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Wishlist for CFS4 (Read 2444 times)
Reply #15 - Feb 2nd, 2005 at 10:31am

stiz   Offline

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Posts: 661
Good point but CFS3 dosen't "feel" that real to me. Even with WMs scenery and Fox's effects etc. CFS2 has the feel of what it might have been like in WW2....WW1...Korea etc. Also dare i say it.......CFS2 has more...depth...then CFS3.

I can aggree that in 2-4 years time CFS3 will be a smashing sim but not at this present moment in time.

Guess its just a matter of opion though.

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Reply #16 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 2:10am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Av Bear you are right about you been a mainly a European Theaeter fan. That was very pretencious of my part. To me your Father is a Hero like all veterans who serve in World war two. Its just that this is mostly a program dedicated to the European Theater and the rest of us who like to fly in different thearters would be short change with CFS3 and when it comes to this matter.

You did bring some good points. I also appreciate what you have done for CFS2 and 3. The quality for you planes have greatly inhence the enjoyment of both porgrams for us. Thankyou

Even dow CFS3 has more potential than CFS2. It still came short of what I was looking from follow up of CFS2.

I always wanted a Simulator that represented the whole war. CFS2 gives us that option.

It would take a lot work from our part but its possible.It also feels more realistic when flying a mission in CFS2 than CFS3.

The movement in air are more realistic and gives you a more immersing feel to it.

CFS3 does have many good points . I realize that and I have to agree with you with many of the points you express in your previous post.

For example in CFS3 you can change the skin of your planes. Thats a cool featrure. The outside view of the planes are the best in the CFS series.

For ground attacks nothing beats it. Not even the UBI series. The sceneries third demention view are the very best available of any Combat flight Simulator in the Market today.

It also has very annoying features. Like zooming or expanding the exterior view of your plane. Instead of expanding or contracting the scenery view. The plane only gets bigger or smaller while the scenery stays the same size.

Another is restricting your vitual view depending on your experience in flying in the game. That should be done only thru the players own ability to view things. Now thats annoying.

I still like the game and have every Intention to flying with it for a long time.I beleive as more improvement it gets from the �developers the better it will get.

To me its like the tower of Pisa. Uneven and almost falling but still a beautiful stucture to see. I wish I could visit it soon.

Now enough about this CFS2 vs CFS 3 debate. They are both great Simulators. Lets just enjoy them both. If you fly one it does not mean you cannot fly in the other.

Lets join forces and try to make them the best Simulators ever for the benefit off all.

I beleive in free Speach. We all express our opinions. Lets coaperate this each other.

« Last Edit: Feb 5th, 2005 at 9:59am by james007 »  
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Reply #17 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 4:05am

Smoke2much   Offline
The Unrepentant Heretic
Sittingbourne, Kent,

Posts: 3879
CFS3 has always looked awful on my system.  I can barely run it at 800X600 16Bit and then I get choppy frame rates and mini-freezes when I fire my guns.

I need a new system lol.

CFS2 on the other hand has an annoying mission system in that if you fail to shoot down a ridiculous number of enemy A/C you fail the mission.  You have to perfom like David McCampbell (USN Ret) on a good day everytime you take off.  The CFS3 system is far better in that your Wingmens victories count towards mission goals.

What I would like to see for CFS4 is the entire world modelled like the FS world.  You select the date and the combat type is adjusted by the date.  It would cover from the first military a/c in about 1912 up to modern computer controlled systems.  Using the CFS3 campaign system it would be easier to simulate Pattons assault on Soviet Russia in 1945, or the aftermath of the nuclear conflict in Korea in 1955.


Who switched the lights off?� I can't see a thing.......� Hold on, my eyes were closed.� Oops, my bad...............&&...
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Reply #18 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 4:17pm

Stratobat   Offline
To fly... Or not to fly?

Posts: 1165
For example in CFS3 you can change the skin of your planes.

No you can't... You can change Unit Markings and Nose Art Tongue

If you want different skins, then it's exactly like CFS2 in that you need to create them yourself!

The outside view of the planes are the best in the CFS series.

I don't know about that, just take a look through the CFS2 Aircraft Downloads section here and at the Outhouse and you'll see what I mean. Besides, the fishbowl view can be irritating at times, but don't get me wrong, I still play CFS3 from time to time, but my first love as far as Combat Flight Sims go will always be CFS2.


Edit: Just for the fun of it...

Here are some shots of the P-51D Mustang from World War II Fighters, a game that was released in 1998. Would anybody like to post some shots of the default CFS3 P-51D Mustang?



