I feel your disappointement about this topic in french language. ???
I have two sons and I must take a ticket to use my computer,today I could find one hour to make the traduction .
It's a "home" traduction with my associates Harrap and shorter ,I hope you'll understand...
Well let's go:
The limit of +-200 for the Airbases.dat, +-100 for planes folder and the wish to change aircrafts and texture for the area in different theatres can be do with this process.
See on Netwings and Cfsfrance :
1.make a copy of the folders that you want to be specific for each theatre . exemple for the missions you create folders MisEurEF, MisEurWF, Mis Pac, Mis Afr...,idem for campagnes aircraft etc..
2.in each folder,(xxxEurWF for exemple),create text document empty and name it @EurWF.Do the same thing for each other folders xxxEurEF,xxxAfr,xxxPac...well All your folders xxxEurWF must have a txt document @EurWF.txt,all your folders xxxPac must have inside a txt document @Pac.txt,etc....
3.For the textures,same process,create folder for each theatre,in folder scenedb\world you can have AfrTex (desert)EurWFTex EurEFTex(snow for exemple) PacTex (tropical) inside each these folders place a text document empty and name it @Afr,@EurWF.,@EurEF,@Pac.,@SCW,@Kor...
4.To change airbases.dat in your cfs2\info folder,create a airbase.dat for each theatre : AirbasesAfr,AirbasesEurWF,AirbasesPac etc..,and put in this the stock bases and all these with your add-ons for each theatre.Make a backup with the original..
5.For initialise the process.rename one of these files/ folders in their default names.For exemple choose Pacific and rename MisPac to missions,CamPac to campaigns,scenedb\world\PacTex to scenedb\world\texture etc...when you do that let txt document @Pac in all the xxxPac folders normally you'll never to do that handly.
6.with Notepad.make a copy of this text following and name it CFSEurWF.bat and place it in the main cfs2 folder
for exemple my CFEurWF.bat with for the moment 4 theatre intalled EurWF(europa WF) Pac (pacific) Kor(Korea) and SCW (Spanish civil War)
in project Africa and Europa east front.
You can copy it as start point:
echo off
if exist missions\@EurEF.txt ren missions MisEurEF
if exist missions\@EurWF.txt ren missions MisEurWF
if exist missions\@Africa.txt ren missions MisAfrica
if exist missions\@Pac.txt ren missions MisPac
if exist missions\@SCW.txt ren missions MisSCW
if exist missions\@Kor.txt ren missions MisKor
ren MisEurWF missions
if exist campaigns\@EurEF.txt ren campaigns CamEurEF
if exist campaigns\@EurWF.txt ren campaigns CamEurWF
if exist campaigns\@Africa.txt ren campaigns CamAfrica
if exist campaigns\@Pac.txt ren campaigns CamPac
if exist campaigns\@SCW.txt ren campaigns CamSCW
if exist campaigns\@Kor.txt ren campaigns CamKor
ren CamEurWF campaigns
if exist aircraft\@EurEF.txt ren aircraft AirEurEF
if exist aircraft\@EurWF.txt ren aircraft AirEurWF
if exist aircraft\@Africa.txt ren aircraft AirAfrica
if exist aircraft\@Pac.txt ren aircraft AirPac
if exist aircraft\@SCW.txt ren aircraft AirSCW
if exist aircraft\@Kor.txt ren aircraft AirKor
ren AirEurWF aircraft
if exist scenedb\world\texture\@EurWF.txt ren scenedb\world\texture EurWFTex
if exist scenedb\world\texture\@Pac.txt ren scenedb\world\texture PacTex
if exist scenedb\world\texture\@Africa.txt ren scenedb\world\texture AfrTex
if exist scenedb\world\texture\@EurEF.txt ren scenedb\world\texture EurEFTex
if exist scenedb\world\texture\@SCW.txt ren scenedb\world\texture SCWTex
if exist scenedb\world\texture\@Kor.txt ren scenedb\world\texture KorTex
ren scenedb\world\EurWFTex texture
if exist uires\@EurEF.txt ren uires UIREurEF
if exist uires\@EurWF.txt ren uires UIREurWF
if exist uires\@Africa.txt ren uires UIRAfrica
if exist uires\@Pac.txt ren uires UIRPac
if exist uires\@SCW.txt ren uires UIRSCW
if exist uires\@Kor.txt ren uires UIRKor
ren UIREurWF uires
if exist quickcom\@EurEF.txt ren quickcom QCEurEF
if exist quickcom\@EurWF.txt ren quickcom QCEurWF
if exist quickcom\@Africa.txt ren quickcom QCAfrica
if exist quickcom\@Pac.txt ren quickcom QCPac
if exist quickcom\@SCW.txt ren quickcom QCSCW
if exist quickcom\@Kor.txt ren quickcom QCKor
ren QCEurWF quickcom
copy Info\airbasesEurWF.dat Info\airbases.dat
7.Make a copy this text file and create CFSPac inside, don't change any "if exist.." lines,but modifie "ren.." lines replacing EurWF for Pac.for exemple " ren CamEurWF campaigns" gonna be " ren CamPac campaigns".
In "copy info\airbasesEurWF.dat Info\airbases.dat" line replace airbasesEurWF for airbasesPac.
8.create in the same way CFSKor, CFSSCW....for each op.theatre.
9.It's the end soon! If you click in the CFSEurWF.bat,a DOS window will open and all the xxxEurWF folders will be renamed in their defaults names :missions, campaigns,aircraft etc....and will copy AirbasesEurWF.dat for Airbases.dat.
10.sometimes the DOS doesn't close at the end of process ,close it handly.If you want a automatic close do a right click and go to property (propriétés in french) and choose "close leaving" or something like this...I have not this problem...
That's all, do a short cut of each batch.file CFSPac CFSKor CFSSCW CFSEurWF.. in your desktop and choose your Op theatre by clicking before launch Cfs2 game.
However,creating this files,check scrupulously any folders names @xxx.txt and others xxx.dat they must have the right spelling.
Finally this process works very well ,use less space in your HD and especially avoid to install addons in differents CFS2installs.The MB works also with each theatre .
I hope it was not too long and I really recommand this process.
At the begin make a test with two different theatre and when you'll understand the mechanism you'll can create the other OP theatre.
Do the tests with the main cfs2 folder open you'll see the folder changing name and you'll find easely any error and were they came.
Thanks to Guy for this tip and all other in CfsFrance for their help.