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Mission Builder Error (Read 218 times)
May 12th, 2005 at 9:52pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

Gender: male
Posts: 1537
When I try to run mission builder I get this error...

Microsoft Visual C++ Library
Runtime Error!
Program:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 2 - Pacific Theatre\CFS2.exe
This Application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information.

I was gonna make my own spalshscreen of a mission I was working on, so I opened mission builder (worked fine) then got the idea of doing an Iwo Jima mission, but I hadn't put MR's Runway Entries in the airbases.dat file yet, so I added those, then tried to open mission builder and got the error... I was thinking maybe it was a corrupt registry key, so I d/led  and ran a few registry cleaners still having the problem... any ideas?

AKA Corsair_Freak

P.S. I've been having a similar problem with Microsoft Word 2003.
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Reply #1 - May 13th, 2005 at 1:53pm

RabbitHawk   Offline
I wanna fly to Malta in
a Spitfire...

Posts: 38
Did you save a copy of the old airbases.dat? If you did, you
could put it back and see if mission builder runs okay. If it
does you'll know for certain something went wrong with
the edits to airbases.dat.

Otherwise...check to be sure that the little box is still at the
end of airbases.dat. That's an End Of File marker. If it's not
there you can have major problems. Also be sure you've
maintained the correct number sequence. So if the last
airbase (before your edits) was [runway.127] the next one
has to be [runway.128] and it has to be correct through
all the new added bases. I believe the airbase id
"id=6011" for instance, can be any number sequence as
long as there are no duplicates.

There are many possible solutions to this problem, but
this is one quick and easy thing to check before
proceeding. Good luck!
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Reply #2 - May 13th, 2005 at 3:05pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

Gender: male
Posts: 1537
Yes, I have a backup of my airbases.dat file, but I made a copy of the one with the MR airfields in it and renamed it airbases.dat.orig and erased all the entries except stock, and it worked fine!  ??? No, I didn't erase the end of the file marker, I'll go through and make sure all the numbering sequences are correct. I hope it's just a duplicate number and not anything serious...

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Reply #3 - May 13th, 2005 at 6:06pm

RabbitHawk   Offline
I wanna fly to Malta in
a Spitfire...

Posts: 38

That's actually a positive sign. Since the original works okay
you know exactly where the trouble is.

I wrote a PHP script to update the numbers for me. Because
one slip of the fingers and...boom!

Let me know how it goes.
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Reply #4 - May 13th, 2005 at 8:33pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

Gender: male
Posts: 1537
I scanned through the airbases.dat file again and found some repeated numbers... fixed 'em, and still... I get the error... I might E-mail someone at Microsoft, I doubt they'll have any support for it though... the only way around it is... if I wanna make a mission using some add-on airbases, I'll just add the one's I need to airbases.dat file... it work's if I add a few, I don't how many... but when I add a bunch of entries... I get the error... oh well... at least I can still use Mission Builder, and make some highly fictional missions... (i.e. 25 Ace;High Aggression Corsair's with heavy bombs Vs. a slew of HIJMS Tanker's)  Grin

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Reply #5 - May 14th, 2005 at 6:08am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
I'm not sure but it's quite possible there's a limit to the number of new entries you can add to airbases.dat. This could explain your problem.


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Reply #6 - May 14th, 2005 at 4:45pm

Corsair Freak   Offline
Tiskilwa, Illinois, U.S.A.

Gender: male
Posts: 1537
the stock amount of airfields is 124, when I added a few of the MR airfields I stopped at 170.. and got the error... oh well, I can still make missions, I'm happy.  Wink

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