Some more interesting moments from the '94 show:
First is Oscar Boesch, who does a very nice sailplane routine. This guy's story is interesting: he was a FW190 pilot who collided with a Russian fighter over Berlin on his 120th (!) mission back in '45. He was captured by the Russians, but escaped... not sure if he got back in the air before the Germans were defeated.
Next we have the Red Baron Stearman Squadron, doing their beautiful diamond-formation aerobatics. Sounds as good as it looks...!
This was cute: this RANS homebuilt is presented as a big R/C model; of course the "transmitter" malfunctions, and the plane finishes its routine on its own...
Of course, there's a real pilot: the very talented Paul Ordini!
Hope everyone's enjoying using their imaginations to fill in the missing pixels...