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FS2K Aircraft in CFS2 (Read 1042 times)
Jan 4th, 2004 at 8:29am

plazz   Offline
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This is my first post on here so firstly I'd like to say hi to all of you, secondly please can any of you help me?
I would really like to fly the Mig 31 Firefox Model designed for FS2K. Is it possible to make this aircraft work in CFS2? as it is the only Microsoft Flight simulator I own!
I have tried converting the .mdl file and can get the firefox displayed in the player aircraft select panel, but when you click 'Fly now' it displays the message 'cannot load firefox model'.

Anybody got any ideas on how I can get around this problem?

Thanks, Regards Plazz
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Reply #1 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 8:34am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hello Plazz & welcome. I have successfully converted FS2002 aircraft to work in CFS2 by following the tute posted in the SimV Help sections. It says in the tute that not all FS2002 aircraft will convert. I haven't tried the Firefox so I don't know if this is one of them. Maybe I've been lucky as I haven't experienced a problem so far.

PS. I just read your question properly. All FS2000 aircraft should work in CFS2 without any conversion. If you use WinXP you could try patching the MDL file with the MDL Repair Utility posted in FS2000 Utilities.


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Reply #2 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 9:27am

plazz   Offline
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My mistake, I did mean FS2002. I really shoould proof read what I write! Also my operating system is XP.

Seeing as you say that not all aircraft will convert, maybe I'll try downloading some different FS2002 aircraft and see if I can get them to work.

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Reply #3 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 9:33am

Hagar   Offline
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Ah OK. It seems I answered your question after all. LOL  Wink

Trying several different examples would seem the obvious solution. It's possible you didn't follow the precedure correctly on the first one. If you still have problems give me a link to where this Firefox is posted. Providing it's not a huge download I'll try converting it myself.


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Reply #4 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 9:51am

plazz   Offline
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Hagar, your response time is awesome Thanks alot.

Here is the link where I got the Firefox from

Its approx 10mb download though. Can you let me know if you decide to try it?
I shall go through and try modding it again from scratch just to make sure Im doing it right!

Right Im off to download some aircraft files.

Thanks again, Plazz

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Reply #5 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 9:57am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

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Hagar, your response time is awesome Thanks alot.

Here is the link where I got the Firefox from

Its approx 10mb download though. Can you let me know if you decide to try it?
I shall go through and try modding it again from scratch just to make sure Im doing it right!

Right Im off to download some aircraft files.

Thanks again, Plazz

I do my best. Cheesy

It's just over my 10 Mb limit but as it's also posted here at SimV I'll give it a try just this once. I have enough to keep me quiet on this site without getting involved with stuff from other sites. This might take some time so please be patient. Wink


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Reply #6 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 12:42pm

Hagar   Offline
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OK Plazz . I tried it. No luck this time. Same error message as yours. Sorry.


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Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 1:22pm

plazz   Offline
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Thanks for trying.

Its obviously a no go, I'll have to find somthing else to fly around in!

Regards Plazz
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Reply #8 - Jan 10th, 2004 at 11:08pm

mandcsilver   Offline
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Hi Guys, I tried to get the firefox to work and also got the error message ,but when I tried a different .air file [got one off a eurofighter] it works do have to also change the .cfg file to stop the landing gear collapsing on the front wheel......change the 2.500 setting on contact points 0 1 and 2 to 2500. I don't know what the problem is with the .air file but I've only just started looking at it. I hope to fix up a .dp for it so it can fire some missiles. Will let you know how it goes.
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Reply #9 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 4:46am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Very interesting Mandcsilver. I would never have thought of trying your solution. I can't see how changing the AIR file can affect the visual model but if it works I'm not arguing. Roll Eyes Cheesy

Please let us know the results of your experiments. Wink


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Reply #10 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 5:44am

Stratobat   Offline
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I can't see how changing the AIR file can affect the visual model but if it works I'm not arguing.

I got the aircraft to show in the preview screen, but when I tried to load it up it said that there was something wrong with the flight model.


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Reply #11 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 5:56am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
I got the aircraft to show in the preview screen, but when I tried to load it up it said that there was something wrong with the flight model.


You're quite correct. I missed the important words "flight model". Must be slipping in my dotage. Roll Eyes


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Reply #12 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 9:43am

plazz   Offline
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Ok guys,
I've managed to get the Eirefox to work by using the Eurofighter .air file as suggested, so thanks so far. But there are two issues I still have. Firstly, can you please explain more about the .cfg file regarding the undercarriage, as Im not sure how to edit this? Secondly, the plane is sort of semi transparent in the fact that from an external view you can see the undercarriage retracted in the fuselage and also see the scenery whizzing by behind it.
Any ideas?

