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How to get Aircraft, etc to CFS2? (Read 500 times)
May 24th, 2004 at 10:26am

navyjock1950   Offline
2nd Lieutenant
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Posts: 1
I have CFS2 on computer with WindowsXP Home, and trying to download some of these "Aircraft, etc" here to the CFS2 file.
I think I may be doing something wrong, trying to download these.
I'm no computer guru so I need some help here.
I have Internet Explorer 6.0 on the PC.
Someone guide me to the best way to do all this?

Thank you,

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Reply #1 - May 24th, 2004 at 11:34am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
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Posts: 33159
Hi Skeeter. You might like to read this tute in conjunction with my Aliasing article.

They should cover most things you need to know providing you follow the instructions carefully. If you have problems please post again with the file name of the offending aircraft & the page number it's posted on.

You don't need to be an expert with computers but it helps to have a basic knowledge of Windows functions. You might find my Windows Basics article useful before going any further.

PS. Ignore para 4 of the installation tute. This only applies to FS2002/4.


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Reply #2 - May 26th, 2004 at 7:11am

Happ_Hazard   Offline
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kinda forum IS this?...

Posts: 99
Yes, Skeeter, if you read Hagar's info(AKA Grumpy-Doug-etc !)from the lair it gets you there.A lot of the problems are caused by the aircraft- scenery - mission, whatever being still in the designers original file folders from his computer & you must identify the files you NEED first, before you can copy & paste to the right CFS2 folder. It's all part of the FUN Grin
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Reply #3 - Jun 7th, 2004 at 10:26pm

tblan75   Offline
Keep on flying

Posts: 10
Hi Skeeter,
For starters you can find Downloads on this web site first you have to make a folder
and name it FS downloads in my documents on your
computer, then when you download aircraft the download will be in that file ie FS downloads in my
documents on your computer. after you have downloaded the aircraft to your computer open
the download file and follow the instructions to
install the aircraft to your game. Thier are instructions
on how to do this on this web site.
Skeeter if you wan't to you can go to
and download aircraft from that web site and all the
downloads are self installing.try that if you want to
they are all good downloads, don't forget to make a
folder in my documents first and name it FS downloans. 8) 8)
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Reply #4 - Jun 13th, 2004 at 3:39pm

stiz   Offline

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