In art class a few days ago, I had to make a DVD cover in the style of Monet. On the back of the cover, I had to write something about the DVD (you know how they look) so I wrote down four short discriptions so I could see which one I liked best. I shared them with a few people, and they thought they were funny, so maybe you will too.
1. The movie that critics call "OK",
The River takes you and your family on an uneventful journey down a calm river. Listen to the sounds of the river, such as birds, wind, and silence. Enjoy the sights, such as endless trees.
2. List of Scenes:
-The River
-A Hot Day
-Another Hot Day
-It's Still Summer
-The Unusual Snowstorm
-More Summer
-Saying "Goodbye" to the River
The River has been called the best movie of the year.
"If Monet made a movie, it would be like this!"--A Big Newspaper
"It is OK"--Another Big Newspaper
"I didn't like it, but I think some people will, maybe"--A Small Newspaper
4. The popular IMAX film now on DVD,
The River brings you to France where you will explore the Seine River from it's soure to the sea. Hosted by that guy with a deep voice that is in all the movie previews,
The River will bring you an hour of adventure on the Seine.
(btw, I chose 4 because it wasn't as strange as the rest