seem very bright and hurt the eyes, but once you switch the ligth on, the TV won't be that shiny anymore. The same happens in the sim.
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Reply #16 - May 20th, 2008 at 9:21am

Harold   Offline
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Daube ... what do you make of this?

If I copy the .dll and .ini files into my main FS9 directory, FS9 gives me this error. If I remove them Flight Simulator will start normally ...

Any thoughts?




Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #17 - May 20th, 2008 at 6:59pm

Daube   Offline
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Strange, I don't know what's happening.
So far, the only users I've seen with that error were the Vista users that didn't update their DX9.

By the way, have you applied the DX9 update from June 2007 ? I believe that you must apply it even if your DX9 is already in level C.
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Reply #18 - May 20th, 2008 at 7:03pm

Daube   Offline
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I just realized that the home page has uploaded the beta version of those files. I was using beta 6, but now it's beta 7, and I thought it was the problem. So I downloaded it, saved my d3d9.dll (beta 6) and transferred the new one (beta 7).... and it worked perfect... :/

PS: for those who wanted to know, I have made a quick FPS test, sitting on the runway at Sion at dawn, FPS unlimited, I get 40 FPS stable. When I activate the bloom (and my ini file activates ONLY the bloom, and nothing else), I get... 39 FPS  Cheesy
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Reply #19 - May 20th, 2008 at 8:23pm

Harold   Offline
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I figured it out ... I updated my DX9 and it worked!

Though in a flash I briefly saw that it was installing the "March 2008 update", my DX9 version stayed the same.
Very impressive package with marginal impact on my machine, when only the bloom effect is enabled.

But I have yet to understand all it's parameters.

I'll keep you posted Wink


Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #20 - May 21st, 2008 at 4:52am

Daube   Offline
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It's quite difficult for me as well to understand how the bloom parameters are working. So far I'm only testing the parameters in the [BLOOM] section and the color correction stuff, with very limited success though Tongue
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Reply #21 - May 25th, 2008 at 5:26am
fabian_e   Ex Member

Just noticed this wonderful thread. Thanks for the Link Daube - the Bloom effect works very well on my machine and I like it so far. I used your ini file and FS9 is still playable fluently.

I ddn't tweak anything so far, your ine was very good. Any updates?

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Reply #22 - May 25th, 2008 at 5:49am

Daube   Offline
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Thanks for the kind comment Fabian Smiley

I'm currently experimenting some changes, for those main reasons:
- another member told me that the reflection and shadow features had few FPS impact
- I do not know yet what those features really are �Grin
- I'm not very statisfied by the color correction settings, too dark at night (cool for the landscape, but the city lights get too darks as well, which is not nice)
- I'm not very satisfied by the exagerated bloom effect at dawn/dusk
- I'm still trying to understand how those thresholds work in the BLOOM section �Huh

If I manage to get something looking good, I will post an updated ini file here.
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Reply #23 - May 25th, 2008 at 6:30am
fabian_e   Ex Member

It's an interesting thing to tweak. I noticed playing in 2d-panel mode totally confuses the graphic card... Grin.

Maybe I'll start tweaking a bit. Did you check those included inis for different graphic cards? When I used the setting for my card the results are a bit  Tongue. Low FPS, and shadows where there shouldn't be any / transparent parts / strange lightning on part.

But it's a mighty tool I guess...., looking forward to any updates.

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Reply #24 - May 26th, 2008 at 5:54pm

Daube   Offline
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OK, here is a new version of the ini file.
I have changed just a parameter or two, but I can't remember which one right now  Grin

However, the bloom effect has been made less agressive, just like the gamma correction. This leads to a picture that is less contrasted, maybe more realistic... less impressive as well I have to say.

One of the major modifications is the darkening of the scenery. With those settings, the darkening is not so important, so will get a better vision at dusk and dawn.

I'm still not satisfied with this current balance, but you might want to try it. The actual effect in the morning (choose Sion, early morning, nice weather, facing East) is really nice.















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Reply #25 - May 27th, 2008 at 7:43pm

johanfrc   Offline
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WOW!!! A complete new FS9. The hint about Sion in the dawn turned out to be really amazing. I'll never fly without the Bloom effect now. And the FPS. Went from 49.9 (locked at 50) to 49.8.
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Reply #26 - May 27th, 2008 at 9:05pm

Daube   Offline
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johanfrc wrote on May 27th, 2008 at 7:43pm:
WOW!!! A complete new FS9. The hint about Sion in the dawn turned out to be really amazing. I'll never fly without the Bloom effect now. And the FPS. Went from 49.9 (locked at 50) to 49.8.

I completely understand. It's exactely the same for me, in FSX. I do not use the default bloom because I mostly fly FS9 planes, which are incompatible with it.

