Well, after a few months of scribbling on paper and napkins, looking through magazines and circling things i liked about various panels, throwing out half the drawings and starting over half a dozen times, scrapping the whole idea and starting fresh etc. i have finalized my "concept art" for what the main panel and overhead panel should look like once completed.
Now, the measurements are not final, but they seem like good numbers, and many of my technical drawings are still very crude. Though I'm still very far off from cutting wood, turning screws, and buying parts... getting the idea down on paper is a large part of the battle.
but... I'm pleased with these images for my
custom "high tech airliner panel"
the following link provides the images accompanied by a description of the image and the functionality. these images depict the "King Air" style panel. The twin Jet style panel is identical except that the King air engine cluster will be gone and the standby instruments will take that spot.
(NOTE: you can click the images to make them larger)