1. Open the desired texture.
2. Repaint.
3. Save in the same format without renaming the file.
Of course, the "problem" lies in item 1. "Open the desired texture".
Typically, the textures are not "standard format" bitmaps - you won't be able to simply open the program in your paint program, but rather you'll need a converter.
A very good repainting tutorial is at:
http://www.calclassic.com/repaint.htm"Jargon" is unavoidable - the different texture formats useable, the converters themselves (DXTBMP, imagetool), etc.
For a flightsim specific paint program, you may want to consider Abacus' FS Repaint - in which you can view the 3D model and see your changes as you make them. check their website: