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cfs2  RR chat frozen (Read 224 times)
Jun 16th, 2003 at 1:16pm

RAAF453_Shep   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 63
Gidday , got a M8 that has a strange bug in his -2 game.
  His Ready Room Chat  shows the first line , then doesnt refresh to show anymore ?  He runs W XP home, and the game runs fine. I sent him the RAAF  rr fix , to give a bigger screen, but that didnt change  anything.
I am leaning twards a OS tweak to try to resolve it, but  wonder if anyone  has any ideas ?
He's reinstalled the game.... and redone his Zone Files ... with no help.

any help or thoughs will be greatly appreciated.
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Reply #1 - Jun 17th, 2003 at 4:40am

kevib1   Offline
Hampshire, UK

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Posts: 74
Can't really offer a lot here other than I have win XP home and don't have any problems.

Can I check whether you mean that only the first line entered by anyone can be seen and no-ones replies or do you mean that when he is typing in the text box the text runs out the end of the box and he can't see what he is typing?

Don't shoot me!!
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Reply #2 - Jun 17th, 2003 at 7:41pm

_526th_Fireman   Offline
S~ to all fair and honorable
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Joshua Texas

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Posts: 1148
Saw this post earlier and did some research at Nibbles and Bits and MS Support. Even asked a + Member friend of mine on the Zone and so far, they haven't heard anything about this problem. But try these few things as I believe I found a few "hints" that might suggest where the problem lays.

Have your friend make sure he has the latest Video drivers for his card to start. Then make sure he has and is using DirectX 9.0a, the final realease not the beta. Available at MS. See what happens then. If still bad, he can try a different set of drivers for his video card.

Make sure he at least has the XP Service Pack 1 installed. This one fixed many problems for Zone gamers.
Tweaking Xp might help, as it sure could use some work. It robs lots of resources that could better be used towards the game.

I put a tutorial up at my site and even some little programs that help out XP and other Operating Systems run more efficiently.  Scroll down to the CFS2 Tweaking link.

The things I read at Nibbles and Bits, a great Zone troubleshooting and tweaking site, lead me believe this problem of your friends is either a driver issue or how he has his OS set up. Security, cookies etc. Here is their link if he cares to do some research there.

Hope this helps. Keep us posted.

Systemax Sabre Ultimate gaming rig.&&&&I got all the goodies and all the power I need to run anything thrown at me for the next two months!
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Reply #3 - Jun 17th, 2003 at 8:00pm

_526th_Fireman   Offline
S~ to all fair and honorable
pilots. S~!!
Joshua Texas

Gender: male
Posts: 1148
Just stumbled across another possibility. Make sure he has no anti virus programs running as some will shut down the chat which is really what the RR in a CFS2 game is. He can always start it back up after he leaves the room.

Systemax Sabre Ultimate gaming rig.&&&&I got all the goodies and all the power I need to run anything thrown at me for the next two months!
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Reply #4 - Jun 30th, 2003 at 12:43pm

RAAF453_Shep   Offline
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 63
thanks Fireman....I appreciate the responses, yes he does run AV , but this was ok  b4 the problem started, and dont seem to know what he did to enguage the problem to begin with.
He mentioned to me , that it happened all the sudden. and all my attempts to resolve it , were failures. I first thought a JAVA script  problem, as he doesnt update it as often as he should... but nothing there. he's tried it with the AV off, and reinstalled the game a few times.
Wish he was closer to me, ..I'd drive over to see 4 myself. doing this , from a distance  makes it almost impossible .
I send links to him, but it's Greek ( no offense to the Greeks  ) to him about the text in those links.
so I guess he'll either have to find someone closer to him to drop in and look it over, or send me the tower to check deeper. I do alot of system tweaks online for my friends , and have the worst time with XP systems, as I dont have a copy of it to play with.
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