Greetings, fellow simmers!
I am 17, have been a flight simmer since the good ol' days (FS95) and am currently on FS2002. (FS2004 is too much of a burden for my pc
) Ok, so to get right down to business, I have this little problem with my repaints, or trying to START repaints I should say, and I have never heard of anyone else having this problem. Whenever I try to view reapaint kits' textures through Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, (default picture display utility on Windows XP) instead of a nice, shiny, bare aluminum sheet BEGGING to be painted, I see those two little words that make me want to kick the monitor..."Drawing Failed" AHHHHHH!!!! I believe that I am rather clever with a computer, if I do say so myself, which is what makes this all the more frustrating and the idea of repainting an aircraft is not the least itimidating to me, so I believe I could repaint one with ease. I can understand an image not loading with that error message if it was copyrighted, which is what I percieved initially to be the problem with the default textures, but I dont think that it should say "drawing failed" to a repaint kit's textures. Here are the circumstances:
1) I HAVE unzipped the files BEFORE attempting to edit them.
2) The files will NOT load via File>Open once extracted in MSPAINT, or Adobe Photoshop 7.0 or Adobe Photoshop CS 8.0 ( or any other program)
3) I have a Compaq Presario with Windows XP
4) Files are NOT set to Read Only
I can think of no reason why these files will not load or preview with the Picture/Fax viewer. All other bitmaps will load and preview just fine. Any and all help with my problem is VERY much appreciated and I hope I can reward your kind help with some fantastic repaints. Thanks a million times over again, and (hope to) see you in the repaint studio!