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CFS 2 Freeflight and quick combat (Read 325 times)
Nov 6th, 2005 at 11:09am

HERBIE   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
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Posts: 8
I,ve installed alot of scenery's and extra aircraft.
  The problem occur's when the freeflight won,t run
  or the quick combat .All the missions run ok. Why is
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Reply #1 - Nov 6th, 2005 at 11:22am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
It sounds like one or more of your new aircraft or scenery areas is not correctly installed, more likely an aircraft. If you've installed a lot of addons this might be difficult to track down. The first thing I would try is to select a default aircraft & airfield in Free Flight. Do the same in QC. This will confirm whether I'm correct.


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Reply #2 - Nov 6th, 2005 at 3:38pm

HERBIE   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 8
Thank you for your advice,but i tried taking off the new
aircraft and deactivating the scenery,I also checked
the midlnames index. I also went through all my files
checking for any miss placements.
   As i already own cfs1  the same problem does'nt
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Reply #3 - Nov 6th, 2005 at 5:57pm

jimski   Offline
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I had a problem a few months back where the game all of a sudden would not load up, telling me it was corrupted. Eventually I found that csf2 will only accept so many different aircraft. I had been downloading new aircraft steadily and had maybe 50 in the "aircraft" folder when I started getting the warning. I started a "storage" folder in the "aircraft" folder and transferred aircraft that I did not use into that, so the program now saw maybe 30 aircraft where there were 50. Then everything ran perfectly again.

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Reply #4 - Nov 6th, 2005 at 6:20pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
That could explain it Jimki. This bug is more commonly known as the "100 plane" limit. The number seems to vary but it should only start causing problems if you have 90 or more aircraft installed including the defaults.

PS. If that doesn't explain it you could try reinstalling CFS2. Check out my CFS2 FAQ page first.


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Reply #5 - Nov 7th, 2005 at 1:15am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Herbie you should use this program call ACman. It will allow you to use up to eighteen hangars. Its a great program that will keep from having this problem happeing again.

My advice for you is for you to make a backup folder of the original stock planes and pace them on each new folder you create so when activate a new folder the progarm will run.

Other will wise it will not function. The original stock planes must bee place in every new Hangar you use.

Now can use over one thousand planes for different Theaters and or what ever you would like to use them for.

Here is the Web you can use to download this fantastic program.


good luck and I hope I have been helpful.

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Reply #6 - Nov 7th, 2005 at 4:07am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Let's not run before we can walk. HERBIE hasn't confirmed whether too many aircraft is the cause of his problem yet.


Founder & Sole Member - Grumpy's Over the Hill Club for Veteran Virtual Aviators
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Reply #7 - Nov 7th, 2005 at 8:14am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Hagar you are right. But I hlghly suspect thats the problem. At least that the case in 95% of the time.

Even if thats not the problem I still recommend any new member to get the  ACman program.

I also recommend that you backup CFS2. So that way. If something went wrong you can alway erase what you have done and restore things as they where before you made the new installment.

My last recommendation is for you not to install to many new improvement or planes at one time.

That way you can decrease the chances of corrupting the program. If you do corrupt it you will know what did it.

Learn to enjoy the process of improving this program by doing it slowly. Its like a good meal. The slower you eat the more likely you will enjoy it.

I hope I have been helpful

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