The very first thing I do now, when I start a flight, is to hit SHIFT+F12...  Cheesy
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Reply #27 - May 29th, 2008 at 6:03pm

FridayChild   Offline
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I tried to install this addon; I used your ini file, and FS9 freezed and it took the operating system with it. I didn't even have the time to press shift+f12. What could be the problem? Maybe my video card isn't capable?

Founder of A.A.A.A.A.A.A. (Aircraft Amateurs' Association Against Absurd Aviation Acronyms) My system specifications: FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 - AMD Athlon 64 3200+ CPU - 3 GB PC-3200 DDR400 dual channel RAM - 500 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm SATA-II hard disk - Sapphire Radeon HD 5750 1 GB PCI-E graphic card - Logitech Wingman Force 3D joystick + Logitech Formula Force pedals My FS whereabouts: low and slow, small single engine prop GA, Italy airfields.
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Reply #28 - May 29th, 2008 at 6:08pm

Groundbound1   Offline
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FridayChild wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 6:03pm:
I tried to install this addon; I used your ini file, and FS9 freezed and it took the operating system with it. I didn't even have the time to press shift+f12. What could be the problem? Maybe my video card isn't capable?

Which .ini file did you put in the sim?

I tried it, but didn't see all that much difference, sadly. I have a new(er) video card on it's way as we speak, maybe it'll be better with it.(hope so!0

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
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Reply #29 - May 30th, 2008 at 3:11am

FridayChild   Offline
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I used the last file Daube posted.

Founder of A.A.A.A.A.A.A. (Aircraft Amateurs' Association Against Absurd Aviation Acronyms) My system specifications: FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 - AMD Athlon 64 3200+ CPU - 3 GB PC-3200 DDR400 dual channel RAM - 500 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm SATA-II hard disk - Sapphire Radeon HD 5750 1 GB PCI-E graphic card - Logitech Wingman Force 3D joystick + Logitech Formula Force pedals My FS whereabouts: low and slow, small single engine prop GA, Italy airfields.
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Reply #30 - May 30th, 2008 at 5:03am

Daube   Offline
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FridayChild wrote on May 29th, 2008 at 6:03pm:
I tried to install this addon; I used your ini file, and FS9 freezed and it took the operating system with it. I didn't even have the time to press shift+f12. What could be the problem? Maybe my video card isn't capable?

I do not think your video card is the problem (maybe the drivers ?).
Just make sure your Windows is up to date, and your DirectX9c is up to date.
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Reply #31 - May 30th, 2008 at 5:29am

FridayChild   Offline
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Both are up to date, and so are the drivers (last non beta version for my video card). I am also using nHancer (last version) with the settings suggested in these forums.

Founder of A.A.A.A.A.A.A. (Aircraft Amateurs' Association Against Absurd Aviation Acronyms) My system specifications: FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 - AMD Athlon 64 3200+ CPU - 3 GB PC-3200 DDR400 dual channel RAM - 500 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm SATA-II hard disk - Sapphire Radeon HD 5750 1 GB PCI-E graphic card - Logitech Wingman Force 3D joystick + Logitech Formula Force pedals My FS whereabouts: low and slow, small single engine prop GA, Italy airfields.
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Reply #32 - Jun 2nd, 2008 at 5:40pm

Wii   Offline

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FSSkyWorld2004 + Bloom = BOOM. Lost 20 FPS. Going to try it without FSSKYWORLD'04
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Reply #33 - Jun 2nd, 2008 at 6:36pm

a1   Offline
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Wii wrote on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 5:40pm:
FSSkyWorld2004 + Bloom = BOOM. Lost 20 FPS. Going to try it without FSSKYWORLD'04

Worked fine for me with the same addons. No loss of FPS well maybe 1 or 2.

790i : QX9650 : 4Gb DDR3 : GeForce 8800 GTX : 1 WD Raptor : 1 WD VelociRaptor 150
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Reply #34 - Jun 2nd, 2008 at 10:33pm

Wii   Offline

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a1 wrote on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 6:36pm:
Wii wrote on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 5:40pm:
FSSkyWorld2004 + Bloom = BOOM. Lost 20 FPS. Going to try it without FSSKYWORLD'04

Worked fine for me with the same addons. No loss of FPS well maybe 1 or 2.

