I've been trying to take advantage of all the cool stuff
people have been making for the Chinese Theater.
I just looove carrier ops and the invasion of Shanghai
is the perfect opportunity to combine the two.
I needed a Japanese carrier plane operating during the
time. A5M4s are the obvious choice, but I wanted a
bi-plane naval fighter. Well it turns out, historically the
japanese based their a2n2 and a4n1 on the f4b1 - 4
series. There's no cfs2 a4n1 out there now, but they
look VERY much f4b1s. So I found an fs2000 f4b1, made
a new texture, some .dp .air and aircraft.cfg tweeks
and voila! A4N1!
I took this one up against Curtiss Hawk IIs and I-16s and had a blast! I just love the resultant tight-turning
dogfights. Thrilling! hehehe.
By the way, Stiz, I used Simviation's world mesh in this
area. Looks pretty good I think. Cheers!