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Where did Microsoft go wrong? (Read 1297 times)
Jul 6th, 2003 at 11:39pm

west   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 17
I just bought cfs3 and am very unsatisfied with its performance.  I also have MSFS2002 running with the highest quality settings without any problem but I can't even get the opening cfs3 page to run smoothly without going to really low settings.  I have done the patch, the riva tuner thing and the video drivers etc with no resulting change in performance.  Typical behaviour is when I fly and get into a dogfight it will freeze for a few seconds, especially when I fire the guns, the aerodynamic models are crap, the planes seem to stall if you do a tight turn etc etc.  What else can I try to improve things?  My advice so far, to anyone who wants this sort of package is to buy something else.  I was expecting to get MSFS2k2 with combat facitilites but I think the free game that came with MSFS2k2 (fighter ace I think) is much better!  Give me your thoughts!
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Reply #1 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 12:45am

Scorpiоn   Offline
Take it easy!
The Alamo

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Personally, my thoughts are I'm tired of griping posts.  We've had these incessantly since the day CFS3 came out.

The Devil's Advocate.&&...
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Reply #2 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 1:15am
ViNtAgE FlYa   Ex Member

yeah, i'm tired of people complaining, but no offence aye.... have a look around at other post West, that may help you....
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Reply #3 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 4:58am
gregoryp   Guest

   the aerodynamic models are crap, the planes seem to stall if you do a tight turn etc etc.  What else can I try to improve things?

Try dialing in some nose down trim. That will help reduce the stall problem and make the default flight models more manageable.
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Reply #4 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 7:04am

maverick8806   Offline
y drink and drive if u
can smoke and fly
Belgium, Leuven

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Posts: 15
west, u can't expect WWII planes to fly like F-16's or F-18's... . Check out the other posts, u'll find some tips to reduce the stalling... .I hope u'll find out that CFS3 is a good game.
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Reply #5 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 11:18am

Whitey   Offline

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Posts: 2697
I'm beggining to get fed up of people only posting complaints... Angry

If you have a problem, ask how to sort it, please...don't just rant about it. Wink Smiley
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Reply #6 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 2:21pm

codered   Offline
Flight Plan Closed?

Posts: 1622
It took buying a new video card for me.  Also, do not expect to have the sliders maxed out just because you have FS2002 maxed.  They are two completely different beasts.  I have the sliders on CFS3 about half.  I have the detail turned up on the things that are very important to me, and the lesser things turned down or off.  As far as aircraft performance, like it was said they are not F16's.  Their performance is based on your loadout and fuel.  For example, the P51 fully loaded with weapons and fuel will perform terrible.  This holds true from interviews with actual  pilots of P51's.

Windows XP SP1&&Motherboard: Epox 8RDA + main board&&Processor: AMD XP2500 Barton CPU&&Memory: PC2700 1gb Geil DDR&&Hard Drive: SEA HDD IDE 40GB 7M 40GPP&&Hard Drive: Western Digital 40gb 8mb cache&&Monitor 15 LCD Flat Panel Display (15 viewable)&&Video Card: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro&&Sound Card: Creative Labs Audigy 2
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Reply #7 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 5:00pm

Woodlouse2002   Offline
I like jam.
Cornwall, England

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west, u can't expect WWII planes to fly like F-16's or F-18's... . Check out the other posts, u'll find some tips to reduce the stalling... .I hope u'll find out that CFS3 is a good game.

I personally expect my Spitfires to fly better than F16's and F18's. Tongue They can certainly turn tighter.

Woodlouse2002 PITA and BAR!!!!!!!!&&&&Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the Act made in the first year of King George the First for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God Save the King.&&&&Viva la revolution!
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Reply #8 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 6:25pm

Iroquois   Offline
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Ontario Canada

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If West posts his system specs including DirectX version and video card driver version, maybe I can help.

I only pretend to know what I'm talking about. Heck, that's what lawyers, car mechanics, and IT professionals do everyday. Wink&&The Rig: &&AMD Athlon XP2000+ Palomino, ECS K7S5A 3.1, 1GB PC2700 DDR, Geforce FX5200 128mb, SB Live Platinum, 16xDVD, 16x10x40x CDRW, 40/60gb 7200rpm HDD, 325w Power, Windows XP Home SP1, Directx 9.0c with 66.81 Beta gfx drivers
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Reply #9 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 6:45pm

4_Series_Scania   Offline
He who laughs last, thinks
Stoke on Trent England U.K.

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Posts: 3638
I don't think Microsoft "went wrong" as such, I feel its more a case of some of us users expecting far too much out of CFS3 with our CFS2 / FS2002 optimised machines.......

I had CFS2 running superbly , giving excellent screenshots as many forum members will recall,however, I still expected to upgrade once CFS3 was released.

I did'nt expect to have to replace my Mobo, CPU, RAM and Graphics card (Twice!)

Firstly, CFS2 was great as I said on my old setup.
This was the following.....
PIII 667, 256MB 133 SDRAM, Geforce2 MX400 64 MB.
When I installed CFS3, I was impressed it ran at all! However, upgrades were required.

I Then replaced the MX400 with aGeforce4 MX440 64MB and CFS3 was truly transformed! - It was now possible to actually see flight albeit with stutters etc

The Riva Tweak et al was applied, and the results while better, still weren't near acceptable for a combat sim.

OK, Time to get Radical........

Motherboard Replaced,along with a nice new Sct 478 Celeron 1.7Ghz CPU (Me foolishly thinking it was a number crunching deficiency on my pIII's part....) along with some PC 2700 DDR RAM of 256MB size...... A 7200 RPM Seagate 80Gb HD can't hurt either I thought......

