Thanks to many people involved in improving this game, there are many sceneries and options with them for this game.
You can use them for Free flight and quick combat or you use them to cover the whole world.
There is also different weather texures available as well.
Just remember this Simulator was not ment to be a civilian flight Simulator and is really made to represent the South Pacific war during the secound World war two.
All other areas are not and will not be as accurate as this area of the World will bee represented.
Never the less with all the improvement with the sceneries available and mesh as well, the rest of the world sceneries do improve tremendously.
The cities are represeted but only in a generic form. No building can be seen at close distance.
Perhaps you can do this with imported sceneries from FS2000 or 2002.
I think they only work for free flight and not for the whole World Mission Builder map.
Inspite of this weakness its still fun to fly around and see the how the improvemnts make the world come to life in front of you.
This been said, let me give you some Ideas on how to improve your visual view in CFS2.
My favorite World sceneries improvement are by by Stiz at: do not forget to down load the new water by Stiz as well.
This sceneries are convertions made by him from FS2004 to CFS2. In my opinion they are best of the whole World map. I recommen for you to down load the new water by Stiz because the water sceneries are not as good in the original conversion package.
There are also another set of sceneries made for the whole map. Check them out and you make your mind wich one you like better. is a upgrade in: are call Patex sceneries 2
You can aslo go to this web and go to the sceneries section. In it you will find many sceneries and improvements available for this game. They include seasonal texures as well. ou can also find sceneries at this other sites that I will post for you.
This same Web has many good sceneries as well.To install them you can came back here and we will show you how to install them if need so.
I hope you enjoy this information.