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Dumb But Good (Read 233 times)
Sep 14th, 2003 at 9:00pm

goball65   Offline
Kitchener Ontario Canada

Gender: male
Posts: 103
Couple in bed and their doorbell rings at 3a.m.
Husband goes to the front door and is confronted by a drung asking him to give him a push.
Husband slams door and returns to bed and relates story to wife who feels sorry for the drunk and tells hubby yo go down and give him a push.
Hubby returns to front door and the drunk is nowhere to be seen so he hollers I'm here to give you a push where are you
Drunk replies out here on the swing.
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Reply #1 - Sep 15th, 2003 at 4:27am

Polynomial   Offline
Health is merely the slowest
possible way to die.
Brisbane, Australia

Gender: male
Posts: 1951
in the running for a P*I*T*A i think . . .
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Reply #2 - Sep 15th, 2003 at 5:08am

Dan   Offline
Meet Bogart! Thanks CRAIG!
Carmarthenshire, Wales, Uk!

Gender: male
Posts: 2053
What a... Pushover!  Tongue Very good
Wales, Uk
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