Ok, no loss now. And it wasn't the bloom at all, for some reason, my computer doesn't like Fssw04...massive framerate loss or cubical clouds...very strange. Ohwell. I like the default clouds, too. Grin Roll Eyes
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Reply #35 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 4:56am

Daube   Offline
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Wii wrote on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 5:40pm:
FSSkyWorld2004 + Bloom = BOOM. Lost 20 FPS. Going to try it without FSSKYWORLD'04

Make sure you are using ONLY the bloom. Check your ini file, wheck that only the bloom is set to 1.
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Reply #36 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 4:59am

Daube   Offline
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Wii wrote on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 10:33pm:
Ok, no loss now. And it wasn't the bloom at all, for some reason, my computer doesn't like Fssw04...massive framerate loss or cubical clouds...very strange. Ohwell. I like the default clouds, too. Grin Roll Eyes

Strange... what video card do you have ? My 6800 GT was already quite happy with the FS SkyWorld 2004 clouds.
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Reply #37 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 9:32am

FridayChild   Offline
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I've made some progress, but I still can't use this addon.
This time I used the .ini file specific for my family of video adapter (nvidia 6600), and the computer did not freeze; but:
1) I lost the antialias completely in the application
2) the frame rate dropped by 50% when parked in a default airport
3) upon startup, the addon warned about a misconfiguration (read documentation and configure by yourself) even if the only thing I did was setting all the effect but the bloom to "0".

Founder of A.A.A.A.A.A.A. (Aircraft Amateurs' Association Against Absurd Aviation Acronyms) My system specifications: FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 - AMD Athlon 64 3200+ CPU - 3 GB PC-3200 DDR400 dual channel RAM - 500 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm SATA-II hard disk - Sapphire Radeon HD 5750 1 GB PCI-E graphic card - Logitech Wingman Force 3D joystick + Logitech Formula Force pedals My FS whereabouts: low and slow, small single engine prop GA, Italy airfields.
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Reply #38 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 9:43am

Daube   Offline
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Arf, I misread your post so I deleted my answer and make a new one.
So you have activated only the bloom in the EFFECT section, and nevertheless you are getting such a FPS impact ?

This is strange... I think that one of the remaining parameters is not convenient for your card. Try setting the blur quality to '2' instead of '0'. '0' is best quality, '2' is lowest quality. Try '1' as well.
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Reply #39 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 9:46am

Daube   Offline
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FridayChild wrote on Jun 3rd, 2008 at 9:32am:
I've made some progress, but I still can't use this addon.
This time I used the .ini file specific for my family of video adapter (nvidia 6600), and the computer did not freeze; but:
1) I lost the antialias completely in the application
2) the frame rate dropped by 50% when parked in a default airport
3) upon startup, the addon warned about a misconfiguration (read documentation and configure by yourself) even if the only thing I did was setting all the effect but the bloom to "0".

Last question: which version of the addon are you currently using ? I'm a bit confused about this error message that you got, never had any on my PC... Perhaps you are using a ini file that is not made for the addon version that you currently use ?
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Reply #40 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 9:50am

Daube   Offline
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PS: I checked the homepage, and there are some new versions available. Maybe they are worth a try ? There are also some new "presets" for this new version !!
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Reply #41 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 11:25am

FridayChild   Offline
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I used the latest version as of today, together with the ini files currently posted in the web site.

Founder of A.A.A.A.A.A.A. (Aircraft Amateurs' Association Against Absurd Aviation Acronyms) My system specifications: FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 - AMD Athlon 64 3200+ CPU - 3 GB PC-3200 DDR400 dual channel RAM - 500 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm SATA-II hard disk - Sapphire Radeon HD 5750 1 GB PCI-E graphic card - Logitech Wingman Force 3D joystick + Logitech Formula Force pedals My FS whereabouts: low and slow, small single engine prop GA, Italy airfields.
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Reply #42 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 3:51pm

Groundbound1   Offline
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Ok, I tried it with my x1950, and I do see a slight difference. However, when I first activate light bloom the whole screen washes out for a second, then it slowly returns to almost the same look as I get without the effect. Is this normal?

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
AMD Athlon X2 6400+ w/ZeroTherm BTF90,�
4GB G.Skill PI Series DDR2-800,
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Reply #43 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:21am

pepper_airborne   Offline
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Groundbound1 wrote on Jun 10th, 2008 at 3:51pm:
Ok, I tried it with my x1950, and I do see a slight difference. However, when I first activate light bloom the whole screen washes out for a second, then it slowly returns to almost the same look as I get without the effect. Is this normal?

Yes, it is how bloom works, bloom is a basic simulation of how the eye adjusts itself to different light situations E.G. looking from the outside to the inside in the full sun, or the other way around.

What bloom in FS does is basicly enter a white world from a completely darkend space(the OFF mode). And thus it's retina needs to adjust itself to the different light situation. If you got a TIR try looking down in the VC and then up towards the clouds. It should explain the effect better.
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Reply #44 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:28am

Daube   Offline
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Absolutely. The perfect example is the 737 cockpit shots that I posted earlier. When you look forward, most of the picture is taken by the "dark" cockpit, so the outside world (sky and clouds) are glowing a lot. But, if I look left, the window takes all the screen, so most of the screen is taken by the clear sky, so the clouds are not glowing that much anymore.