Thanks for all you help on this

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Reply #13 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 9:53am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi Plazz. The gear is quite simple to fix. Open Aircraft.cfg in Notepad. Look under the [contact_points] section for the point.0, point.1 & point.2 entries. Change the value of 2.500000 in each line to 25.00. I think that should do it. If not, change it to 2500.

I suspect the transparency is caused by the texture format. It might be possible to fix this by converting the main textures to the CFS2 default DXT1 Opaque format. You can do this with DXTBmp but take backup copies first.


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Reply #14 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 10:12am

plazz   Offline
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I'm sure I'm becoming a pain but you have now lost me completely with the texture format bit.

I suspect the transparency is caused by the texture format. It might be possible to fix this by converting the main textures to the CFS2 default DXT1 Opaque format. You can do this with DXTBmp but take backup copies first.

Would you mind explaining what I need to do this?

Also the aircraft pulls violently to the right from the moment you apply power, and no amount of joystick calibration will cure it. Ideas?

Thanks, Plazz

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Reply #15 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 11:55am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
If you have no experience with textures it might be best to let me check this out first.

First you will need the latest DXTBmp.
From Load Extended Image in DXTBmp check through �all the textures to find the ones you need to convert. These will show the exterior of the aircraft. Then Save Extended Image in DXT1 Opaque format to convert them. That's it. You should only need to convert 2 or 3 textures. Steer clear of anything that looks transparent.

Sorry. Can't help with the other problem. I'm no good with FS flight dynamics.

PS. More textures need reformatting than I thought. The file names should give you a clue.
« Last Edit: Jan 11th, 2004 at 1:35pm by Hagar »  


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Reply #16 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 1:56pm

plazz   Offline
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I've sorted out the texture thanks to your advice, the aircraft is no longer transparent. This is all good practice for me as I would like to do some more work on flight simulation aircraft models.

I feel a bit silly because I found the reason the aircraft was pulling to the right was due to the fact that the left engine spooled up first followed by the second, a which point I was half way down the runway giving it full left rudder. I assumed both engines had started together and therefore had let the brakes off to early!

Another problem has arisen though, for no apparent reason the aircraft just explodes in mid air. If you are flying straight and level its fine, but start to do some maneuvers and it flashes 'stall' on the screen and then self detonates. I've tried it high speed, low speed, gear up or down, flaps in all positions etc. but it just explodes. Can you offer any more advice?

Thanks, Plazz
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Reply #17 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 2:03pm

plazz   Offline
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Reply #18 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 2:31pm

Hagar   Offline
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This is a common problem with jets in CFS2. There's a CFG tweak to fix it on my Fox Four FAQ page.

Glad you figured out the other problem. If I'd been half awake I would have suggested it. Roll Eyes

PS. Great news on the textures too. Wink This is all good practice if you're at all interested in the development side of things.


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Reply #19 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 5:56pm

plazz   Offline
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Once again you have come to my rescue, no more exploding aircraft  Cheesy

In the film Firefox the aircraft could go up to mach 5 at low level, which is looked very fast from the cockpit veiws. Is there any way of recreating this within the game to give the same feeling of speed. My machine is a P4 2.4ghz with a 128mb graphics card so I would think that was plenty fast enough to some how increase the speed of the game, maybe?

Your thoughts on this please?

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Reply #20 - Jan 11th, 2004 at 6:07pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Hi Plazz. Glad we got things sorted out so far.

It might be possible to do what you suggest but I don't know how. FS flight dynamics was always a mystery to me. You must appreciate that although CFS2 is basically FS with guns it was never intended for jets, let alone something going at that speed. We had enough problems with the 1st generation jets in the Fox Four campaigns. The main problem is that they start shaking at high speeds. The faster you go the worse it gets although it might be possible to do something about this.

You might like to check out the AvHistory site & try their workbook. It's all Greek to me. I can't give you the exact link due to the way the site is set up. I think it's in the Tools section. Give the page plenty of time to load for the menus to appear at the top.

PS, If you simply want the impression of speed it might be possible to increase the simulation rate as in FS. I think it goes up to x4. I'm not sure about this as I've never tried it in CFS2.

PPS. Bill Potvin's Cfo_Weather will give you the Simulation Rate option. This is the CFS2 version.


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Reply #21 - Jan 12th, 2004 at 12:13am

Smoke2much   Offline
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The violent pulling to the left is caused by several aerodynamic factors.  P-Factor and Torque being the largest componants.  If you have a Logitech joystick it doesn't help.


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Reply #22 - Jan 12th, 2004 at 3:14am

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
Costa Geriatrica

Posts: 33159
Thanks Will. Plazz already figured this problem out. He didn't give the engines time to spool up.

PS. It was pulling to the right. Wink


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