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CFS2 collision bubble & dp (Read 1249 times)
Feb 23rd, 2005 at 12:25pm

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241

On the basis of my experiments, it seems that the collision bubble/offset as perceived by the game online (it seems to handle it differently offline) is effectively a sphere centred on the reference point of the aircraft model - what a pity aircraft aren't spherical in shape... Roll Eyes

Is this the case, or am I barking up the wrong tree? Arf, arf.

Also, does anyone know if there is an interaction between the damage boxes as defined in the dp file and the size of the collision bubble.

If the model collision bubble is reduced, will the game only read hits on boxes if they are inside the bubble?

Or, when the collision bubble is reduced, does this proportionately reduce the size of the damage boxes? It doesn't seem to do this, as guns etc remain in their correct positions after the bubble is changed, but nevertheless, there does appear to be some effect on the way the aircraft registers damage from hits. 

Any thoughts?

All the best

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Reply #1 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 1:45pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
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There is a main dp file in the CFS2 root folder. In there there is an insert for the collision bubble. Reducing the number for that will mean you can get much closer with out colliding. I noticed no ill effects from doing that. As I believe the collision bubble is purely for air to air collisions and not weapons damage.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #2 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 2:41pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Isn't there a CFS.cfg tweak to fix this on all aircraft?

I also found an article on hex-editing the MDL of individual aircraft to fix that collision bubble. I'll see if I can find it.


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Reply #3 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 2:46pm

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241
Thanks 'Louse.

I can't find anything in the root folder - what is the filename?

There is a default dp in the Aircraft folder, but I think that's just for aircraft that haven't got one.

Whereabouts in the file would there be the collision bubble information?

I thought this was something that was set in the .mdl file (entry 3040)



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Reply #4 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 2:53pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Pads. Read this thread. Not sure if it will help.

The fix will depend on the aircraft. What works for the defaults might not work for 3rd party models. There are also 2 different types of 3rd party model used in CFS2, early ones created with FSDS1 & the later ones with FSDS2/Gmax. These might all need slightly different tweaks to fix this problem.

I've mentioned before that I've never flown online so I've not experienced this problem. I've always understood that the collision bubble is caused by somethiing in the MDL file. Providing the DP is accurate it should not affect anything. We had a long discussion on all this some time ago on this forum. I suggested all the methods I knew for the various types of model but nobody came back to confirm if they worked or not. It's difficult to do this without reliable feedback.


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Reply #5 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 2:58pm

_526th_Fireman   Offline
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There's a great little program called MDLedit. I have it and works great. Doesn't change any damage profiles or sizes of boxes. For a long time, our only option was in the CFS2.cfg in multiplayer section, we could change the collisionsec= from 0 to 2. 2 being default. There was debate on wether 0 actually did anything so most folks had there's set to 1.

If I am not mistaken, where MDLedit changes the bubble is in the .mdl file of the acft. Not home so can't read the text on it.
Also, the last time I checked (which was a while back) MDLedit would only work on the stock CFS2 acft., but I believe an updated version was being worked on to use on any acft.

I think I got it from the Hells Angels site, not sure.  Maybe a Google will allow you to find it.

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Reply #6 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 3:08pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Right. I'll go through what I remember from the last time we discussed this. I spent a lot of time researching all this.

At first, the only way to fix this was with the CFG tweak Fireman mentions. I also found this on the RAF662 site. Quote:
Reducing the Collision Factor 'Bubble'

  This allows you to get closer to other aircraft before
  they crash into each other. This can be corrected in 
  two different ways.
  1. (The easiest way) If you have MultiPlayer
     Session Utility 1.0 (MPSUtil) already installed
     all you have to do is run MPSUtil, select the CFS
     version, then in the Config settings check:
     then hit the "Restore" button. This can be done for
     both CFS and CFS2. 
  2. Open your COMBATFS.cfg file located in the
     CFS main folder with Note Pad. Scroll down to
     the [Multiplayer] and locate
     COLLISION_SECS=2 and change the 2 to 0. 
     Save and that's it.

Not sure if this works for all aircraft or just the defaults.

Then someone found out by accident that the FS2000 Tcsfview utility also fixed the collision bubble on 3rd party aircraft created with FSDS1. This will not work on the later CFS2 aircraft created with FSDS2/Gmax.

