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Throttle problem (Read 138 times)
Apr 1st, 2004 at 11:57am

Texas_Whirlwind   Offline
2nd Lieutenant
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1
In CFS2 my throttle keeps going from full to slow. I have recalibrated with no effect. Anyone know what is causing this. Joystick with seperate pedals. Never had this problem in any of the other flightsims. Any help will be greatly appreciated... 8)
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Reply #1 - Apr 1st, 2004 at 2:24pm

Padser   Offline
Tally-Ho, chaps...

Posts: 241

I get occasional wierdness too - I use my venerable old sidewinder precision pro in combination with the throttle half of an X-45 set up (the stick sits under my desk in disgrace, I don't like it at all, and I need to use my sidewinder because the x-45 rudder on the throttle unit is unusable)

Sometimes in the past I have lost either aileron or elevator control on the stick at odd times. Apparently this is due to some other HID  device or driver kicking in and confusing things - that's about as technical I get with regard hardware... Wink  - thanks to the guy on ebay who helped me with that!

Anyway, I seem to have solved the problem (I hope) by turning off some of the settings under Control Panel > System > Device Manager

I turned off the Saitek Magic Keyboard and Magic Mouse settings under Human Interface Devices. I think this means that I can't program the saitek part of my set up to do anything more than I can assign in game, but that's all I really did anyway.

Hope this gives you a head start at least,


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