As with all these things there are some unfortunate drawbacks.
I've created a very small runway at Kai Tak next to the Government Flying Service building and I've got a GFS AI heli landing and taking off there. Works very well indeed.
Trouble is it's a separate scenery which had to have its own ICAO code for TTools. I gave it VHXX. I just did a circuit and approach on the Kai Tak IGS for rwy 13 and after takeoff in an Airbus usually when I contact Hong Kong Approach it says 'Airbus 3 miles south east of Kai Tak'. Now it says '3 miles south east of VHXX'. Also it appears in the 'airports menu' which I didn't really want it to do.
I've got it above Kai Tak in the scenery library and I'm going to try moving it below. Also giving it no name. Hopefully this will do it, but I don't know.
Anyway, it's worthwhile sharing this bit of info with you
Here's a pic of it in action. The runway is invisible by the way - the lines you can see are main airport taxiway lines