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CROSS SECTION or CYLINDER ??? (Read 209 times)
Dec 14th, 2003 at 12:43pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
here my question im a bit newbie in gmax Cry

but i have some skill for making 3d model i have made some eod model and scenary and texture for cfs1 and cfs2 but im new in model.

and im making a fuselage  of a (oldy biplane 1927 a Levasseur PL8) whit gmax my wing is done and im now beguining the fusselage  hall go good.

1 : what is the best tool for making a  fuselage.
cross section or cylender  ???

i have a 3D view of the plane whit 5 cross section view so i think cross section its the best way but

i have to know ?

2: if i make 2 section. what is the trick to merge the 2 section perfectly ?

3 : it is posible to join 2 section whit vertex  joingning 1 vertex whit an other vertex etc etc ...whit ligne.

then puting poly on it ?

i have made that whit an other  mesch editor but in gmax ?

4 : it is possible to make some new vertex point on a section  exemple for making new side ? your helpe will be exeptionaly apreciate.


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Reply #1 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 4:34pm

Travis   Offline
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Okay.  I think I got most of that.  First off, go check out the FFDS site and look at their tutorials section.  This should be a must for nearly every Gmax modeler, as it contains a wealth (or plethora, if you will) of information about Gmax and its many quirks.

As for answering some specifics:

1. In making a fuselage, I ALWAYS use a cylinder and then shape it to fit.  Even when I have cross sections.  There is a tutorial for just this thing on the FFDS site.

2. Merging two sections together is fairly easy.  Here's a little tutorial about it.

Start off by selecting one of the two objects you wish to merge together.

Make sure they have the same number of vertices on the edges you wish to join.  If they don't, I'll write out another small tutorial.  Just post another reply for it.

Now click on the highlighted button "Attach" in the shot below.


Click on the other object, or select it from the list of scene objects.

You'll notice that the two now have a seam where they were joined together.


If this doesn't bother you, stop now.  If you want to get rid of it, read on.

Go into subobject modification and select all the vertices along the seam.  Now find the small section outlined in red.


Make it look like the image below.


The number next to Selected is how close the vertices need to be before Gmax welds them together.  The other number I have no idea about, but it seems to help when set to 1 pixel.

Now just click "Selected" and the vertices you have selected should colapse correctly.

See?  No seam:


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Reply #2 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 6:03pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
Thank you Baron your the man  Wink
You help me alot  Cheesy

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Reply #3 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 6:14pm

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Glad to be of help!  Incidentally, can we get a screenshot of the aircraft you're working on?  I like seeing aircraft in the works.

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Reply #4 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 9:42pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330

Sure here the image  Wink

i have an other question it is possible to join 2 objet if the verticle are not aligned or whene there are much verticle on an objet  than the other ? exp...  i have an objet edge whit 20 verticle an the other objet whit only 15 verticle ?

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Reply #5 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 10:12pm

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Posts: 4515
Well, here's a kinda rough solution.  The bit you want to look at is the 11th post.  Just follow what X_eidos2 details.  This is the "second tutorial" I was talking about.  Make sure you do this BEFORE you attach the second object.

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Reply #6 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 10:46pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
you said you have post a tutorial about cross section ? where is hit ?

at your opinion what is the best methode for making my fuselage cross section or cylinder ?

have an other thread i have made some ligne for the auban but in c.o.f i see nothing ?? why ?

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Reply #7 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 10:48pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
... sorry

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Reply #8 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 11:34pm

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Posts: 4515
Well, if you wanted the tutorial I was talking about in my last post, here it is:;action=display;num=10...

I must have messed it up in the last one, but I think I have it right now.

I would use a cylinder, which you CAN use with cross sections.  Just make the cross sections the background for your forward view, and then adjust the sections of the cylinder you create.

This is how I always do it, so if you don't understand or need more info, I can provide.

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Reply #9 - Dec 15th, 2003 at 5:44pm

Woodylepic   Offline
Quebec Canada

Posts: 330
Thank you baron i will check that this night !your enser help me alot  Smiley i have made my piano line whit tube to day  its look bether and i have beguin  my elevon to look greyt  Cheesy

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