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Odd aircraft behavior (Read 202 times)
Aug 8th, 2003 at 11:53am

Meteorit-N   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Kangasniemi, Finland

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Posts: 16
I've been making a MiG-35 (MFI) prototype for FS2002 with gmax. I tried to create flight dynamics with Aircraft Editor by creating a new "supersonic jet" and then changing .cfg file parameters both within the editor and manually. But when I load the aircraft in FS, it just loops around in the air increadibly fast no matter what I do.

What should I do? Everything in the .cfg file should be reasonably OK, and I don't feel I have enough skill to tamper with the .air file directly. How do other designers get accurate .air files? You can't just use someone other's .air file as a template for copyright reasons, can you.

And one other guestion: how do I get trailing edge flaps to deploy downwards? I've tried to orient the pivot point in almost all directions but the flap always rotates upwards when I press F7!

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Reply #1 - Aug 8th, 2003 at 1:43pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL

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Typically, most modellers will either collaborate with a flight dynamics specialist, or base their flight dynamics on an existing model with similar performance - with, of course, proper credits and permissions.

As to your forward flaps - have you tried reversing the pivot 180 degrees, so that the "Z" direction points "back"?


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Reply #2 - Aug 10th, 2003 at 3:35pm

Meteorit-N   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Kangasniemi, Finland

Gender: male
Posts: 16
Sorry, but the _trailing_ edge flap thing didn't help - they still move upwards when I press F7. Could someone please tell EXACTLY how do you get the r_flap and l_flap parts rotate properly?

As for the flight dynamics, I tried changing the .air file to that of the Learjet, and now the aircraft behaves somewhat reasonably. I know that some modellers have a separate flight dynamics specialist. However, for those who don't, I don't remember any of the FS aircraft I've downloaded having a 'thanks to X for original air-file' section in credits. Isn't it somewhat surprising that the world seems to be full of air-file professionals?  Wink Sad
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Reply #3 - Aug 10th, 2003 at 7:36pm

Felix/FFDS   Offline
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL

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The r_flap and l_flap tags are stock animation tags and their movement depends on the position and orientation of the part's pivot point.

You may want to consider the l_pct_lead_edge_flap0, r_pct_lead_edge_flap0, l_pct_lead_edge_flap1, r_pct_lead_edge_flap1 key frame animation keys, in conjunction with your aircraft.cfg flap set entries.

Could someone please tell EXACTLY how do you get the r_flap and l_flap parts rotate properly?


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Reply #4 - Aug 10th, 2003 at 10:01pm

Travis   Offline
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Sorry, but the _trailing_ edge flap thing didn't help - they still move upwards when I press F7. Could someone please tell EXACTLY how do you get the r_flap and l_flap parts rotate properly?

As for the flight dynamics, I tried changing the .air file to that of the Learjet, and now the aircraft behaves somewhat reasonably. I know that some modellers have a separate flight dynamics specialist. However, for those who don't, I don't remember any of the FS aircraft I've downloaded having a 'thanks to X for original air-file' section in credits. Isn't it somewhat surprising that the world seems to be full of air-file professionals?  Wink Sad

You want some help with that .air file?  I can try to make a completely new one for you, if you can provide me with the information I would need.

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Reply #5 - Aug 11th, 2003 at 3:23pm

Meteorit-N   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Kangasniemi, Finland

Gender: male
Posts: 16
I'm sorry, but I think the problem is I don't have enough information for the air file. Exact information about the MiG-35 is probably highly classified. I was able to measure the information required for the aircraft.cfg from 3-view drawings etc, but the air-file as seen by the 'AirEd' program is full of tables and graphs tagged 'unknown'. I'm mainly wondering how can aircraft behavior be so way off even though the cfg-file values should be fairly reasonable.  ???
Anyway, thanks for the help offer Ender_Baron, I can e-mail you the aircraft.cfg for review if you wish.  Smiley
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