The RAAF lads worked on this & came up with their MdlEdit utility which works in the same way as Tcdfsview - only for the defaults.

Apparently Ivan Hsu's MDLC utility has an option for the later FSDS2/Gmax models.

That's about all I know about it.


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Reply #7 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 3:48pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Here's a few useful links.

Tcdfsview. This only works on 3rd party aircraft created with FSDS1. (These are the models that show up as a wireframe in Dped.)

MdlEdit v1.1. For CFS2 defaults only.
Check out the hex-editing tute posted on the same page for reducing the collision bubble on ANY aircraft.

Frhed. Freeware hex editor.
MDLC at bottom of same page. Check out SoH for the latest version. This is a DOS program. There is also a Windows front-end available for it.

I think a combination of the above should fix the collision bubble on most CFS2 aircraft.


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Reply #8 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 5:31pm

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241
Hi all,

Wow - what a lot I got...  Cheesy

Thanks for all of this and all of those useful links, Hagar, everyone - you're stars!

I've actually got MdlEdit - and IMHO it is the best way to reduce the collision bubble for stock aircraft. I think a setting of 3 is the generally accepted one.

For other aircraft, I use MK_MDLC v2.0 (which Hagar suggested to me - an excellent program!) or a hex editor (I've got HexEdit and it does very nicely -

Using the Hex editor, the line in the mdl file that you need to change is 3040 - the first value in the line sets the model offset (collision bubble) - see screenshot below:


This is the stock Hellcat. You'll notice that the offset value has been set to '03' (corresponding to the value set in MdlEdit, which is how this one was changed). MK_MDLC allows you to set this value from 1 - 16, so is a little more versatile and can be used with non-stock aircraft.

This far I've got - largely due to the help of Hagar and the rest of you guys here at Simviation and also some of the fellows at Sim-Outhouse as well.

What I'm trying to find out is whether there is a relationship between the collision bubble and the way that the aircraft registers damage when hit.

This is an issue that has come out of my experimentation with those daft flyable ships I've been working on... (I can hear Hagar groan inwardly... Wink

The ships are converted from default CFS2 mission object ships to aircraft using a modified .air file and aircraft.cfg. Everything else is straight from the box, mdl file, dp, etc.

These 'flyable' ships work beautifully as ships online - you can land them on water (carefully!), or CFO down to a water-based location, and then sail them around at a top speed of around 30kts. They are intended to serve as player-controlled targets in online bomb/strafing runs.

And they work very well indeed, apart from the simply enormous collision bubble, which seems to be around 550 to 600 ft from the model reference point. The bubble can be reduced using a hex editor in the manner described above, but this changes their effectiveness as targets. The default collision bubble setting is 8F (corresponding to 143 on a scale of 0-255, which in turn seems to correspond to about 550'-600' in game, assuming the bubble is centred around the model reference point and this value is the radius).

With the bubble left as default, the ships seem to register damage where they are hit - bow, stern, deck, bridge, superstructure, etc.

When the bubble is reduced to coincide approximately with the bow and stern of the ship, the way the ship registers damage changes as well.

Suddenly, it seems, the extremities of the ship no longer seem to register hits. It's as if the damage boxes have got smaller and so no longer correspond to the visual model of the ship, or those boxes outside or at the edge of the collision bubble are simply cut off.

I've tested this a good deal with squadmates and based on their reports and my observations in external view while 'under attack' this really does seem to be the case.

So, this is what I'm trying to work out - whether there is indeed a relationship between the mdl collison setting and the dp file (as there seems to be) and if so what that relationship might be?

BTW: I have posted two ships on our web site:

Both of these use the same model as the stock mission object ships and essentially the same dp (it has been edited to add guns - sadly the flak doesn't appear to work online), but the boxes, parts, etc are as per the default version). As I said, they work well, but they suffer from this over-inflated collision bubble. You're welcome to try them out.

Gasp. Time for a beer... Don't you love this game Wink


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Reply #9 - Feb 23rd, 2005 at 6:36pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
This is an issue that has come out of my experimentation with those daft flyable ships I've been working on... (I can hear Hagar groan inwardly... Wink

The ships are converted from default CFS2 mission object ships to aircraft using a modified .air file and aircraft.cfg. Everything else is straight from the box, mdl file, dp, etc.