As a matter of fact, if I jump into the cockpit of the default glider, the bloom is almost disabled, because the forward view is always bright (not much "dark" stuff masking your vision, that is). But, if I make a right turn, looking at my right wing, I'll see mainly forest on the screen, so it will be dark, and my white wing will glow Smiley
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Reply #45 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:28am

Mazza   Offline
Melbourne, Australia.

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Waaaaaaaaa, when i try to start Fs up it give's me the error harold got, but i just updated my Dx to the latest Cry Help

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Reply #46 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:32am

Daube   Offline
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Mazza wrote on Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:28am:
Waaaaaaaaa, when i try to start Fs up it give's me the error harold got, but i just updated my Dx to the latest Cry Help

Hmm wait, are you sure you have installed the June 2007 DirectX9.0c update ? I don't know what other requirements are written in the readme.... Also, I'm still using that beta7 version that we talked about at the very beginning of the topic, and I haven't tried the most recent versions yet...

Have you edited the ini file to enable nothing but the bloom ? Some features are incompatible with some hardware, so make sure your EFFECT section has only the bloom set to 1.
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Reply #47 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:34am

Harold   Offline
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Mazza wrote on Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:28am:
Waaaaaaaaa, when i try to start Fs up it give's me the error harold got, but i just updated my Dx to the latest Cry Help

Try this anyways ... Download the latest version from here and update anyways. I also thought I had the latest version but after updating again it seemed to have added a component or two. Microsoft Update did not tell me to update my DirectX but it needed one nonetheless. Strange but true ...

Daube wrote on Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:32am:
are you sure you have installed the June 2007 DirectX9.0c update?

There also seems to be a March 2008 update, Cas Wink


Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #48 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 3:41am

Daube   Offline
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I saw the post from Nick, but I could not understand if it was a real update, or just some kind of "update framework", to bring some DirectX-specific "windows update" feature... I will give it a try when I come back from Germany.
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Reply #49 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 11:38am

Groundbound1   Offline
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I like it! �Shocked
It's like the difference between wearing polorized sunglasses and not. �As far as I can see, �the only parameter that make any difference on how much bloom you get, is the "BloomMaxLimit=" field. (From the newest set of .inis) I set mine to 25, and it seems perfect! Not overpowering, but still very realistic.

Two more questions though. I know this isn't official, (heck it isn't even for the same game) but does anyone think there could be any possible ill effects to a video card or other hardware caused by using this? (I would assume not, since it's rooted in DX9 )

And, aside from being able to turn it on and off with a keystroke, couldn't you get the same effect by adjusting the gamma and contrast settings in your video card's control panel? (and thereby eliminating any framerate hit too)

In any event, thank's for posting this Daube, and bringing to our attention! It seems like a great way to add an extra kick toward "as real as it gets".

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Reply #50 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 11:49am

Daube   Offline
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I do not know for the most recent versions (as I told above, I have just tested the version I was talking about in the begginning of the topic), but until now the activation of the bloom only had almost no FPS impact. But you're not the first to report a FPS impact, so I start to think that the newest versions have some more features that consume more graphic ressources...maybe...

For the impact on the hardware, since you get a FPS impact that probably means that the hardware is getting a high workload, which means more heat, which means possible crashes or artifacts, since nowadays in the nothern hemispere the temperatures are drastically raising (hey, it's summer Smiley )

From what you've said, there seem to be some new parameters in the ini file. I have to give this a try, but for now, and for the next two weeks, being away from my gaming computer, I won't be able to help :/
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Reply #51 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 11:56am

Groundbound1   Offline
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I tried the version you posted, with no frame rate imact at all, but the latest version may be doing things a little differently. I'm only losing 10-15 fps, which is a loss I can live with, and with aftermarket cooling on a stock-clocked gc, heat shouldn't be an issue either.

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
AMD Athlon X2 6400+ w/ZeroTherm BTF90,�
4GB G.Skill PI Series DDR2-800,
Sapphire HD4870 512MB,
PC P&C 750 Quad, in a CoolerMaster HAF932

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Reply #52 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 4:23am

Daube   Offline
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Wow, 10-15 FPS impact is quite huge, I could not afford it on my computer o_0'
What differences have you noticed between the old and the new version ? Which one looks better ? I mean, if you really are ready to sacrifice 10-15 FPS on that new version, there must be something in it that really look better than the old one, so could you explain/show/describe please ? Smiley
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Reply #53 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 5:04am

Mazza   Offline
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okay i'll mod the ini file Wink

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Reply #54 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 5:08am

Mazza   Offline
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Oh i tried moding th file but it did not make a difference and  i deleted the files but now FS wont start Cry

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Reply #55 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 6:20am

Daube   Offline
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Errr... which files did you delete exactely ?
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Reply #56 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 6:31am

Mazza   Offline
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The files i put in from the download Wink

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Reply #57 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 6:51am

Mazza   Offline
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I update through the link^ but now FS still wont start and i put backs all the files in my bin.

