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Afterburner-Whats the Point? (Read 191 times)
Oct 4th, 2003 at 3:34pm

Uncle   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 6
Hi all- new to the forum and very new to design.   You can't even call it that yet-I am just getting my feet wet by tweaking other peoples stuff in order to learn a little.

My question is this:

Whats the point of an afterburner in Microsoft Flight Sim?
There are three places you can tweak this (that I know of):
-Game Key assignments in the game itself

-The aircraft config file: afterburner =1 or 0

-And also the .mdl file

Despite setting all these to say, "Yes I want an afterburner" I cannot tell any result.

Am I missing something?  Maybe it's not possible and I just don't know.

Ideally I would like to be able to set a static thrust limit, say for example 17,000# and an afterburner limit to

Further, I would like to be able to see this on my RPM gauge as well (I realize that might be a separate issue).

Can this be done? 

Thanks for you patience.  Maybe this has been answered- if so i apologize. 

By the way, I am a USAF instructor pilot (KC-135/T-37/T-38) if anyone has any questions.


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Reply #1 - Oct 4th, 2003 at 5:07pm

ozzy72   Offline
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Pretty scary huh?

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Hi Uncle, welcome to the forums. I assume that what you mean is when you are nailing the throttle you can't see an afterburner effect, this is something you have to add to the effects section in your aircraft.cfg file.
As for things showing on the gauges, not my field I'm afraid, but I'm sure someone here will have the answer.
With adjusting things like the thrust levels etc, you must also edit the .air file, I'd recommend downloading AirEd from the utilities section here, as this will allow you to edit the .air file to your hearts content. If you need any help with flight dynamics don't hesitate to holler Wink


There are two types of aeroplane, Spitfires and everything else that wishes it was a Spitfire!
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Reply #2 - Oct 4th, 2003 at 5:18pm

Uncle   Offline
Lieutenant Colonel
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 6
Hey Thanks for the reply. 

I think I didn't state the problem clearly.  It is not a visual effect I am looking for.  I know how to do that (I think!)

I want a difference in thrust.  I do have the Aired program.  It's pretty good.

I just don't see any difference in any flying characteristic whether there is an AB or not.

(By the way, not important but my last post should have said T-38 not T-3 smiley face...)

Thanks again.
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Reply #3 - Oct 4th, 2003 at 5:24pm

Hagar   Offline
My Spitfire Girl
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I haven't used AB since trying the FS2000 Concorde in FS2002 but seem to remember you have to assign a key to operate it. This can be done from FS2002/Settings/Assignments - Reheat/Afterburner On/Off. I imagine it's the same in FS2004. You can also assign a spare joystick button to it.

It won't work unless the option is selected in Section 1521 in the AIR file. It's possible the Aircraft.cfg afterburner=1  option would do it as the CFG entries overide those in the AIR file.

I'm no flight dynamics wizard. I hope this helps.

PS. I just investigated a little further. I spotted AIR file  section 1524 - Turbine Reheat Thrust factor vs Mach Number. I suspect this is what you're looking for. The best way would be to download a Concorde & check that out.


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