ThePilot_Ace wrote on Dec 19
th, 2006 at 7:58am:
Hi, can someone here tell me which part or line of the panel cfg to edit if I want to set the eye point of the 2d panel (eg. when you press ctrl+q to move it down). And the same with the distance view (eg. press [+] to focus in and [-] to go out).
Here is a note that I filed away for the three places to change the eyepoint. This ,
was for FS9 but I think it holds true for FSX:
First, in the panel.cfg:
//Rotate view in Pitch ( Up - neg ), Roll ( Left - neg ), Heading ( Left - neg )
VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=6.3, 0.0, 0.0
This moves the default eyepoint ( from the aircraft.cfg ) and will affect the
view in the VC as well. ( you can easily find yourself OUTSIDE of the cockpit
in VC view )
//Move eyepoint: Left/Right (neg - left ), Up/Down ( neg - down ), Forward/Back ( neg - back )
There is also an adjustment for the eyepoint in the aircraft.cfg file which does
much the same thing as the eyepoint in the panel.cfg, but in typical Microsoft fashion
the parameters are arranged differently!
//Move the eyepoint: Forward/Back (Back - neg), Left/Right (left - neg), Up/Down (Down - neg)