HELP ME!...please Cry Cry

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Reply #58 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 7:30am

Daube   Offline
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This is strange. Those files should make no difference if you delete them or not, FS should start normally. I don't understand what is happening on your PC...
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Reply #59 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 8:19am

Groundbound1   Offline
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Daube wrote on Jun 12th, 2008 at 4:23am:
Wow, 10-15 FPS impact is quite huge, I could not afford it on my computer o_0'
What differences have you noticed between the old and the new version ? Which one looks better ? I mean, if you really are ready to sacrifice 10-15 FPS on that new version, there must be something in it that really look better than the old one, so could you explain/show/describe please ? Smiley

I didn't mess with either too much, and the only difference I noticed between the old and new, was that the new one seemed to be a little less blurry maybe. It must be different beyond that though like I said, because of the frame rate hit. I also saw the temp of my GPU jump 2-3 degrees C almost instantly after I activated it. As cool as it this bloom thing looks though, I just don't know enough about how it works to feel comfortable using it.

Couldn't say which is better really. The newer .inis have a couple new parameters, that's about all I know. I should also mention, that I used a modified ini from the new presets download. And again, after turning off everything but the bloom, the only thing I changed was the "BloomMaxLimit=" from 100 down to 25.

Mazza wrote on Jun 12th, 2008 at 5:08am:
Oh i tried moding th file but it did not make a difference and �i deleted the files but now FS wont start Cry

Yikes! That shouldn't have happened I don't think. d3d9.dll and enbseries.ini were the only two you added and removed? �

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
AMD Athlon X2 6400+ w/ZeroTherm BTF90,�
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Reply #60 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 8:33am

Mazza   Offline
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Groundbound1 wrote on Jun 12th, 2008 at 8:19am:
Daube wrote on Jun 12th, 2008 at 4:23am:
Wow, 10-15 FPS impact is quite huge, I could not afford it on my computer o_0'
What differences have you noticed between the old and the new version ? Which one looks better ? I mean, if you really are ready to sacrifice 10-15 FPS on that new version, there must be something in it that really look better than the old one, so could you explain/show/describe please ? Smiley

I didn't mess with either too much, and the only difference I noticed between the old and new, was that the new one seemed to be a little less blurry maybe. It must be different beyond that though like I said, because of the frame rate hit. I also saw the temp of my GPU jump 2-3 degrees C almost instantly after I activated it. As cool as it this bloom thing looks though, I just don't know enough about how it works to feel comfortable using it.

Couldn't say which is better really. The newer .inis have a couple new parameters, that's about all I know. I should also mention, that I used a modified ini from the new presets download. And again, after turning off everything but the bloom, the only thing I changed was the "BloomMaxLimit=" from 100 down to 25.

Mazza wrote on Jun 12th, 2008 at 5:08am:
Oh i tried moding th file but it did not make a difference and  i deleted the files but now FS wont start Cry

Yikes! That shouldn't have happened I don't think. d3d9.dll and enbseries.ini were the only two you added and removed? 

Yes those where the only, and your gpu should be fine, that much is what would happen on a hot day Wink

Sunset Chasing...RULES

AMD 9550 2.43 X4 - 2Gb RAM 800Mhz DDRII - Asus 4670
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Reply #61 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 9:05am

Groundbound1   Offline
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I know. 2-3 degrees C for a gpu is nothing, especially since mine idles at around 40C. �But it's just not worth it to me.

As far as starting your sim goes, I don't know what to tell ya. Are you getting any kind of error message, or is it just not doing anything at all?

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
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Reply #62 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 9:08am

Mazza   Offline
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Groundbound1 wrote on Jun 12th, 2008 at 9:05am:
I know. 2-3 degrees C for a gpu is nothing, especially since mine idles at around 40C.  But it's just not worth it to me.

As far as starting your sim goes, I don't know what to tell ya. Are you getting any kind of error message, or is it just not doing anything at all?

I Click the shortcut and the CD-drive spins(loudly) and my HDD light comes on and all the normal stuff happens except for it starting. i'll try to start it from FS9 folder Wink

Sunset Chasing...RULES

AMD 9550 2.43 X4 - 2Gb RAM 800Mhz DDRII - Asus 4670
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Reply #63 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 9:45am

Daube   Offline
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Hmm... CDROM ? I thought the 9.1 patch got rid of the CD ?
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Reply #64 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 5:43pm

Mazza   Offline
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Daube wrote on Jun 12th, 2008 at 9:45am:
Hmm... CDROM ? I thought the 9.1 patch got rid of the CD ?

