Boeing227 wrote on Dec 24
th, 2006 at 10:05am:
I make a panel in cfgedit and export it to my aircraft, I fire up FS to test it and when I select the plane and click "Fly Now", FS Shuts down! Whats the problem?
Most likely... You have included in the panel a gauge (.gau file) that is looking for a variable that has been declared, and shared, by another gauge. If you have not included this second gauge in your panel, then the sim will crash when the panel is loaded. More specifically, the sim will crash when the first gauge goes looking for the shared variable and doesn't find it.
The only real solution here is to figure out which gauge is causing the problem. You could try commenting out all the non MS gauges and adding them back one at a time until the culprit becomes evident.
If you're using gauges by Lonny Payne, he usually includes the server gauge (the one providing the shared variable) at the beginning of the gauge list for the first panel window - making it the first gauge loaded. I'm picking on Lonny here only because I know he has used this technique in the past.
Hope that helps.