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› 3dsMax > GMax > Makemdl... scale prob
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3dsMax > GMax > Makemdl... scale prob (Read 165 times)
Jun 24
, 2003 at 4:56am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 3
I created an aircraft model in 3dsMax, then realized it was HUGE (about 30x too big) when I converted it through GMax to a .mdl file. So, I went back and scaled it down to a proper size, checking it with the Tape tool (and also making sure it was the proper metric units)... but now the Makemdl exporter seems to choke on a lot of the vertices, and gives these lines in the log file:
(Part Fuselage) Found colocated vertices within triangle
(-0.000390, 0.001196, 0.010703)
(-0.000205, 0.001137, 0.011634)
( 0.000139, 0.000920, 0.010716).
(Part Fuselage) Found colocated vertices within triangle
( 0.000139, 0.000920, 0.010716)
( 0.000207, 0.000876, 0.011552)
( 0.000424, 0.000000, 0.010915).
(Part Fuselage) Found colocated vertices within triangle
( 0.000207, 0.000876, 0.011552)
(-0.000205, 0.001137, 0.011634)
( 0.000158, 0.001186, 0.012134).
...etc. etc. many times (to make a log file of 400k!)
A friend of mine who is a programmer thinks it may be some kind of floating point interpolation prob with the large scaling difference, which has "confused" the exporter...
I tried using the Optimize modifier on the whole model, and also Weld Selected on vertex sub-objects, but this distorts the model and still has the colocated vertex errors (albeit fewer ones).
Is there any way to solve this prob w/out having to go back to Square One? (Sheesh... it was a lotta work!).
TIA, -Johno
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Reply #1 -
Jun 24
, 2003 at 7:05am
FINALLY an official Granddad!
Orlando, FL
Posts: 1000000627
Typically you should just need to weld vertices on just that part - fuselage, in this case -
Could it be that you have too large a weld threshold?
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Reply #2 -
Jun 24
, 2003 at 5:24pm
Toy Maker
Posts: 558
PteroKat, check your international settings in the control panel.
Don´t know how exactly it translates into english, I´ll try anyway.
Under "numbers" or so, set your decimal separator to a point rather than a comma, this should most likely cure the problem. This is for the case that it´s not a problem in your source file.
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Reply #3 -
Jun 25
, 2003 at 11:10am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 3
Well... I've messed around with various cranky exporters... Shockwave 3D, Plasma, Flash etc... this one beats 'em all...
Here's what I've accomplished so far in GMax/Makemdl, using my too-big 3dsMax model (after about a dozen different tries):
I'm starting to think it's not a vertex weld issue, but wholly due to scaling errors...
In 3dsMax I did a Group on all the aircraft parts (fuselage, wings, tail what-have-you, which all appear in the error log) and applied a Xform modifier... scaled it all down to 10%... then collapsed the Xform... then unGrouped and exported it to GMax. It was about 1/5th too small in there, so I scaled it UP to the right size... and hey, presto! error log file ("colocated vertices") of only 5K! Ahh, maybe I can work with this... (I think??).
I won't go into all the see-saw scalings and error logs before that... it makes me dizzy just thinking about it... don't know what happened exactly, but somehow I got it pared down.
Lesson #1: Scale It Right The First Time, Bubs! (but hey, that WAS my first time... I didn't mean it, honest...)
etc. etc.
In the decimal/comma issue, Mathias... I assume you meant the Windows control panel? I understand that the US notatation is to use points for the decimals... but there are some other countries that use commas... the default in my box is points, near as I can tell.
Anyway, tanx for the responses, guys...
(think maybe I'm getting close, though).
- Johno
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