I’m using Steve McClelland's European scenery in the mission builder. The heading in free flight is 170.85.
I’ve added the runway to the aribases.dat. When I get into the mission builder, I find myself on the runway but my heading is 178.90, no matter what I put in the airbases.dat.
A minor thing and easily corrected with a little rudder but…why won’t it change?
The runway is Aldergrove, if that will help.
I should have included this before I posted;
[runway.124] id=8051 name=Aldergrove base_lat=N54 39.46 base_lon=W6 13.71 base_alt=271.35 heading=170.85 allegiance=0 units_across=1 takeoff_start_pos=-50,0 takeoff_stop_pos=1600,200 landing_start_pos=5000,350 landing_touchdown_pos=500,0 landing_stop_pos=-250,0
I seem to have the same off set with the other runways I've added.
« Last Edit: Feb 20th, 2004 at 8:21pm by engineer2 »
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