...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #19 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 5:43pm

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

Gender: male
Posts: 577
This might be of interest.

Will Hunter speaking of the MAW project:

Oh, it is much, much more than an addon. It is a whole new combat flight sim. A stand alone, separate installation to your original ETO CFS3. A completely new theatre and that already looks far superior to the old CFS3 scenery. Some of the best quality 3D Max modellers in the world are building for it. I reckon at the time of release there will be fifty or more new aircraft, at least. All of them will have the lastest upgraded 1% flight dynamics and damage models from those 'experten' at AvHistory.

Fox is making the best visual FX I've ever seen. You should see his sand storms!

At the moment there are lots of ground facilities appearing. Many realistic buildings and even stuff like Bedouin tents with rugs. I've seen pictures of The Grand Harbour at Valetta in Malta that are mouth watering.

There will be flocks of birds in MAW. Soldiers in shorts rolling cigarettes, fighting battles, dropping by parachute out of Ju52s or Dakotas. Male and female civilians walking around, carts pulled by donkeys and horses, mules working treadmills. Farms with cows, (Frisian breed in Southern Europe, Kuri longhorn breed in North Africa) sheep, pigs, goats, wells, windmills, people riding bicycles and motor bikes, driving trucks, cars, tanks which the player will be able to drive as well. You will be able to 'drive' British, German, Italian, and American motor torpedo boats and fight battles on the Mediterranean Sea with torps, depth charges and guns. Yep, you can even try and sink the submarines! (Thanks to Greg Law who has already contributed an extraordinary amount of of things for MAW and just keeps 'pulling more and more rabbits out of his hat'.

Hopefully we'll be able to get farm animals animated so they will scatter like real livestock if you fly low over their paddocks. Maybe we'll get Guy (Fox) to make a dung FX so the cattle can raise their tails drop a load every so often!

All the new aircraft are a quantum leap forward from most of what has so far appeared. Excellent virtual cockpits, turrets, and other interiors. Recently saw a screenie looking down the insides of a Savioa-Marchetti SM79 fuselage with two waist gunners bashing away at Hurricanes or Gladiators. Gee, it looked great. We have a sizable collection in our Italian contingent who are doing some incredibly beautiful looking Regia Aeronautica aircraft, ships and many other details.

The Hurricanes are looking totally fantastic now. They have undergone an amazing evolution. Originally started by Partrick Didier. Then worked on by Mathias - new virtual cockpit. Winjeel took it over then and remodelled the wings so they look right. Leading edges fixed up and modeled landing lights. Winjeel has also produced Sea Hurricanes with animated landing hooks.

You'll see every version of Hurricane ever used in the Med, even the Mk.IID 'Tin Opener' with 40mm Vickers 'S' guns. Bravo 4 has been pouring out some of the best and most realistic skins I've ever seen for all these Hurris.

Ed Wilson has done some amazing looking P-40s, Steve Sybolt's got Stukas and lot's of other great stuff - armoured vehicles, PT boats, Dorniers and more. Fantastic Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs all new, Josh's done some new tropical Spits and Sea Spits. There are lots and lots of other things. Some I'm not even allowed to mention because we want to give people a few surprises.

I know that it's difficult to wait on something like this but it's a gigantic project and even with the forty or so people on the Desert Rats team working away madly on it, this kind of thing takes time. I'm sure you'll get your 'hot little hands' on it this year but it is silly for me to make an estimate as none of us really know ourselves. People are coming up with new ideas all the time.

Believe me, you won't be disappointed. Just be patient.

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Reply #20 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 5:46pm

Smoke2much   Offline
The Unrepentant Heretic
Sittingbourne, Kent,

Posts: 3879
That sounds awesome.  I won't be able to run it but I look forward to the screen shots.

Who switched the lights off?� I can't see a thing.......� Hold on, my eyes were closed.� Oops, my bad...............&&...
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Reply #21 - Feb 5th, 2005 at 6:10pm

Mathias   Offline
Toy Maker

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Posts: 558
Someone mentioned beduin tents?
Couldn't resist to put some holes into the left one with me FW190 Cheesy


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Reply #22 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 1:07am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
Mathias what type of campaign does it comes with. Is it going to bee a linkage campaing or will come with a �Dynamic format.

If its Dynamic will it follow the CFS3 format of Hypothetic type or is going to be base on Historical line. I prefer the Historical leneage format than a Hypothetical one where everything you do thru your mission will decide the future of your campaign. I hope it bring both type of campaigns.

