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How to create a MB Icons for multiple installs! (Read 400 times)
Apr 18th, 2008 at 10:48am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
If you want a MB Icon here is how you can do it. I have over seven different Installs and I have a MB Icon game starter for veryone of them.

1.Press on Start with your Mouse

3.Press on All Programs

4.A new window will be display with of all the programs you haved install on your PC

5.Scroll to Microsoft games and press on it

6.Combat flight Simulator 2 will display. Press on it!

7.Scroll over to CFS2 Mission Builder and activate it by pressing on it with your mouse

Start building Missions

PS after your have actvated it it wil show up again when you open it the next time as one of your favorite when you press Start. It will show up in a colunm on top of START. MAKE A SHORT CUT and place it where ever you want it for easy access. You can also change its name as well!

Go back to the Original MB Icon and make a Short cut and place where ever you want!

Right click on it with your mouse and scroll down to where it says properties. A new diplay will show up.

Where it says Tarket this will show up: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 2\cfs2.exe" /BUILDER:

Now change the root from Combat flight Simualator 2 to whatever the name you gave to new install Folder.

Example :C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS2 South Pacific\cfs2.exe" /BUILDER:

and thats it!

I hope I have been helpful

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