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Kind of idiotic question (Read 191 times)
Nov 21st, 2003 at 2:58pm

Erez   Offline
In winter 2004... He is
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Posts: 376
Hey guys, long time no see Wink
I have a dumb question, and it's dumb because I should know it already.
While (still...) working on the Lavi, which looks great by the way (and should be released in the next few months), I was getting bored about it (don't worry, it happens from time to time. I'll get back to it soon) and wanted something new.
I then recalled seeing somewhere a drawing of a I further developed Kfir with F404 engine, dubbed the "Nammer" - tiger.
Anyhow, I started doing it. It was easy and fun, very unlike the Lavi with all the troubles I had.
Ok... enough bull$hiting... Grin
I need to know how to texture one part of an object while leaving the rest of it blank or texture it with another file.
This is a stupid question since I already did it in the Lavi, but can't remember how.

Thanks in advance!


P.S: Dan, if you are reading this, I'm still waiting for the Lavi Air file.
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Reply #1 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 3:19pm

Erez   Offline
In winter 2004... He is
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Posts: 376
Here it is. Doing all that took me about 6 days Undecided
It took me two months and more to make this kind of progress in the Lavi... expertise expertise... Grin
And you DONT want to see the other side (not until I'll learn how to texture it) Wink
And BTW, I may consider converting it to all kinds of Mirages. It's depended if anyone would want that.
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Reply #2 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 3:20pm

Erez   Offline
In winter 2004... He is
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Posts: 376
Sorry, here it is.
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Reply #3 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 3:21pm

Erez   Offline
In winter 2004... He is
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Posts: 376
God... I just recalled about that one... I can't upload images to here...
I'll find a solution... Sad
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Reply #4 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 3:28pm

Erez   Offline
In winter 2004... He is
back - in white! IAI

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Reply #5 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 3:57pm

Travis   Offline
Cannot find REALITY.SYS.
Universe halted.
Dripping Springs, TX

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Are you still trying to solve the problem you were talking about above?  If so, select the polygons you want to map a different texture onto and detach them from the rest of the aircraft.  Now you can texture that part, collapse everything to an editable mesh and then reattach the part to the main body.  Then make sure you "Weld" all the vertices to each other so there is no seam where the two pieces were rejoined.

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Reply #6 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 4:19pm

Erez   Offline
In winter 2004... He is
back - in white! IAI

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Posts: 376
I'm sure there is another way...
I didn't do it in the Lavi.
And beside, collapsing that much is too hard.
But thanks any way Smiley
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Reply #7 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 4:29pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
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God... I just recalled about that one... I can't upload images to here...
I'll find a solution... Sad

Hi Erez. Welcome back. Your image uploaded fine. The path is incorrect that's all. It's case sensitive. The file name is Nammergmax.JPG - not nammergmax.jpg  

Voila.......! Wink



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Reply #8 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 4:30pm

Travis   Offline
Cannot find REALITY.SYS.
Universe halted.
Dripping Springs, TX

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Posts: 4515
HAH-HA!  That's where you're wrong!  Collapsing is not hard.  Don't use that anal retentive mother of a tool "Collapse"! Roll Eyes

Use Weld.  It's the same thing, it just does it for a large selection of vertices instead of two or three at a time.

To find it, select some vertices and scroll down the modifier window, looking carefully.  About halfway down you'll see a small section labled "Weld" with two buttons under it reading "Selected" and "Target".  These dictate how the tool collapses the vertices.  At this point, select all the vertices in the object.  Don't worry, we won't screw anything up. Wink

Next to each button is a small number entry window.  For "Selected", enter a small number.  This is the minimum distance that will be allowed between two vertices before they are collapsed into one.  I set this number between 0.125" and 0.0625" for operations like you are doing.  Now set the number next to "Target" to 1.  I'm not entirely sure what this does, but it is obviously about pixels.  I just set this to one, but I really haven't noticed any differences.

Now click the button labled "Target" until it is highlighted.  Press the "Selected" button and PRESTO!  The vertices you were wanting to "Collapse" have now been "Welded"!

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Reply #9 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 5:46pm

Erez   Offline
In winter 2004... He is
back - in white! IAI

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Posts: 376
Thanks Hagar! Wink
I'm thinking if I should go on with this project, as there are few versions of the Cheetah C, which is pretty much the same aircraft as the Kfir-2000, which is the same aircraft as the Nammer but without the F404 engine.
I just tested one of these Cheetahs, and it is good. But I then saw that you uploaded my picture and I'm a little bit in love with the way it looks, so I guess I'll continue Wink
Thanks Ender, I'll do that when I'll complete all the designing. I'm sure this knowledge that you gave me will prove useful in any airplane I'll make Wink
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Reply #10 - Nov 21st, 2003 at 8:01pm

aceronzo   Offline
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Erez, you can use the Modifiers/UV Coordinates/Unwrap UVW on one or all polys.Just remember to change the part back to editable mesh after each texture editing.Also you can multi select parts and edit texture polys,as long as they are in the same image.
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