How many planes will it bring. Will their be a Italian Language package included. Will it include the whole Mediterranean Campaign.

When will it be release.

Thank you
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Reply #23 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 6:12am

Bombardier101   Offline
I think the Caped Crusader
needs a break

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Posts: 767
For those who said there isn't gonna be any CFS4, I know already Roll Eyes! Can someone put some wishes down now Angry? Bless you stiz Smiley, you put something down.

Need a DP for your new aircraft? PM me for one!&&&&My CFS2 Addons&&&&Schleswig WW2 Base Scenery: Bomber Force Campaign France WW1 Scenery WORKING ON&&Nachtjaeger! Campaign WORKING ON&&British Nightfighter Campaign LATER&&Atlantic Martlet Campaign LATER&&Iwo-jima scenery RESUME LATER&&&&UPLOADS COMING TO SOH SOON
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Reply #24 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 6:14am

Mathias   Offline
Toy Maker

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Posts: 558
Mathias what type of campaign does it comes with. Is it going to bee a linkage campaing or will come with a �Dynamic format.

If its Dynamic will it follow the CFS3 format of Hypothetic type or is going to be base on Historical line. I prefer the Historical leneage format than a Hypothetical one where everything you do thru your mission will decide the future of your campaign. I hope it bring both type of campaigns.

How many planes will it bring. Will their be a Italian Language package included. Will it include the whole Mediterranean Campaign.

When will it be release.

Thank you

Hi James,
There'll be in any case several linkage campaigns covering greece, crete, malta, north africa, italy and so forth.
Dynamic campaign will be in, too, just don't ask me in how far we can overcome CFS3 limitations as I'm not the mission maker.
As for the map, just have a look at .
Operation torch will probably be a bit tricky as we have just the eastern bounds of tunisia in, everything else relevant to the theathre should be fully supported though.

There'll be many new planes, LOL.

Looks positive on an italian voicepack.
We have all the tools needed to do that thanks to MS supporting the project.

No release date as of yet, targeting for this year though, LOL


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Reply #25 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 6:20am

Bombardier101   Offline
I think the Caped Crusader
needs a break

Gender: male
Posts: 767
Oh, I forgot Green Ghost. Bless him too, he put something down....

Need a DP for your new aircraft? PM me for one!&&&&My CFS2 Addons&&&&Schleswig WW2 Base Scenery: Bomber Force Campaign France WW1 Scenery WORKING ON&&Nachtjaeger! Campaign WORKING ON&&British Nightfighter Campaign LATER&&Atlantic Martlet Campaign LATER&&Iwo-jima scenery RESUME LATER&&&&UPLOADS COMING TO SOH SOON
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Reply #26 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 6:28am

Bombardier101   Offline
I think the Caped Crusader
needs a break

Gender: male
Posts: 767
Bear I would disagree with you most heartly. Their is no reason why we should ask CFS3 developers when CFS2 have very capable developers of their own. Thats very insulting if you ask me.

Hi James

I agree with you, I'm a CFS2 developer myself, that is insulting Shocked

Need a DP for your new aircraft? PM me for one!&&&&My CFS2 Addons&&&&Schleswig WW2 Base Scenery: Bomber Force Campaign France WW1 Scenery WORKING ON&&Nachtjaeger! Campaign WORKING ON&&British Nightfighter Campaign LATER&&Atlantic Martlet Campaign LATER&&Iwo-jima scenery RESUME LATER&&&&UPLOADS COMING TO SOH SOON
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Reply #27 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 7:12am

Mathias   Offline
Toy Maker

Gender: male
Posts: 558
Hi James

I agree with you, I'm a CFS2 developer myself, that is insulting Shocked

LOL, he just said he would better have the CFS3 code than the CFS2 code, what on earth is insulting on it?
Been developing for CFS2 for years and can tell with some savety that each new groundcrew release has raised the bar for the others to follow Cheesy
We made the switch to CFS3 when it was released because it's the better render engine, the better combat engine and the better flight model engine and it has better SDK support than CFS2 will ever have.
So saying releasing the code for CFS2 is insulting to CFS3 modellers, following your logic? LOL!

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Reply #28 - Feb 6th, 2005 at 11:43am

AvHistory   Offline
Kinder & Gentler

Gender: male
Posts: 577

>>>>I agree with you, I'm a CFS2 developer myself, that is insulting<<<<

I have listed below the original Desert Rats, none of whom were insulted by my comment that CFS3 is better software to work with.  8)

Additionally, 100% of whom have also made very significant contributions to CFS2 both freeware & payware,  many since well before it was ever released to the public.

