as my previous post has gone unread, i thought i'd post again here it goes:
i'm having this problem when i try to export my plane to FS
i get an error message that says:
'MakeMDL was not found, or was not able to convert c:\gmax\gamepacks\fltsim\ximango into MDL format. check your system path to ensure MakeMDL is on it.'
then i get 'Export Module Failure'
and i can't export.
this is what the log file says:
Running model
Start! (C:\gmax\gamepacks\FlightSim\ximango)
Loading X C:\gmax\gamepacks\FlightSim\ximango...
Error in exporter: Mismatch between # vertex faces (467682) and # normal faces (907706) in part Sphere03.
now here is where things get weird.
there is NO part named Sphere03
when i hit H to select by name, i find no sphere03 even with all grups open.
i'm thinking maybe it's a part that was renamed to something else but gmax still calls it sphere03...
so what do i do now?