No i don't think so and i just got service pack 3 for Xp Wink

Sunset Chasing...RULES

AMD 9550 2.43 X4 - 2Gb RAM 800Mhz DDRII - Asus 4670
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Reply #65 - Jun 14th, 2008 at 9:27pm

Mazza   Offline
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i'm going to reinstall and see what happens Wink

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Reply #66 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 6:45am

Mazza   Offline
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Mazza wrote on Jun 14th, 2008 at 9:27pm:
i'm going to reinstall and see what happens Wink

It works now but to scared to try again Sad

Sunset Chasing...RULES

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Reply #67 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 8:44am

Daube   Offline
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On the main page, there is, among the various downloads, a version that is said to be made for older cards. Maybe you could give this one a try, instead of trying the latest "normal" version ?

Edit: the one that is entitled like this:
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074f shaders 1.4 - Updated. This version specially developed for old videocards with DirectX8 support only. Not tested on such hardware, i don't have it.
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Reply #68 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 1:30pm

FTL992   Offline
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When I try the bloom effect my hole game turns a bluish tint?  I don't think this is correct.  I have installed and edited the numbers to where the bloom is the only thing that takes effect.  I wasn't sure if it had to do with my GFX card because its only a GeForce FX 5200?

...&&Fly The Limit!&&Home Airport : KHSB
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Reply #69 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 4:01pm

Groundbound1   Offline
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If you install one of the .inis from the presets download, it's important to rename which ever preset you use to "enbseries.ini". Otherwise, the module will make a new one. (The same way FS9 make a new FS9.cfg.) It sounds like the bloom is just set too high.

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
AMD Athlon X2 6400+ w/ZeroTherm BTF90,�
4GB G.Skill PI Series DDR2-800,
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Reply #70 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 4:47pm

FTL992   Offline
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Groundbound1 wrote on Jun 16th, 2008 at 4:01pm:
If you install one of the .inis from the presets download, it's important to rename which ever preset you use to "enbseries.ini". Otherwise, the module will make a new one. (The same way FS9 make a new FS9.cfg.) It sounds like the bloom is just set too high.

When i downloaded it the file was already called enbseries.ini if thats what your speaking of?  And the bloom is only set to 1 in the .ini file.

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Reply #71 - Jun 17th, 2008 at 3:31am

Daube   Offline
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FTL992 wrote on Jun 16th, 2008 at 1:30pm:
When I try the bloom effect my hole game turns a bluish tint? �I don't think this is correct. �I have installed and edited the numbers to where the bloom is the only thing that takes effect. �I wasn't sure if it had to do with my GFX card because its only a GeForce FX 5200?

Your video card is quite old. Which version of the bloom file did you install ? Have you seen that on the main page, there's a special download for older cards ? Have you tried this one ?
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Reply #72 - Jun 17th, 2008 at 3:33am

Daube   Offline
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FTL992 wrote on Jun 16th, 2008 at 4:47pm:
Groundbound1 wrote on Jun 16th, 2008 at 4:01pm:
If you install one of the .inis from the presets download, it's important to rename which ever preset you use to "enbseries.ini". Otherwise, the module will make a new one. (The same way FS9 make a new FS9.cfg.) It sounds like the bloom is just set too high.

When i downloaded it the file was already called enbseries.ini if thats what your speaking of? �And the bloom is only set to 1 in the .ini file.

Among the downloads, there's one called "Presets" or something like that. It contains alternative ini files, ordered in folders with the video card names, so you can get an ini for your exact video card.
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Reply #73 - Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:17am

Mazza   Offline
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Daube wrote on Jun 16th, 2008 at 8:44am:
On the main page, there is, among the various downloads, a version that is said to be made for older cards. Maybe you could give this one a try, instead of trying the latest "normal" version ?

Edit: the one that is entitled like this:
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074f shaders 1.4 - Updated. This version specially developed for old videocards with DirectX8 support only. Not tested on such hardware, i don't have it.

But my card not old, X1650pro DirectX 10 full suppot Undecided

Sunset Chasing...RULES

AMD 9550 2.43 X4 - 2Gb RAM 800Mhz DDRII - Asus 4670
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Reply #74 - Jun 17th, 2008 at 5:41am

Daube   Offline
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Oh ! Sorry then, I'm really not familiar with the ATI card names :/
But anyway, it's worth a try I would say.
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Reply #75 - Jun 17th, 2008 at 10:24am

FTL992   Offline
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Yeah i know.  But it does the job so i see no reason for upgrading.  Im not super serious about the game just enjoy flying it and with the card i have now i get plenty of enjoyment out of the game.  In the presets even my card wasn't listed.  But thanks for your help.

...&&Fly The Limit!&&Home Airport : KHSB
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Reply #76 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 4:27am

Harold   Offline
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Mazza wrote on Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:17am:
But my card not old, X1650pro DirectX 10 full suppot Undecided

Sorry mate but I don't think a 1650 supports DX10 Sad Roll Eyes


Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #77 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 4:56am

Daube   Offline
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FTL992 wrote on Jun 17th, 2008 at 10:24am:
Yeah i know. �But it does the job so i see no reason for upgrading. �Im not super serious about the game just enjoy flying it and with the card i have now i get plenty of enjoyment out of the game. �In the presets even my card wasn't listed. �But thanks for your help.

