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Blurred propeler probleme ! (Read 282 times)
Jan 2nd, 2004 at 7:44pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
Have some trouble whit my blurred propeler i have copy the disk from an other biplane.

i have make a circle then put the texture of a blurred propeler then cloned and fliped to have 2 side for the back side

the blurred is there  but i see anormal grey on it  like a prop  turning slowly ??? its not the still propeler and dont know why becose in the original plane they have no anormal grey on it  ???

somebody know why ?


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Reply #1 - Jan 2nd, 2004 at 10:02pm

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Okay.  I REALLY don't understand you now.

Try giving me a few pics of the aircraft in Gmax.  I don't understand what you mean by "i have make a circle then put the texture of a blurred propeler then cloned and fliped to have 2 side for the back side 

the blurred is there  but i see anormal grey on it  like a prop  turning slowly  its not the still propeler and dont know why becose in the original plane they have no anormal grey on it".  What does that MEAN? ???

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Reply #2 - Jan 2nd, 2004 at 10:13pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
Its simple whene a create a blurred propeler i beguin by making a circle of the circonference of the propeler after that i put a uvw wrapper on it then texture the circle whit the blurred picture

then clone the thing and flip

its not ok ?

whene you do a blurred how you do it ? Grin

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Reply #3 - Jan 2nd, 2004 at 10:36pm

Travis   Offline
Cannot find REALITY.SYS.
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Dripping Springs, TX

Gender: male
Posts: 4515
Why did you clone it?  There is no need to do that.

The way I make a blurred prop is to just create a cylinder the same diameter as the prop, then texturing it using a plane-type UVW modifier.  Make the texture map nearly invisible by reducing the opacity to nearly 0.  Maybe something like 5 or 10 percent.

Just out of curiosity, what language do you speak normally?

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Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2004 at 1:35am

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
maybe its the opacity i have set opacity to 30%

i have made a cylinder (not a circle) this time  that much easy whit a cylinder no clone and flip to do, thank  Smiley

and have set opacity of the blurred texture to 7 % insted of 30% (i have 2 question here , i have hear that a bmp texture format can't  exporte transparency  ???  it is thrue ?)and what the trick to change the opacity of the texture ?

i have try whit dxtbmp and paint shop pro but the transparency stey the same  ???

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Reply #5 - Jan 3rd, 2004 at 1:41am

Travis   Offline
Cannot find REALITY.SYS.
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Dripping Springs, TX

Gender: male
Posts: 4515
Okay, well, obviously, make sure you exported again.  I know this sounds like a "calling me stupid?" thing to say, but I have done this a number of times and then gotten furious at my FS for not working right.

What's this about changing the opacity for the texture? ???  Do you mean editing the actual texture so it is transparent before you put it on the aircraft?  If that is what you are talking about, forget it.  That isn't something that you can or need to do.

On any FS aircraft, the transparency of an object comes from the object being made that way in the program it was created with.

And I guess you're used to speaking French instead of English, right?

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Reply #6 - Jan 3rd, 2004 at 10:46am

Milton   Offline
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You are on the right track now.  Just set opacity around 7% and you will be fine.

There is no need to do anything with the texture; it is okay as it is applied.  If you convert it to 8-bit color depth for FS, any smoke effects will show through the blurred prop mesh just fine.

Milton&&Dash 7, Aero Commanders, Howard 500, D18S, Spartan, XP47J, Beechcraft A28 (Grizzly)
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Reply #7 - Jan 3rd, 2004 at 10:51am

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
You mean exported the texture from Gmax or from paint shop pro or dxtbmp ? sorry but im abit lost whit texturing ! Cry

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Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2004 at 2:06am

Milton   Offline
Props forever!

Gender: male
Posts: 301
Applying the 24-bit texture in gmax set the coordinates.  Use ImageTool to convert that texture to 8-bit and put it in the aircraft texture folder.

Milton&&Dash 7, Aero Commanders, Howard 500, D18S, Spartan, XP47J, Beechcraft A28 (Grizzly)
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Reply #9 - Feb 13th, 2004 at 1:23am

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
Thank for the pipe guys now im working at panel ! 8)

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