Great! some results at last....... Alas,still stutters and this was after the fabled MS 3.1 Patch along with that CD Patch.........
Hmm, me thinks, could it be RAM?  !!! Ahh! so I drop another 256MB in and although Battlefield 1942 came alive, CFS3 seemed hardly bothered by this new RAM at all......


Finally, knowing the MX can't really cut the mustard, I finally took the plunge and bought a "Proper" graphics card.......

CFS3 lives at last!

1280x1024 32, everything set to "4" (before patch etc on a fresh Windows XP install) resulted in a wonderful stutter free flight!

Ok, I've yet to patch and start tweaking properly, but it seems CFS3 wants high GPU power! and high everything else!
However, considering the astounding number of posts with regard to problems with CFS3, I feel its very much a lottery of configuration of an almost endless list of PC Motherboards, chipsets etc all of which seem to have their own little set of issues and conflicts.....

Remember, my machine is hardly top end spec, and I've certainly not got the most expensive motherboard to ever walk the earth! However, I seem to have finally struck lucky and got CFS3 to run sweetly at last.

MS's Century of Flight..... I don't think I can afford another set of upgrades yet!  Wink  Grin  Undecided

Out of curiosity, I think I'm going to put the Geforce FX into my old pIII machine, run CFS3 and see if the stutters return...... I'll let you guys know. 


Posting drivel here since Jan 31st, 2002. - That long!
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Reply #10 - Jul 7th, 2003 at 11:24pm

west   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 17
Ahh, at last something constructive, of course I always thought a forum was the place to have a good winge, Microsoft sure as hell don't want to know!!
I am using a 1.4 gHz AMD processor with 256 DDR RAM and a gForce 4 MX440 64 Mb video card, 4 series scania can you tell me what your "proper" video card is?
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Reply #11 - Jul 8th, 2003 at 12:08am

Scorpiоn   Offline
Take it easy!
The Alamo

Gender: male
Posts: 4496
1.4 Ghz?  That's not supreme, but not bad either.  I have 1.5 times your RAM, a more powerful video card but less than half your processing power, and I'd still say you're in a better position than me.  Mostly because replacing your processor requires a motherboard change too, and that's almost a new computer.  I'd recommend bumping your RAM up to the 500s or 700s region, and a more powerful video card.  That should leave you with rather good performance.  I get good FPS except with more than 3 bombers or around lots of specific buildings (airfield, railstation and factory squished close to each other.)  Dunno what scania would say, but my proper video card would be GeForce FX 5900, but if you have my budget, I'd go with a GeForce Ti-4200 128Mb.

The Devil's Advocate.&&...
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Reply #12 - Jul 8th, 2003 at 4:56am

Whitey   Offline

Gender: male
Posts: 2697
Clouds really eat my framerates... Sad...they make it stutter from tiem to time as well...flak's not a problem, just clouds! Roll Eyes

Oh well, I run smoothly with everything except clouds set at 5.  Clouds are set at 3. Grin
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Reply #13 - Jul 8th, 2003 at 5:16pm

1danny   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 150
i disabled clouds and rain i only fly on sunny days now just bought some ram a lamb a ding dongs do i hop eha helps i really wnt it too
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Reply #14 - Jul 8th, 2003 at 11:52pm
danny   Guest

it worked it worked 256 ram added did the trick Grin
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Reply #15 - Jul 8th, 2003 at 11:52pm
danny   Guest

it worked it worked 256 ram added did the trick Grin
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Reply #16 - Jul 9th, 2003 at 3:54pm

4_Series_Scania   Offline
He who laughs last, thinks
Stoke on Trent England U.K.

Gender: male
Posts: 3638
I am using a 1.4 gHz AMD processor with 256 DDR RAM and a gForce 4 MX440 64 Mb video card, 4 series scania can you tell me what your "proper" video card is?

west, take a peek here sir! Smiley  Wink

I'm quite sure some would consider a middle range Geforce FX hardly "proper" but I'm more than happy with it, and I still have change out of the £300+ I would otherwise have spent on a Geforce FX5800 / FX5900 , Ati Radeon 9700 / 9800(The real "proper card's" you may say), to go buy a "Proper" i.e. Pentium 4 cpu rather than my cheap Celeron.

Having tried the FX5600 in my old pIII machine, and seen zero stutter (but only having upgraded it to 512 mb from 256mb which was stuttery as hell!) it seems to me I could have saved myself a pile of cash simply by keeping my old pIII (and its only 667mhz!) and buying a full house card of the time - Namely a GF4 ti 4600 which at the time of CFS3's launch cost about £300.

Instead, I've upgraded to a better machine,spent roughly the same amount of money as the GF4ti would have cost me back then, but, I now have two machines (a bit of a mix of old & new bits both of them) which are networked together both more than capable of a LAN CFS2 dogfight @1024x768 with full sliders!

So, thank's M$ for CFS3, you've improved my CFS2 experiences no end.
Now, I'm finally starting to learn CFS3 without stutters and nursing a dent in my wallet!

Incidentally, trying CFS3 in the pIII but this time re-fitted with my "old" GF4 MX440, alas despite 512MB RAM, the dreaded stutters return.

I'm still worried, many people are out there with CFS3 and vastly better rigs than mine,yet, they still are having problems.......

I wonder if a second patch is required to sort this lottery of compatibility out?


Posting drivel here since Jan 31st, 2002. - That long!
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