Ah, I should have guessed. Now all is clear as mud. Roll Eyes Tongue Wink

This is beyond my knowledge I'm afraid. I can only go on what others have discovered. Never having played online I have no way of checking this out. Ships are obviously bigger than aircraft which might make a difference. As these are the stock ships they could well be different to 3rd party ones. It's quite possible the DP is related to the MDL in some way as that was how Dped originally worked. Providing it's accurate I wouldn't have thought modifying the MDL would make any difference but this is way out of my league. Sorry.


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Reply #10 - Feb 24th, 2005 at 8:56am

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241

Yes, this is very much an online issue - the game handles collisions differently in the offline context. You've still been a great help though! Smiley

The ship models, dps, etc., seem very much like stock aircraft implementations, I am sure they use the same principles and techniques - it would be very wasteful programming for MS to have to invent two ways of doing the same thing unless it was absolutely necessary.

If reducing the collision offset really does impact upon the way in which an aircraft registers damage online (as it would appear to), then unless everyone is using the same setting, players using the reduced bubble could be thought to be operating at an advantage...

As it is, I think most experienced online players use a reduced bubble setting of 3, so perhaps this is not so important.

Mmm - interesting stuff, anyway.

All the best,


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Reply #11 - Feb 24th, 2005 at 9:06am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
If I was interested in playing online I might well have figured all this out by now. I have plenty of experience with Single Player but don't know how all this works online. It could be completely different & I don't know if the MDL or DP defines the damage - or perhaps a combination of both. After giving it some thought it occurs to me that one thing I've not seen mentioned is deleting the CDP file after editing the MDL. I never figured out what the CDP does but unless you delete it after modifying the DP files the changes don't take effect. It wouldn't do any harm to try it.


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Reply #12 - Feb 24th, 2005 at 11:44am

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241

The CDP file is automatically generated whenever an aircraft is selected (if it doesn't exist already, in which case the existing file is used instead) - it's something to do with the way that the game interprets the dp info on the fly during actual game play, but I'm afraid the details of how and why it works elude me too... Wink

I think some online players cheat using the CDP file. They adjust their dp, generate a new cdp and then re-adjust their dp to default so that it is not picked up by Fair Skies. Something like that anyway.

I do update the cdp this is a matter of course when editing dp files, but I have specifically tried to do it after a model adjustment  - I'm not sure it will have any impact, but I will certainly give this a try.

Good thought! Smiley


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Reply #13 - Feb 24th, 2005 at 12:13pm

B24Guy   Offline
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Hi All,

Pads, I'm a bit confused. Sarg Willy and I looked into the ship bubble awhile back and we found that on most ships the bubble was too small.

For Example: Sha_Indiana   stock # (71) hex
I have mine set to (91) hex.
I have crashed into both ends of the ship to verify the change.

On line though I do not know what effect this has.

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Reply #14 - Feb 24th, 2005 at 1:16pm

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241

Yup, it's a funny one. I think the game must handle mission object models differently to aircraft ones, although it also seems to handle offline and online aircraft models differently, too. So may be it is doing the same thing to both aircraft and ship object models, purely dependent on the context - online or offline.

The Essex is 8F by default, so somewhat bigger than the Indiana (71).

Online, crashes occur at around 130' (or thereabouts) when approaching the Essex from the stern and bow, rather greater distances trigger collisions when the aircraft is diving in from above or approaching from the side. 

To get an approaching aircraft to register a collision pretty much as it touched the stern, I had to reduce the collision offset drastically. I don't have my figures with me at the mo', but I'll post them in when I dig them out.

I estimate the online bubble for the default Essex model to be around 500'-600' in radius, assuming it is centred on the model ref point, i.e., it extends around 100'-150' beyond the end of both bow and stern, rather higher (relatively) above the deck and bridge structures.

Bubbles for smaller ships are smaller, but collisions seem to occur in a similar manner.

This is all down to the difference with which the offline and online games handle aircraft collisions - I don't know why this is the case. But it's a massive pain the back-side...  Wink

Ah, me... Roll Eyes

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