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Yet more Euro CFS2... (Read 1086 times)
Jun 15th, 2004 at 7:21pm

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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Hi guys,
Fancied my chances making some missions for the Mosquito, trouble is Steve McClellands UK airbases are no show in missionbuilder, their there in free flight, Q/Combat, Missions & Campaigns but not missionbuilder, i've been reading Cody Coyote's tute (excellent) wont addon airfields show in missionbuilder ?
Happ Sad
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Reply #1 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 2:22am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
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Happ. Check out my tute. This should give the basics.


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Reply #2 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 5:08am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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DOHHH !Thanks for that Hagar,as you often quote'if you cant make it work read the B****Y MANUALS ' Roll Eyes
Happ Lips Sealed
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Reply #3 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 5:19am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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Incidently, i lifted 'sink the Tirpitz' off netwings & converted it to run Phillipe's Mossie, it's all too realistic, as soon as you open the bomb bay doors the plane slows to attack speed ! (124knots) & you get fragged by the flak i've hit it once, but i cant get out of the Fjord in one piece, i'll keep trying, might end up flak happy tho', & i wonder why you have to subscribe to use sim-outhouse now?
Happ 8)
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Reply #4 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 1:26pm

stiz   Offline

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The reason why you have to subsribe to sim-outhose now is that they where getting attacks from quests which crashed the whole server.

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Reply #5 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 1:54pm

Stratobat   Offline
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I don't get it...

I was able to get into the Outhouse over the week-end an post, browse the forums and etc, but when I try to log in using my Username and Password, it boots me back to the login screen again... Oh well, was fun while it lasted.


...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #6 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 5:31pm

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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Done & dusted Hagar, broke up the UK into 2 operational areas, England/Wales & Scotland, so i can run Coastal Command Missions, still inputing airbases(theres such a LOT of them ! think i'll stick to the fair sized ones for now)
Sim out-house had been sticky for a while before the subscribe was brought in, i was hitting the stop button to stop something & the file library would then appear.
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Reply #7 - Jun 16th, 2004 at 5:57pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Glad you fixed it Happ. Wink
You might have to tweak the runway starting points a little to get them exactly right. The heading is most important & a couple of degrees either way can make all the difference.

Sorry to hear that SOH are having problems. It's a while since I visited but they're a good bunch of guys.


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Reply #8 - Jun 17th, 2004 at 9:05am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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Thanks for that Hagar, I'd been looking at other airbases in the DAT file & noticed the variation in start & stop positions on the runways, this is your distance up the strip i take it ?
What an interesting tool Missionbuilder is,but i can see how problems can arise if you have aircraft,scenery etc other people dont have on their CFS2 versions.
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Reply #9 - Jun 17th, 2004 at 10:02am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
As I remember, everything is measured from a reference point on the runway. Supposing this point is half way along the runway & the starting point is a certain distance back from it you can see what difference even one degree heading would make. I think it's possible to measure all this accurately in the MB. Once you have a rough airbases.dat entry for the runway you can fine-tune it later. It's a long time since I had anything to do with this but I think we usually leave the takeoff/landing values on default.


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Reply #10 - Jun 17th, 2004 at 11:17am

stiz   Offline

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Hmm.....i've been able to log into sim-outhouse daily with no problems. I know that they've closed the other forums they where starting to use. The old ones are still ok though.

Probly irelavant but I know that you tweak the airbasee.dat entries so that when your wingman land you can make them land in different places, closer or further away from each other stuff like that.

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Reply #11 - Jun 17th, 2004 at 1:49pm

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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Wingmen? AAAAAAAGHHHH ! Stitz i have enough trouble getting my own Ass down on the strip without worrying about them Cry
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Reply #12 - Jun 17th, 2004 at 1:58pm

Stratobat   Offline
To fly... Or not to fly?

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Hey Stiz,

This problem with the Outhouse isn't something new to me. Ever since round about January I've been having problems getting in. This past week-end was the first time that I've actually been able to get in, post and browse the forums in a while ???


...&&&&'If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense lest you come up with nonsense'
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Reply #13 - Jun 18th, 2004 at 4:07am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
No Lasagna recipe's, what
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Posts: 99
Agree with you there Stratobat, i'm only an occasional visitor to outhouse, since i've been doing this Euro CFS2 sim outhouse , next to simv, has been the best source for Euro stuff, VB ,Paul rebuffat etc are all there & it's been sticky getting in, i've a suspicion it was a banner or an ad' not completing & hitting stop opened the page i have'nt subscribed as yet, i got all i wanted before the new set up was in place, i'll probably do so eventually.
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Reply #14 - Jun 18th, 2004 at 3:19pm

stiz   Offline

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Posts: 661

I agree sim outhouse is a good place to get euro downloads but they've closed the site due to a devestating DDOS attack that affefected the main servers.

I wonder why people think its fun to attack a website that brings so much happynes to alot of people.

If/when i get my hands on a someone who attacks websites for the fun of it, i'll rib their f****** heads off then feed it to the lions.

Sorry for the bad langauge but i'm just so mad  Angry Angry

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Reply #15 - Jun 18th, 2004 at 4:08pm

Happ_Hazard   Offline
No Lasagna recipe's, what
kinda forum IS this?...

Posts: 99
Agree with you 100% stitz, takes a LOT of patience & knowledge to create the stuff you see on these posting sites,sadly there's people about who get some perverse pleasure out of disrupting it, the ISP i use is only small but it's been hit 3 times by a DOS attack in 6 months, i was offline 3 days one time, string the S.O.B.'s UP !!!!!!!
Happ Angry
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