Bombardiers guide and tips on how to become a developer with CFS2.
Here it is:
Part One
Welcome to the CFS2 development world!
This post is very long so I've divided it into multiple posts
A friend posted in the Simviation Forums that a new member in Netwings needs help. So I came here and you want to get CFS2 modding eh?
Well, read on.....
I'm a member of the Wires Wings and Canvas design group and another design group (which currently is making the Nachtjäger! campaign, PM me if you want details ) and I create scenery, missions, DPs, campaigns and miscellaneous stuff for CFS2.
As for CFS2 modding and/or developing, look at all the stuff below....!
Good parts to get started in: DPs, mission building and scenery designing.
DPs are where the crash areas, guns, parts, weaponry etc are in aircraft. Other parts include adding an [EXTRA]. Extras are basicly a place to add a custom effect. In the extra you choose the location of it and which effect to show. You could maybe ask Corsair Freak about it, mark my words, after that VB Lancaster came he had done a lot of extras in his time Lol! Btw, they are mostly used in aircraft DPs for exhaust effects. A great DP editing program called DPEd can be found at and can create and modify DPs and do a bit of experimenting and you'll see how you can get locations for [EXTRA]s. But remember, saving a DP in DPEd will erase any extras, so make a copy of the extra or extras from a DP somewhere else before saving the DP in DPEd. Btw, you don't have to have extras and you might be able to find an extra in the DPs of the ships Here is a tutorial for DP editing in Notepad: building, well if you installed CFS2 with Typical or Complete installation you get a Mission Builder with it. But to start you off with learning to use it, Cody Coyote's Mission Building tutorial is at
Scenery creating can make areas look really good! You can place 3d objects (macros), make runways, add navigational aids and much more. Two good programs for scenery creating are available. Airport can be downloaded at or Flight Simulator Scenery Creator (FSSC) is great for CFS2 as well. You can get it at or
Aka Bombardier(101)
CFS2 Addons by me & team members:
Schleswig WW2 Base Scenery and fix: Bomber Force Campaign: Campaign WORKING ON! to become a developer.