Did you try the special version for older cards or not ? Did it work ?
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Reply #78 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 4:58am

Daube   Offline
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Harold wrote on Jun 18th, 2008 at 4:27am:
Mazza wrote on Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:17am:
But my card not old, X1650pro DirectX 10 full suppot Undecided

Sorry mate but I don't think a 1650 supports DX10 Sad Roll Eyes

Right, I have just checked the ATI website and there it is written that this card is DX9, and supports shadders 3.0.
If such a card does not work with the bloom, then I would most likely blame the drivers.
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Reply #79 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 11:57am

FTL992   Offline
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Which one was the special version.  I'm not sure I know which one you are speaking of?

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Reply #80 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 12:33pm

Daube   Offline
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FTL992 wrote on Jun 18th, 2008 at 11:57am:
Which one was the special version. �I'm not sure I know which one you are speaking of?

This one:
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074f shaders 1.4 - Updated. This version specially developed for old videocards with DirectX8 support only. Not tested on such hardware, i don't have it.

Direct link:
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Reply #81 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 12:35pm

Daube   Offline
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And then again, the "San Andreas" bloom effect is now in version 0.75, but when I started this topic, we were all refereing to the 0.74g version (the one that states something like "per pixel lighting for cars blablabla"):
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Reply #82 - Jun 21st, 2008 at 8:05am

Daube   Offline
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Finally back from a business trip, I could give a try to the newest version of the package, 0.75.

Minimum FPS hit: 10 FPS !! (with bloom only)  Shocked Shocked Angry

As a consequence, I DO NOT recommend this version. I switched back to the 0.74h, which has no FPS impact with the bloom.
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Reply #83 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 7:42am

shaheen   Offline

Posts: 4
hi guys

this bloom effect is amazing but I have a problem is when I try to start fs9 it crash to desktop and have a massege is

AppName: fs9.exe       AppVer:       ModName: panels.dll
ModVer:       Offset: 0003fed0

If I delete .ini and .dll files its start normally

any help please?

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Reply #84 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 8:59am

Harold   Offline
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It looks like you might need the FS9.1 update ... you can get it here.

Daube ... any thoughts on this one?


Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #85 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 11:10am

Daube   Offline
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No idea.
My brother is the only one to use this mod on FS9, and he has the 9.1 patch installed of course. He has no issues at all.
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Reply #86 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 11:37am

shaheen   Offline

Posts: 4
I already installed 9.1 patch but the same problem came again

any idea?
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Reply #87 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 12:54pm

Harold   Offline
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Try replacing your panels.dll with a clean one ...


Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #88 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 2:26pm

shaheen   Offline

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I try to replace panels.dll from CD but the problem come again Sad
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Reply #89 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 3:24pm

Harold   Offline
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I don't know if you have a heavily modified sim, but you could try this:

Rename you FS9 main folder to something else and then do a clean install of FS9 in a new folder with the same name as your old FS9 folder. If you have a default install it should be called "Flight Simulator 9". Install the 9.1 patch FROM WITHIN the main FS9 folder. If you don't do it that way you WILL corrupt some dll's.

Install the bloom effect files right after you've installed the 9.1 update and see how it works out.

Now move and/or reinstall every addon you've had installed in your original sim back to the new installation. Generally you shouldn't have an issue with aircraft or scenery addons that you just move from folder to folder. I think the issue occurred when you (possibly) used an auto-installer, check after every time you've added something if you still have an issue with the bloom effect.

Let me know how it works ... Wink



Dell Dimension 8300 | P4 3.2 Ghz. | 2 GB RAM | 150 GB WD Raptor | Gainward 7800 GS+ 512 | FS-GS

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Reply #90 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 3:33pm

shaheen   Offline

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Harold wrote on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 3:24pm:
I don't know if you have a heavily modified sim, but you could try this:

Rename you FS9 main folder to something else and then do a clean install of FS9 in a new folder with the same name as your old FS9 folder. If you have a default install it should be called "Flight Simulator 9". Install the 9.1 patch FROM WITHIN the main FS9 folder. If you don't do it that way you WILL corrupt some dll's.

Install the bloom effect files right after you've installed the 9.1 update and see how it works out.

Now move and/or reinstall every addon you've had installed in your original sim back to the new installation. Generally you shouldn't have an issue with aircraft or scenery addons that you just move from folder to folder. I think the issue occurred when you (possibly) used an auto-installer, check after every time you've added something if you still have an issue with the bloom effect.

