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Computer opponents in Multiplayer...??? (Read 164 times)
Aug 4th, 2003 at 12:03pm

Dark_Angel   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 3
I played CFS2 over Home Network.
Is there somthing else as "all against eachother"...
If I try playing the "Team Mode", but I need more than 2 network player's...
Is somewhere somthing to play as Team against computer opponent's...
Or somthing else where 2 Player can play together against somthing, for example in a Mission...??? Sad

Otherwise it get's boring after a while...
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Reply #1 - Aug 4th, 2003 at 10:45pm

_526th_Fireman   Offline
S~ to all fair and honorable
pilots. S~!!
Joshua Texas

Gender: male
Posts: 1148
Hi Dark Angel,

Yes, there is a place to play. It's called the ZONE by MSN. Lots of pilots fly combat and just fly around. You have to have a Hotmail account and a net.passport. Go to and get a Hotmail acct. and sign up for a net.passport. Once you have done this, go here and get the files you need to get on the ZONE. They are relatively small in size.

Then you will be ready to fly in CFS2 on the Zone with lots of other players.

You can download mission files and use with a friend or in your home over a LAN network. But some off the mission installation proceedures can be tricky so it's best left alone for now.

Good luck.

Systemax Sabre Ultimate gaming rig.&&&&I got all the goodies and all the power I need to run anything thrown at me for the next two months!
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