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"Best" Gmax Tutorial? (Read 531 times)
Reply #15 - Sep 9th, 2003 at 11:03am

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

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Posts: 5989
Ender Baron-

I wasn't really looking for anything particular, I was just hoping to learn a new skill that is useless anywhere but in F$.  lol

To do this, I was hoping to build me a purdy lil 727, but after going through the landing gear tutorial, I've decided that it's just way too much to learn just for a hobby.  lol

Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #16 - Sep 9th, 2003 at 3:44pm

Travis   Offline
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Hey, man, that's why I'm learning it!  I used to use TurboCAD every day, and that was just a hobby, but I soon learned to use it very proficiently.  If I just spend a few hours a week on Gmax, I'm sure I can get used to it.  It will certainly take me awhile, though.  I consider it a usefull waste of my time . . .

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Reply #17 - Sep 9th, 2003 at 3:58pm

Scottler   Offline
Albany, New York USA

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Posts: 5989
And then six months from now, you'll get an email that says "Hey Ender Baron, I need you to make me a DC-10."    haha j/k

Great edit, Bob.&&&&&&Google it. &&&&
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Reply #18 - Sep 9th, 2003 at 5:31pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
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And then six months from now, you'll get an email that says "Hey Ender Baron, I need you to make me a DC-10."    haha j/k

You forgot to add: "In historic Eastern Air Lines livery"..

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Reply #19 - Sep 10th, 2003 at 4:25am

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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I made a promise to myself when I started doing this.  "I will never make a flying cigar tube!" Roll Eyes  And I don't plan on it.

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Reply #20 - Sep 10th, 2003 at 7:46am

Felix/FFDS   Offline
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL

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A modeller after Inspector POly's heart ...

I made a promise to myself when I started doing this.  "I will never make a flying cigar tube!" Roll Eyes  And I don't plan on it.


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Reply #21 - Sep 10th, 2003 at 5:58pm

Travis   Offline
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Dripping Springs, TX

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Posts: 4515
Who ees dees "Inspector Poly"?

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Reply #22 - Sep 12th, 2003 at 1:01pm

Katahu   Offline

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Posts: 6920
I haven't read this entire thread, so pardon me if I repeat anything.

There is this website that not only gives you loads of tutorials, but also TONS of 3 view images (from cars, to weapons, to even characters and planes of all sorts).

Go to this website, and you'll be surprised if you explore it a little more than you have to.

This is where I learned how to master the art of the SPLINE tool that Gmax has to offer. I'm pretty surprised that not that many people know about it.

On e of the tuts teaches you how to make a car by using the spline tool rather than a primitive object like a box. The new tool may be advanced for you people, but the site also offers you a tut that teaches you the very basics of splines (a lot better than those tuts that FS9 and discreet provides).

I think that also has a tutorial that teaches you how to make the heads of you favorite character(s) by using the spline tool as well rather than a simple box that the common tuts tell you.

At the same time, the site also provides many pics of the finished models. The pics gives you an idea of how much it pays off to know all about you 3-D design program.

These tuts only refer to 3Ds Max. However, since 3Ds Max and Gmax have the exact same tools, features, and rely on the same principals, you'll quickly get the hang of these tutorials even if you only have Gmax rather than 3Ds Max.

The spline tool is what I used to make the model of Project Mercedes and Project Have Blue.
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Reply #23 - Sep 12th, 2003 at 7:00pm

Han   Offline

Posts: 27
Although the tutorials at the site underneath are not in relation to airplanes but if you want some basic skills of max (gmax is just a flavor of max) try the ones at They are video's with sound, and sometimes a bit corny, but the thing is they do the tutorial from the bare basics of it all. Including some students who make comments that aren't used to gmax and 3d modelling in general. If you have nerdy humour qualities, check it out...the only thing you need is a reasonable fast connection, you have to register at the site (FREE!) and brew a cup of coffee and you can be busy for hours...I certainly recommend the first two VTM's of the site, the rest is maybe a bit too far advanced, these first two are made in the mother of gmax > max4, and although some color's might be different, the basic setup of the programs is the same...

One of the vid's you'll find interesting in regard to blueprints, is issue number 4, video 1 and 2...

If you succesfully registred at the site, look in the left pane under downloads>3Dmax...

Pilots are the best computers we can put aboard aircraft, and the only ones that can be massproduced with unskilled labor..
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