Let me know how it works ... Wink

thanks for your help I will give it try and tell you what happen

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Reply #91 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 6:44pm

Daube   Offline
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What are your specs by the way ? And also, are you using XP or Vista ?
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Reply #92 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 4:30pm

ShaneG   Offline
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This:    GTA San Andreas beta v0.074h test 6

is no longer available here:

The closest version I could find was v0.074hTest 10, and I tried your .ini set ups, the default and the others for old cards and such, all I get is a completely white screen in FSX & FS9? Undecided  Might be my system, might not, anyone willing to send me a link to the original version or maybe just email me the file itself? This way I'll know for sure if it's my system or the version of the effect I have.
Thanx for all help! Cool
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Reply #93 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 9:01am

Daube   Offline
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I have uploaded the beta7 version here:
Enjoy Smiley
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Reply #94 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 11:39am

ShaneG   Offline
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Thank you!!!! Grin
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Reply #95 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 11:50am

Daube   Offline
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Please let us know if it works.
Also don't hesitate to post a screenshot or two Smiley
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Reply #96 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 1:29pm

ShaneG   Offline
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All right, here's the results:
FS9- works perfect using any of the .ini's just a matter of personal taste.

FSX- same problem so now I'm pretty sure that it's something in my system, I saw that someone else in this thread had the same GC that I do and he had a similar problem. So I imagine I'll just have to tweak around on my card to see if that helps, Thanx again for the file! Wink
FSX screens below:

without the effect


with the effect

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Reply #97 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 5:29am

Daube   Offline
Alternative bloomer
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Posts: 5833
That's really strange... the screen goes white as soon as you press SHIFT+F12 ?  Huh
Must be something with your video card settings for sure... or maybe the drivers...
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Reply #98 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 7:08am

Daube   Offline
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Posts: 5833
Another couple of comparison shots: what you get from the virtual cockpit in a FS9 plane in an evening flight over the Swiss mountains.


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Reply #99 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 12:13pm

machineman9   Offline
Nantwich, England

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Posts: 5255
Okay I tried it just then.

I downloaded the package a from a few posts above, unzipped it, copied the DLL and ini files straight into the FSX main folder, copied the 8600 enbseries file into there too.

Load up, try the shortcut (shift+F12) and nothing. No change.

Any thoughts on what might be going wrong?

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Reply #100 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 1:44pm

Daube   Offline
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You have to check the cfg file to see what kind of effects are activated inside. I am using this module with the latest ini I posted some pages ago, and whenever I press SHIFT+F12, the difference you can see in my last screenshots appear.

Perhaps the key combo in the ini you are using is not the same.
First of all, try using the ini I am using, I'm quoting it below. Copy-paste this into your ini and tell me if it works. Try at dawn or dusk for a more noticable effect. During full day, it can be hard to notice any difference. Also, be sure to be in full screen, just in case.















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Reply #101 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 8:49pm

machineman9   Offline
Nantwich, England

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Posts: 5255
Yep I tried everything you suggested and it does nothing.

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Reply #102 - Oct 12th, 2008 at 2:50pm

Daube   Offline
Alternative bloomer
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Posts: 5833
Very strange... you might want to try new video drivers, but I am very surprised that you cannot see anything... Not even a screen flash or anything ?
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Reply #103 - Jul 15th, 2009 at 4:11pm

Speedbird   Offline
Is it a bird, is it a

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Hi all,
Just got the bloom effect and I've posted some screenshots of it here:
As yet I think it might be a bit bright, but at least it works! Smiley

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Reply #104 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 12:34am

N. Chapman   Offline
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Fremont, CA

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It would seem that the site is no longer available...

Click for Computer info overload!
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Reply #105 - Oct 27th, 2009 at 6:12am

Daube   Offline
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Posts: 5833
Yep, and it was already unavailable some weeks ago.
I hope the site does not dissapear :/
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Reply #106 - Jan 17th, 2010 at 10:08am

ApplePie   Offline
North Carolina, USA

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Posts: 2143
If anyone cares, here is the location of the site Mr. Vorontsov moved to:


MY SPECS= 5' 11" Slightly less than healthy male, 160 lbs., Brown were wondering about my computers specs.....
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Reply #107 - Jan 17th, 2010 at 12:08pm

Groundbound1   Offline
No, I don't work for Mythbusters...
Michigan, USA

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Posts: 1745
Cool, a few new ones to try! Thanks Pie!

Specs: Asus Crosshair nForce 590 SLI,
AMD Athlon X2 6400+ w/ZeroTherm BTF90,�
4GB G.Skill PI Series DDR2-800,
Sapphire HD4870 512MB,
PC P&C 750 Quad, in a CoolerMaster HAF932

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Reply #108 - Jan 17th, 2010 at 4:09pm

Daube   Offline
Alternative bloomer
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Posts: 5833
ApplePie wrote on Jan 17th, 2010 at 10:08am:
If anyone cares, here is the location of the site Mr. Vorontsov moved to:

Ah thanks for the info ! Smiley
I'll try to edit the first post to update the link..
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