Rick (RCAF_Gunner) Rutherford
John (johno_UK) Benfield
Alessandro (ALX) Biagi
Spencer (Green Day Rocks 2) Carter
Giovanni (Nanni) Cignoni
Pete (Simviation) Daly
Sterling (Dakota) Dedic
Luca (SixGhost) Festari
Guy (Fox) Greenberg
Peter (GGollob) Harris
Will Hunter
Mikael Karlsson
Corrado La Posta
Greg (Condor) Law
Jonathan (Eraser) Lentine
Richard (Winjeel) Mason
Kevin (Bear) McLean
Finn Neuik
Paul (Nod) Norris
Tomas (Wildbat) Oszlar
Gregory (Sarge) Pierson
Mathias (AMmace) Pommerien
Paul Rebuffat
Graham Rollinson
Bob (Wulfmann) Ruff
Steve Seybolt
Charles "Charlie" Simpson
Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson
Anthony (Gramps) Sullenger
Neil (Netwings) Washbrook
John (Bravo/4) Whelan
Mike (Mikewhl) Wholaver
Ed (GZR_Groundhog) Wilson
Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson
Pietro (Zipo) Zazzetta
Josh (Zuyax) Ziebarth
Mark (WindingMan) Andrews

Thing is no matter what is posted on the internet some guy will get his knickers in a knot and be all insulted by it. Roll Eyes

Such is life  Grin

BTW y'all the same guy who in late January of 2005 did not know that CFS2 has a limit on the number of aircraft that can be loaded into it...a limit that CFS3 does not have?  Sad

BEAR - AvHistory/Desert Rat

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Reply #29 - Feb 7th, 2005 at 1:34am

james007   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1514
AvHistory Iam not that sensitive about you comment about your desire on wether you thought the code should release for the CFS3 instead of CFS2. That would be silly . Its only a opinion and everyone has the right to their opinion. What bother me is you insinuation that since their probably wont be a development of CFS4. We should send all our request �wishes to �the CFS3 �developers.

In other words we should substitude CFS2 for CFS3. Make all our request to CFS3 developers and make CFS3 into our own CFS4.

Now I thought that was a Insult to come to the CFS2 forum and tell every member to abadon CFS2 for CFS3.

Iam sorry as good as CFS3 is. It will never replace CFS2. Maybe just maybe we member of the CFS2 forum would like to convert CFS2 into CFS4 instead.

The thing that bother me about you is not that you promote CFS3 but that you and Mathias never admit that CFS3 has many short commings as well.

I understand that that in many ways CFS3 is a better program but to say that is completely superior is nonsense.

With out CFS2 we would not have the Best Simulator representing the Pacific Theater period. While the Pacific Fighter is a dandy of a program is still incomplete and with the help of the CFS2 developers CFS2 is still better. I will not give up CFS2 for the Pacific Fighter program at this time.

Where can we Simulate World war one or the Spanish Civil war. Perhaps create our own Easter Front Theater from the Polish campaign to Berlin 1945.

We now can recreate the Night Bombing by the �British Bomber Command with the help of Stiz Sceneries and search lights soon to be available.

Can you claim to have build basically all the Significant planes involve in World two . I guess not.

Were is the World map were I can place the few Russian and Japanese planes available for CFS3.

You say the flight Models are better . I defer from that comment. I have flown Cfs2 and CFS3 and the planes feel more real than they ever felt in CFS3. Beside if you look at the planes from the exterior view. They look like they are been flown from strings like puppet plane instead of looking they are actualy flying. I now you guys are never going to be objective and will never admit to this and other weakness. But thats the way they look. Not very real.

I admit CFS2 has many short commings. Like for example no Mutiple Languages program has ever been develope for it. Maybe instead of critizing this program you should �help us in this matter. Another is our inability to use the Bomber turrents guns. Their not enough Bombsights to acomodate all the Bombers available.

This are just a few examples of its short commings. But overall CFS3 cannot and will not replace all of what CFS2 can do for the World two combat Simulator world.

They are both different and good Simulator. Just accept it . It would be better for us to join forces instead and try to make both this wonderful Simulator better.

I fly them both and I love them because they give me a different feeling whenever I fligh in them.

I hope you do not get offended by what I have said about CFS3.

You guys have done a wonderful job with both Simulator and hope you will continue. I appreciate all your good work. Thank for everything.

Thank you
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